
Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
You'd swear black people were the spawn of the devil from most of these games.:rolleyes:
I haven't played the game, nor will I likely ever, but I guess it's about the context. Like obviously from our modern POV it's going to be racist (from what people have said of it), but if it's set back in a fantasy approximation of some time in the past, what's racist in our eyes might be 'normality' in their world, and so they'd feel justified in treating the "heathens/savages" badly.

Having said that, even such 'normality' still feels uncomfortable considering we can't escape our modern perspective. And that's probably what makes it hot for some people? Like there will be those who get off on the power play and 'forbidden' nature of it, in the same way that some people enjoy rape porn and such. When you think about it, both concepts are equally f'ed up.

Alright, I can see this is interracial fetish. But is it normal interracial or is it the cringy BBC type interracial?
Isn't most interracial on here cringey BBC interracial? I can't recall the last time I actually experienced an adult game with interracial where it was literally just two people who liked each other and happened to have a different skin colour and/or come from different cultures. Instead it's just an obsession over a gigantic dong and no care whatsoever about who's attached to it.
At this point normal interracial would be a refreshing change, and could actually add some interesting depth.
But I doubt you'll find it in this game. lol.
Last edited:
Jul 27, 2021
Like obviously from our modern POV it's going to be racist
The modern POV is inherently racist/not inclusive, when you put people in little boxes and treat them differently than other groups, that's in my opinion far from the "everybody is equal" stance that people pretend to be following.

I've never seen as much discourse between groups of people than in the past 10-15 years, yet everybody is acting like we're living in some utopia where everybody is welcome and free. I've also never experienced a time where every single conversation with a new person is like walking on eggshells, because who knows perhaps you use the wrong pronouns, or make a very silly comment that now suddenly is deemed offensive. Like for example: "Men only follow their dicks" > "Women belong in the kitchen"
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