Holy shit.
Looking back at my 2021 review when I gave the game flak for being three years in development with not much to show for it. It seems like my added
'Give it three years' hopeful end isn't going to turn out.
LFMAO. Unless Eromancer gets off his ass and produces actual content, by 2024 this game is still going to be a shitfest.
What has the scene count been since 2021? I had listed it as only 9(not including the reskin animations.)
Ok, last version I have is 2023-1-24 total scenes = 13 with Oynx.
But hold on, some of you some may say. There are other scenes.
Yea, you got the background scenes of Bladebunnies which were again background. The sex is only two repeat loops and there is a blowjob with just variation of topless or not with the finish.
Female cop is just reskinned of Oynx with Wraxe and/or Viorepeaper. (Literally, all it is, so not even counting it.)
So in theory, if you want to even include the bunnies(I don't remember if they were in 2021 or not) that would be a total of 15 scenes. (Only a bunny BJ with clothing variation and sex scene)
Nov 2021 = 9 scenes
Jan 2023 = 13(15?) scenes?
April 2023+ = ?? Scenes
2024 = 18(?) scenes