Gotta admit i was surprised by the ending(s).
Like, you will get the main girl stolen from you by whoever in whichever route you picked, but you can, through some very easy events, end up married to the receptionist (AKA the only other girl with a portrait afaik).
So really everyone wins...except Leia in some of the routes who gets brainwashed into a sex toy or whatever.
Also SORTA takes the sting out of the situation since, while you're not cheating on Leia sexually, you are TECHNICALLY cheating on her emotionally with the receptionist's events.
All in all not really a bad NTR game for someone who prefers corruption to NTR. Still waiting for the veritable snipe hunt of a game that has the girl get corrupted in various ways AND stay with the MC, maybe even corrupting him, but I'm patient.