
Active Member
Jul 28, 2020
They should hire you. You would make Eromancer a shit ton of money by just using whats already there, selling it as something new.
And thank you, sir.
Is not sir, but u welcome :3
Also people would hate me even more than they do now if i did work for him lol
That tool is works with other unity games not just P.O. It depends on whether its a Mono or IL2CPP game, each has its own plugin.
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Apr 10, 2023
So many pals complained about the poor updating speed and content. In my opinion, just let it go. If Eromancer finally makes the game nice, you can consider to buy one; but if they keep sucking money and doing basic nothing, just come here and get an "unlicensed" copy of it.
For me, I've never supported their program, the program costs me nothing. So just let it go, if the game has the day to be completed, get a Champagne to celebrate its birth; if it doesn't, also get a Champagne to celebrate at its grave. Lots of people are spending money for Eromancer, however, NOT my money; Eromancer gets lots of money, however, NOT my money. Victims of being scammed? I don't care, none of my business.
Arguing here makes no sense. Those who think the game has potential and Eromancer has wasted it, leaving a message at Eromancer's supporting website or DM them with cuss may be more effective, arguing here you get nothing but rage.


New Member
Apr 24, 2022
hello I would like to know how to install the free cam mods on pureonyx. I have a copy of the game 0.89 I don't know where to add the free cam. Thank you and if you can do sceenshoot steps .


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
I decided to give it another try and found out the game is pretty much as stagnant as a lake.

Nothing great nor worse have to be discussed as it has been the reoccurring theme for several years since this thread was made.

I imagine this project as a plant that needs equal balance of nurturing its growth and observing its nature to achieve the greatest potential it could have seen for more than a decade since Malise and the Machine franchise announced in 2014.

Eromancer has yet again to strike that balance.



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
Well despite all of hate and conflict here...
The "hate and conflict" that happened here isn't necessarily considered hate. I perceive no hate nor conflict as I only see that we're often elitist in some way -- many regarded this game as yet another platform for Eromancer to cancel the project and then move to another as if it's business as usual, which can be quite the unfair judgment and/or can be a hit closer to home in some way. Of course, you are more than welcome to call many of the strong disagreements here as "conflict and hate", I would not pry any further.

Personally, I often find the "hate and conflict" you mentioned here quite childish and sometimes lead to the personal bit (e.g. calling names, digging up personal forum activity to judge that one cared about this than most threads, etc.) -- I'm more leaning towards "children arguing in the sandbox they have to share with each other" and for me, this assessment is quite fair.


May 19, 2017
TBH I've used this mod more for the inspector than the free cam. With it you can hide the outfit of any female in the game including props and the layers of bukkake. Look under Hander/SpawnedObjects for the gallery or SceneHandler/SpawnedObjects/[Character]/GFXRoot for the main game and go nuts.

View attachment 2894287
Dam, sir! May I ask for a more detail explanation on how to get that going? Cause I'm not finding those options you talked about on the mod. Please forgive my ignorance xD
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Jul 3, 2023
Dam, sir! May I ask for a more detail explanation on how to get that going? Cause I'm not finding those options you talked about on the mod. Please forgive my ignorance xD
Also, can you use the Inspector to remove clothes from the animation? I'm messing with it but having no success.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
Dam, sir! May I ask for a more detail explanation on how to get that going? Please forgive my ignorance xD
Also, can you use the Inspector to remove clothes from the animation? I'm messing with it but having no success.
I'll share what little I figured out by messing about. Once you enter the game there should be a panel full of buttons on top of the screen. After that enter the level of your choice. I'll prefer the gallery as all actors are instanced (created) upon loading the level, standing way off camera when not in a scene. For the most ease we want use thek "Object Explorer", so click that. panel.jpg
This should bring up a panel like this:
Only "Handler should be visible at first. Clicking on the triangles, navigate to Level/SpawnedObjects.This should give you a list of characters. Pick the one(s) you want to modify. From there under "GXF Root" should be several items. The two folders that concern us are "GFX" and "HGFX".
HGFX specifically affects models in sex scenes while GFX affects everything else. They are independent, so if you'll need to manually change both if you want them to match.

And now for a hiccup in our escapades. I noticed that some items despite being being checked (the box beside the item is green instead of black) are still invisible. Clicking on the offending item's name opens the inspector. There a list of items lay under widgets. Clicking "SkinnedMeshrenderer" brings us to this screen.
At first glace, it appears that changing the Render.enabled and Render.isVisible to true before hitting the "Update displayed values" button should ammend our issue. However, the values simply reset. It seems to only affect this particular widget on all characters and the bukkake system widget (reached by clicking a female actor's GFX or HGFX folder) on Onyx specifically. Additionally C# scripting is disabled due to an incompatibility error. I'll experiment with the additional recommended plugins to see if the two issues are related.


Jul 3, 2023
I'll share what little I figured out by messing about. Once you enter the game there should be a panel full of buttons on top of the screen. After that enter the level of your choice. I'll prefer the gallery as all actors are instanced (created) upon loading the level, standing way off camera when not in a scene. For the most ease we want use thek "Object Explorer", so click that. View attachment 2899483
This should bring up a panel like this:
Only "Handler should be visible at first. Clicking on the triangles, navigate to Level/SpawnedObjects.This should give you a list of characters. Pick the one(s) you want to modify. From there under "GXF Root" should be several items. The two folders that concern us are "GFX" and "HGFX".
HGFX specifically affects models in sex scenes while GFX affects everything else. They are independent, so if you'll need to manually change both if you want them to match.

And now for a hiccup in our escapades. I noticed that some items despite being being checked (the box beside the item is green instead of black) are still invisible. Clicking on the offending item's name opens the inspector. There a list of items lay under widgets. Clicking "SkinnedMeshrenderer" brings us to this screen.
View attachment 2899522
At first glace, it appears that changing the Render.enabled and Render.isVisible to true before hitting the "Update displayed values" button should ammend our issue. However, the values simply reset. It seems to only affect this particular widget on all characters and the bukkake system widget (reached by clicking a female actor's GFX or HGFX folder) on Onyx specifically. Additionally C# scripting is disabled due to an incompatibility error. I'll experiment with the additional recommended plugins to see if the two issues are related.
You are awesome, EmDotRand!
May 4, 2022
August 31, 2023 Test Release

*Links updated with patched release as of September 2!

This one has a lot of changes! Also, expect a patched release as early as tomorrow to fix a few loose ends from the physics update (see the new known issues).

To start off for H content, we've replaced the under construction intro segments for both the Thug and the Thug + Runt scenes for Onyx. We've also added the titjob animations back into the Thug + Runt scene. We still have to finish the transition between titjob and BJ, but that should be in next month. We've added an early version of the first Onyx + Semi (muscle girl) scenes to the gallery! And lastly we've added SFX for all the Onyx + Bunnies H scenes, and have further improved the animations for the diIdo scene.

The artwork for the Spider Cavern has been totally revamped. Reflections have been added, and I'm in the process of integrating the water system to add slime FX/SFX to the ground. We're also working on adding parallax to the background.

Most importantly, this release includes the most recent physics overhaul, which has been in the works for the past couple of months. It's really the second part of a larger overhaul that began in June I think when we revamped environment collisions. This overhaul improves upon and fixes regressions with character collisions (and behind the scenes sets things up for some major future combat improvements). There are a still a few known issues, but please let us know if you run into anything.

We've also added a bunch of performance options for shadows and lighting, as well as visual fixes for camera/actor shakes and dynamic physics for anyone who runs the game at < or > 60 FPS. Expect more options in the future, as well as new ones for improving the current graphics quality.

Check out the full changelog below!

(** indicates items added since the August 18 Inner Circle test release. The following is only a list of player-facing changes, unless otherwise noted.)

  • ** Added intro animations to Onyx + Thug and Onyx + Thug/Runt H scenes
  • ** Added replacement version of the Thug/Runt titjob scene
  • ** Added early version of an Onyx + Semi (Muscle Girl) H scene to gallery
  • ** Wraxe's H-grab hurtbox/engagement zone corrected (he had stopped being grabby)
  • ** Fixed jitter on Onyx/FemCop's boobs/hair/clothing physics when FPS is between 30-60
  • ** Boobs/hair/clothing physics motion is once again independent of FPS
  • ** Fixed dynamic physics on boobs/hair/clothes continuing animation when pause menu / console is opened
  • ** Added reflections to Spider Cavern
  • ** AI pathing improved, enemies should get hung up on sharp corners much less
  • ** Fixed navigation issue where enemies could glitch out and flip left/right every frame
  • ** Actors will not be pushed out of positions when sex scenes start partially or fully overlapping with the environment or shop
  • ** Fixed Onyx hair / clothes material overrides on world map (Hair / jackets appeared too reflective)
  • ** Fixed issue where old saves could be loaded into new versions, causing potential issues
  • ** Added (very short) minimum Defend time to the player to solve physics consistency issue across framerates
  • ** Increased Onyx's Defend-Defend turning speed so it feels less sluggish
  • ** Added safeguard to prevent Onyx from remaining invisible from flicker effect on death/respawn
  • ** Crawler's spit cannon's splash now actually deals splash damage
  • ** Fixed water FX regression (all water FX except landing splashes failed to play after physics overhaul in IC release)
  • Improved animation for transitions in Onyx + Bunnies DiIdo/Strap-on Scene
  • Added SFX for both Onyx + Bunnies H scenes + new Wraxe H scene Intro
  • Fixed the issue with nipples disappearing during H scene if Onyx's shirt is unequipped
  • Completed upgrade of background art on Spider Cavern map
  • Added Ground Shadows, Self Shadows, and Environment Lights performance settings to Options
  • Onyx no longer bugs out when jumping on / sliding off of un-land-able surfaces (enemies, chests, barrels, etc.)
  • Fixed jump bug. Running, stopping, then jumping and then holding forward will no longer move at running speed.
  • Onyx no longer gets popped up in the air by enemies / certain situations.
  • Onyx no longer jitters when moving against immovable enemies
  • Bosses are now immovable via nudging but Onyx will still be pushed out of them if she somehow gets pinned.
  • Improved player velocity when walking against environment colliders.
  • Fixed breast/hair/clothing physics being dependent on FPS (high FPS would case them to vibrate in a weird way)
  • Actor/camera shake intensity is no longer dependent on FPS (fix for anyone running at < or > 60 FPS)
  • Vioreapers no longer buzz when they aren't flying.
  • Added additional variations for Vioreaper's buzz SFX to better prevent phase stacking when multiple are on screen
  • Added SFX for Chain Splicer's chain spin + stand up / windup
  • Added SFX for waterfall in Slums Basement
  • Disabling Reflections in Options will no longer break background artwork in Slums
  • Fixed flashes not concealing crossfading during Onyx + Bunnies H scenes
  • Removed "Animation Work in Progress" message erroneously left on the Wraxe Lift H scene
  • Fixed console overflow bug that would prevent console from giving feedback on commands entered
Known Issues
Here are the newest/most relevant known issues.

  • H scenes involving multiple enemies can sometimes result in them stacking on top of each other afterward.
  • Onyx's Slide attack and Dodge distance is shorter than intended currently.
  • Onyx glitches out for a frame after her Push attack if she's standing still
  • The Help feature incorrectly says H scenes are unlocked via green containers. It's now via light blue containers.
  • Onyx can respawn in knockdown pose if she is K.O.'d in the air.
  • Thug, Blade Bunny, Looter are missing new portraits and are using Chain Splicer, Bat Bunny, Runt respectively
  • BatBunny H liquid can appear floating above Onyx at end of Onyx + Bunnies scene if BatBunny + Vioreaper scenes were played first
  • Enemies can't defend while winding up to attack.
  • Wraxe will perform his shorts pull animation during H scene even if Onyx has no shorts on.
  • Some visual glitches involving the fire traps on Red-Light test mission.
  • Barrels are apparently still able to spawn inside each other.
  • Player character downed animation post H scene is currently not playing in Gallery, nor are secondary idle animations.
  • Sounds are improperly playing during loading currently.
  • Destructible objects don't receive environment lighting or cast reflections yet.
  • It's possible to make Onyx invisible through some combination of opening console / enabling God Mode while Onyx is flashing due to respawning
  • Blocky shading artifacts appear on both FemCop and Onyx if they are covered in liquid while lit by FemCop's forcefield. This is due to a shader conflict with the newly optimized liquid and the lighting technique used for the forcefield.
  • Larva/Crawlers (and Vioreapers too) currently use humanoid bystander behaviors.
  • Crawlers' spit attack has a splash AoE where the projectile lands, but FX graphics aren't in for it yet, so it can appear as if Onyx is hit by nothing if she's standing nearby a landing spitball.
  • FemCop's force field doesn't emit light properly when the scene is mirrored.
  • It's possible for FemCop's forcefield to spawn on top of bystander enemies.
  • At minimum zoom, you can see the incoming/outgoing Ball Drone used in the Runt's section of the Chain Splicer H scene before it's meant to appear.
  • Some of Wraxe's combat FX need to be updated to work with new animations. Some may display as being rotated improperly or slightly out of position.
  • Infinite jabs are way overpowered against bosses right now. Jab spam will be changed to a standing combo soon-ish (among other combat improvements).
  • Street Lord Wraxe sometimes blocks the view of H scenes with his big fat wraxe when he's a bystander.


Dec 19, 2020
Last two updates have noticeably started with "There's a lot to talk about" and "There's a lot of changes". Ero is one clever girl, it only took them a few years to learn the "EULA technique" of putting some positive (but empty) words as the first you read, then hide the fact that only 2-3 meaningful things even got changed amid a giant fucking tome of useless jargon maybe .01% of people will read. Also, lol at the "Known Issues" list now being as long/longer than the list of changes itself, may as well rename it to the "things we broke to refix later and call it 'content'" list


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
So, one new early (which means unfinished most likely) H-Scene and intros to two existing scenes. Which if the one from last update are anything to go by, will look absolutely atrocious. One Scene that got reworked or whatever.

Eromancer makes €20,650/month, just checked the patreon.

Sounds about right :KEK:
2.90 star(s) 87 Votes