Feb 11, 2020
I tried it out, and it does work (and is virus free, according to my antivirus, but you may want to double check).
Honestly, it's not much different. There's a new enemy boss called the charger, a merchant you can buy from, a block stance, and a new level called Sewers 1. That's it. No new animations, minimal changes to AI and performance, and possibly a downgrade in handling.
Here's a quick overview of the changes. I won't include feedback, as I doubt it will be listened to or even read by the devs.

So, I suppose we should cover the good first:
- The lighting and level design is great, at least in terms of atmosphere and graphics.
- The addition of the merchant is great, as you can finally unload all your useless junk and purchase useful things, like better gear and health packs (the other packs, for stamina and something else, have no use yet)
- changes to the AI are good, less predictability keeps you on your toes. Vioreapers also shoot irregularly and less frequently.
- The one animation, alone though it may be, is sterling quality.
- The design of the Vioreaper seems to have been sharpened up, and the charger looks amazing.
- Adding a block is great, as it allows both you and enemies (just the regular splicers for now) to block incoming damage from the direction they are facing.
- Zoom in/out with the shift and CTRL keys

And the not so good:
- The new level is just a new version of the test level without the weird poles that occasionally block your vision. That's it. It's basically a reskin. You don't progress to new sections, the scenery doesn't change, you just fight similar waves of enemies repeatedly in the same are until the boss comes in wave 10. You then defeat him, and continue until wave 20, and repeat. Maybe that's standard for fighting games, I wouldn't know.
- The charger boss isn't all that great. You'd think that a boss called the 'charger' would have a simple enough way to dodge or perhaps that you could jump above it, but no. It also has a ranged attack (not tracking, fortunately), an AOE stomp attack, and its charge (which does have tracking). None of them can be avoided or blocked apart from the ranged attack, which can be avoided by dodging up or down, thereby making it the only balanced move in its arsenal. All moves hit you in the air, and while the AOE slam can be avoided by moving aside, its fast animation speed and radius make this hard to do so, especially as it still hits you in the air. The boss CAN be stunned, but I only proc'd this once, and I haven't been able to get it to do so again.
- vioreaper shots now track, pretty aggressively. They also only seem to do it while they are on the screen, which is actually a much smaller radius than you might think. TLDR: A downgrade
- No way for enemies (aside from the regular splicer) or you to break a block beyond flanking or waiting, respectively. Aside from grabbing Onyx and attempting to fuck her, if you find a good spot, even the splicers cannot break through your block. Maybe have it tied to stamina? More hits = stamina loss = eventually breaking block? Come on guys, what do people pay you for?
- The AI modifications aren't always great. The AI doesn't always do the smart thing, like grabbing Onyx when she is blocking to break her out. I legitimately had one splicer repeatedly punch onyx's block for several minutes, without flanking or attempting a grab (which I wanted him to do).
- The one animation, stirling though it may be, is alone. An animation for the vioreaper, grunt, or boss would keep people's interest. Hell, even just a 2-splicer gangbang with Onyx based off the existing one would be good. I think the dev team forget that the majority of people playing this (and especially after the faff that has gone on with MATM and this) don't care about the world that much, they just want to play a game, see someone get fucked by some enemies, and maybe complete the game alongside that or in doing so. Simple and responsive controls, a decent gameplay loop, nice animations, and you have a game people will probably play. Setting is important and all, but we don't need an open world interactive mission selection map. I would be fine with an expansion on the current menu system.

And there you have it. A probably worthless opinion from a random stranger on the internet at 4am rating a game where a woman beats up generic baddies and sometimes gets fucked.
Oh well. There are worse things to be doing with my life.
Like scamming patreons out of their money!


Sep 17, 2017
Well, for what it's worth, it looks like people are finally learning. I got curious about how much they're making now, and they've dropped down to about $6300 a month. Which split between the... last I knew 4 members of the team... isn't that much.
This is pretty normal, just watch they will drop a sex update maybe 2 and bam there back to 10k plus and it will go back to a death crawl, Loop copy paste


Jun 7, 2017
I don't understand how their Twitter page is so normal, nobody is whining about how slow and scammy they are. Why people don't realize such a clear bad behavior.
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Active Member
Dec 6, 2017
I don't understand how their Twitter page is so normal, nobody is whining about how slow and scammy they are. Why people don't realize such a clear bad behavior.
IKR? like they are worshipping this guy. whatever eromancer post they be like "WOAH"

also how soon is soon lol. that animation is on the way for like over half a year now
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