
Oct 31, 2022
If you want to copy an entire gameobject, rather a specific attribute, you can duplicate it with "instantiate" button, at the top of the inspector also next to a copy button. Note that the duplicate will not be parented to anything, and will appear at the bottom of the gameobject explorer by itself. It will still mostly work like the original.

Though if what you're trying to do is simply changing the model of a shirt, you can do that by clicking the thing that says something like "SkinnedMeshRenderer" in the shirt you want, copying the "sharedmesh" attribute, and then pasting that onto the shirt that onyx currently has.
Thanks! This is practically what I was looking for the whole time.

Basically what I was trying to do is copying a model and then parenting it to another model. E.g. I remove a shirt from an Onyx rig and then want copy a shirt from another rig and move it to the one with the missing shirt. Now with the instantiate button I can duplicate items and now I can assign them parents (altough I have to type them in manually).

Practically now I can just remove stuff and readd them if I needed with the freecam mod, so thanks :)


New Member
Sep 6, 2021
The progress update looks decent, don't know whether or not a recycled post

The game update is still as monotonous as ever, though.
Agreed. Should just remove the infinite waves by setting a hard limit to around 40 if you're not going to have a proper ending for each stage. There's still a lot of work to be done on the level design that should have priority over all these minor "bug" fixes on each update. The added Brute should've been a mini-boss at an end of a stage.

Make the game more fun by emulating other beat'em ups: add more moves, special moves, sound, level transition, etc. The H-element is what distinguish this from other fighting games but it is so lacking in basic element that it can't even match antique 90s games.


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
Holy shit guys, I hate to use this word but it fits perfectly. How entitled do you have to be to mass report a game you're pirating and paying nothing for, hoping the developer's livelihood is cut off, because updates aren't being released fast enough for your liking, or the direction isn't what you want? The sheer level of delusion displayed would be impressive if there weren't serious consequences at stake.

We have zero tolerance for this shit. Anyone engaging or supporting actions like this will be perma banned, no warnings, no second chances. If you think this is a good idea, we don't want you as a member, and I direct you to fapnation or svscomics.


Jan 3, 2018
Holy shit guys, I hate to use this word but it fits perfectly. How entitled do you have to be to mass report a game you're pirating and paying nothing for, because updates aren't being released fast enough for your liking, or the direction isn't what you want? The sheer level of delusion displayed would be impressive if there weren't serious consequences at stake.

We have zero tolerance for this shit. Anyone engaging or supporting actions like this will be perma banned, no warnings, no second chances. If you think this is a good idea, we don't want you as a member, and I direct you to fapnation or svscomics.
An interesting stance from a piracy forum mod. However I did see F95 members threating to mass report a game in game threads such as Subverse and Operation Lovecraft. So next time we see this we should report to you for deletion and perma ban huh?


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
An interesting stance from a piracy forum mod. However I did see F95 members threating to report a game in game threads such as Subverse and Operation Lovecraft. So next time we see this we should report to you for deletion and perma ban huh?
I don't see why it's interesting at all. We're pirates, I'm perfectly aware that piracy is immoral, but that doesn't mean I have to act arrogantly entitled to something or be a dick about it. I don't believe the majority of people within the community are like this either. Although we may pirate, we do want developers to succeed, so they can continue making said content.

Yes, report any posts you see that are supporting/condoning/admitting to this practice.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2020
We have zero tolerance for this shit. Anyone engaging or supporting actions like this will be perma banned, no warnings, no second chances. If you think this is a good idea, we don't want you as a member, and I direct you to fapnation or svscomics.
I'm guessing an addendum to the general rules is in order seeing the severity of the punishment. I want to point newbies to that rather than a post in a random thread.


Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
I'm guessing an addendum to the general rules is in order seeing the severity of the punishment. I want to point newbies to that rather than a post in a random thread.
In the past we've considered it under rule 1 - "opinions are fine, attacks are not", you can't get much more of an attack than actively trying to destroy someone's livelihood. If we see an increase in incidents like this, we'll spell it out in black and white.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Hey WTF... i can't enter Eromancer patreon and X pages
So WTF ?
So, a quick summary of what happened:

1.) One guy reported Eromancer for bestiality (which is against the Patreon rules and was discussed as a potential danger for the project for over a year now). He was not a random troll but a supporter since you can't report hidden content like that from outside to prevent abuse like mass-reporting.
2.) It forced Patreon to actually investigate the issue, hiding/blocking Eromancer's account. It might take up to 2 weeks to be cleared.
3.) Eromancer cherry-picked the worst comments for Twitter and accuses F95 of being russian-sponsored trolls trying to destroy western developers.
4.) SubscribeStar page is still all fine and dandy since it's not against ToS there.

I don't support censorship (especially since Eromancer now narrates the discussion using out of context screens) but I guess some of the nuked stuff was warranted to keep it civil and safe and to not antagonize Eromancer any further.

What I can say is - please, don't do stuff out of pure malice. Like Sam said, let's not act entitled like it happened in Elzee thread.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
And where exactly is the proof, that mass reports from this specific forum happend?

It was ONE user that stated as much, with no way of checking if it was actually that person or if they were just taking the piss.

One other user was asking why no one is reporting, while another user asked to report and complained about you having to be an actual subscriber for being able to report. All these instances are something i don't agree with, no matter what i personally think about how Eromancer is handling things.

Tha fact is : since the Patreon is under review, at least one Person reported. Could be that single one, could be ten. Unless we got definite proof, we don't know. Don't even know if it was from this forum either, or if it is unrelated, as unlikely as that sounds.

And ofc Eromancer posts screenshots of those posts on Twitter (two of them being from back in december) and is throwing those random ass "russian allegations" into the mix.

Which was just funny to me, but i guess that was too much, pointing that out.

I have no doubt that his Patreon will be just fine, so he can continue his work. Hopefully this unfortunate incident will be a lesson, for people unhinged enough to report (IF they are indeed from this forum, mind you), as well for Eromancer himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
I don't see why it's interesting at all. We're pirates, I'm perfectly aware that piracy is immoral, but that doesn't mean I have to act arrogantly entitled to something or be a dick about it. I don't believe the majority of people within the community are like this either. Although we may pirate, we do want developers to succeed, so they can continue making said content.

Yes, report any posts you see that are supporting/condoning/admitting to this practice.

I kinda understand why some are annoyed with Eromancer, I was a long time ago. I was a supporter of Eromancer back in the MatM days. Dumped like 50-100USD into it and then sudden no warning shift to new game and ditched the promised MatM game. I was pissed, I ranted and raved about it because it felt so bait and switch, I paid in with the premise he was going to further develop MatM. But in the end, if the dev doesn't want to do something, then well what can I do and who am I to waste time on it. I dropped my sub and I moved on after a day or 2. I felt only entitled to an answer because I paid, to which I got. I honestly don't want any game to fail. I don't want any dev to disappear, even teh ones I don't care for. Its already had to get indy games and more so X-rated games. Honestly the game here is decent. I played it. Its not my cup of tea, but its pretty solid and looks decent. Again better than 90% of the "trash" shared on this site.

Overall though, I agree with you. We as pirates do what we do to play a game. I rationalize it because 90%+ of these games are dogshit trash and things I never support. But being able to try things out and find those few gems I want to support it a good way to actually help some of these devs that put in a dimes worth of effort. But at no time do I feel entitled to get X game, or have it my way. It blows my mind how many people here will go off the rails to thrust in their ideas, concepts, fetishes, or just bitch because it doesn't have this or that like the game is being personally made for them alone.

The only time I got bent out of shape over a devs actions was Elzee over Tunnel Escape for deliberately putting in malicious code into it. That I did submit a report because it violated TOS with Patreon and caused direct harm to my PC and other people's. But at no time did I expect anyone else to do anything, especially from here.


Dec 19, 2020
The only time I got bent out of shape over a devs actions was Elzee over Tunnel Escape for deliberately putting in malicious code into it. That I did submit a report because it violated TOS with Patreon and caused direct harm to my PC and other people's. But at no time did I expect anyone else to do anything, especially from here.
I've been watching Elzee's ci-en since they started Tunnel Escape but never felt enthused enough to shell out for a trial version, somehow never caught wind of this incident for how big it seems to be. Seems I dodged a bullet in hindsight, how bad was this malicious code? (I know this is off topic, but I'm too curious now)


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
I've been watching Elzee's ci-en since they started Tunnel Escape but never felt enthused enough to shell out for a trial version, somehow never caught wind of this incident for how big it seems to be. Seems I dodged a bullet in hindsight, how bad was this malicious code? (I know this is off topic, but I'm too curious now)
It seems rather benign, limited to some forced crashing of the game (which would be fine, as a typical, oldschool punishment for pirating) but quite a few people report weird behaviour of their PC after that. There is a huge suspicion that Elzee, in his paranoia and damaged pride (which makes sense because people went a bit over with their gloating in his face), decided to implement a malicious script that goes overboard and may hurt legitimate supporters as well.

I've stopped watching the drama after that but I know his code generation was linked to his other patreon (hijacking the mechanics against ToS?) and that Patreon account was banned for that...

It's actually VERY EASY to get your Patreon locked if you deviate from ToS and the Sauron's Eye decides to watch you at that moment...


Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
I've been watching Elzee's ci-en since they started Tunnel Escape but never felt enthused enough to shell out for a trial version, somehow never caught wind of this incident for how big it seems to be. Seems I dodged a bullet in hindsight, how bad was this malicious code? (I know this is off topic, but I'm too curious now)
From what I can tell (MCP, MCDST) is there is no permanent damage, I don't know if Defender isolated some of it before it could fully execute or this was the limit of the malicious code. What happened was when you put in a old supporter code to unlock content (code updates often, every few days, hours or whenever Elzee wants to), it cause an immediate slow down of the OS. Its like your OS was running and only outputting a frame every second. Even the mouse inputs where slowed down. It was impossible to run any diagnostics during the event to track what happened. Only log created was the isolation of the file in Defender. During this slowdown, it managed to open a website on your default browser to a site meme'ing on software piracy and shaming it. I didn't nab the url as I was in damage control, The only option was the hard shutdown via the powerbutton.

It seems rather benign, limited to some forced crashing of the game (which would be fine, as a typical, oldschool punishment for pirating) but quite a few people report weird behaviour of their PC after that. There is a huge suspicion that Elzee, in his paranoia and damaged pride (which makes sense because people went a bit over with their gloating in his face), decided to implement a malicious script that goes overboard and may hurt legitimate supporters as well.

I've stopped watching the drama after that but I know his code generation was linked to his other patreon (hijacking the mechanics against ToS?) and that Patreon account was banned for that...

It's actually VERY EASY to get your Patreon locked if you deviate from ToS and the Sauron's Eye decides to watch you at that moment...
It did effect supporters, I was on the discord after it happened for about 2 days before Elzee banned me for being associated with F95. A mistype of the supporter code was cause them to also be hit by the malcious code. There was no warning to the supporters this was put in place either. Elzee did come into the forum and his game's threat to boast and shame the people in that thread, F95 and piracy in general. A day later his comments were deleted but you can see some replies that quoted his posts still.


I'm all for devs putting in DRM and trying to protect their property. I make copywrited material myself and like to protect it. My content has been pirated to no suprize. I accept it and do the little I can while not being an ass about it. Sometimes its flattering honestly. But once you cross that line of being malicious and damaging... Honestly, I think what bugged me most about Elzee is he affected his paying supporters by doing this. Overall I hope Elzee learns from this and straitens up. The guy has talent that could be better served by focusing on the things that matter.
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