press f10 for teleporting to pond, you can drink there... press f12 and skip finding girls Quest.Dang everybody's talking bout dungeons n skeletons. While I got killed by those damn rabbits and haven't found anybody lol
Also how come I cant drink from the stream? This game needs a damn manual.
Thank you ! and d you know who to use the campfire to cook? i cant find the option to it
Drop down raw food and use CTRL to move and put on fire and wait use mouse roll to movecant cook and cant find mushrooms after patchouli told me about
Someone update the first post with these cheats, as well as the other cheats like F9, F10, etc. This will be very handy for newcomers.enable cheatmenu:
RightControl + C
if enabled:
F1 - +20XP
F2 - sneaking skill
F3 - max mana
F4 - max hunger & thirst
You have to save Patchouli in Dungeon 1, then you can talk to PatchouliWhenever I try to talk with Patchouli game bugs out, kinda
It's just her, no talking, nothing, I can't back out from that, only thing that works is to restart the game
Am I doing something wrong?
I had this issue too, until when I found the 2nd key you find when beating the first monster. There is a ledge where you can jump over to the pillar in the middle, to get to the other side of the ledge ( This will lead you to 2 H - Pictures. One of the right when you jump unto the ledge from the pillar, and on a picture frame when exploring further in that vicinity ). But putting that aside ( Which was the bonus ) There is apparently invisible walls in the dungeon. It's kind of hard to find, but once accessed, it's easy to get to ( There are 2 invisible walls located at the beginning of the dungeon where you fight the first monster. One would be on the right side of the dungeon, and take a right into the wall. Second would be on the left side, and take a left into the wall ) This was the only big key that I was missing, so not sure if you had this one missing as well.Where the hell is the big key in the first dungeon? I killed everything that I can and found everything that I can find but there is no big key. Cheat engine comes in handy for this game you can scan for your health and one you find it you can lock it to prevent health lose. You can also scan for your points and then do the same thing and lock it and add to your stats though strength doesn't seem to do anything.
It's very possible to beat the dungeon. And I'm not sure about the sex animations not working? Mine seems to run fine.That is if you can even get out of the dungeon. It also seems that sex doesn't work in the game either everyone just sit there and do nothing and you have to kill the game
F6 - gives you MushroomsSomeone update the first post with these cheats, as well as the other cheats like F9, F10, etc. This will be very handy for newcomers.
MORE rape her during night need ''ninja skill'' lv 2 10 killing monster while crouch (C) behindSo can we fuck mom?