3.60 star(s) 25 Votes


Sep 23, 2017
damn tysm!!! i didn't even realize i could interact with that thing lol. and i didnt realize i had to use the chest too. now how much longer until i can get the 1st screenshot from op with nyotalia is that in dream world or am i gonna have to remodel the kitchen sometime soon? xD

EDIT : I realize now that screenshot was from a dream that they took out of the game sadly :\ but last question i'll ask is did they also take egyptian girl out? because i read somewhere fish girl is near egyptian but i've never seen her even when trying other people's save data and never found her when i look all over the sakura tree aera lol and i've found all the other monster girls


Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
i need you to break it down for me pls
After 0:00 you can use the talk button on sleeping girls and you will get the options to feel them up or give them the mushrooms. If you do it before then it just says you cant do this now.
Feb 2, 2018
Anyone notice that you don't have enough lust points to engage lizard girl in first dungeon? and you can't leave until you do so, also - skipping dungeon 1 use to allow you to get elf girl, but now she doesn't show up if you do skip it? is this bugged?


Oct 1, 2017
So for everyone who is having problems with the Item Cheat F9, Menace or other suddenly missing things:
I think you're using the public build and that doesn't include the cheat, Menace and mybe other stuff. At least I tried the F9 cheat myself with that build and it doesn't work. I realised that after looking at the patreon post for the public build and on the hotkey list posted with it the F9 one is missing.

I never bothered posting about the download again since I thought I saw someone link a version so I hoped that was legit, but either I was mistaken or it got removed for reasons.
Anyway, here is the magnet link for torrent use:
0.8.1c (including mantis and all up to date fixes)


In short: use on own risk! from russian site, they packed some advertisment html files into the game zip/rar so delete those afterwards. Otherwise it seems fine and working. The included save is kinda bad since it misses the dungeon comics but otherwise better than starting from the beginning I suppose.


Oct 1, 2017
Bug Note:
It's possible to Softlock in Dungeon 1. If you ignore the prison and don't open its door but go the other way and clear the dungeon on your way out past the prison you'll get the msg that you should check the prison and an invisible wall gets placed in front of you. But to open the prison you need the other small key which is on the other side of that invisible wall..


Aug 9, 2016
is just for me or the h animations are not done yet?, every time i start a h animation it's just stays still and doesn't do nothing


New Member
Dec 20, 2017
The Change log says "Dream World (Test)"
Does anybody know if it's accessible at all or how to get there?


Oct 15, 2018
[QUOTE = "ckay1100, post: 1418578, miembro: 339358"] El registro de cambios dice "Dream World (Test)"
¿Alguien sabe si es accesible o cómo llegar? [/ QUOTE]
The Change log says "Dream World (Test)"
Does anybody know if it's accessible at all or how to get there?
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you have to give blue mushroom to nyotalia, rem and yamakaze (you must give them love) and you will ask and they will tell you that they have had a dream where they were at home.
You return to your room and press the bed and there will be the blue mushroom option to sleep.


New Member
Aug 16, 2016
Got stuck in the fisrt dungeon, didnt spawn a chest, so didnt get the key to the nex door. :D
Anyone got a save file after the 1st dungeon? That would be nice!


Aug 3, 2018
Got stuck in the fisrt dungeon, didnt spawn a chest, so didnt get the key to the nex door. :D
Anyone got a save file after the 1st dungeon? That would be nice!
I don't have any saves, and I know there is a cheat for skipping dungeons and quests, but I do have a thing or two to say. Since saving in dungeons isn't possible that I know of, you could always reload outside and do it again. This WOULD mean replaying the dungeon which can suck, but there's a good chance of the chest appearing. I had a problem like that in the nightmare of a second dungeon where a switch wouldn't flip but a restart sorted that out.

On the other hand, though, it IS the first dungeon, infamous for fake walls the game doesn't even hint might exist where I KNOW a key can be found. Maybe I shouldn't assume you don't know about that, but it has been the culprit many times for many people.


Oct 1, 2017
is there any map or walkthrough for the collectibles? (comic books, hentai book pages, etc)
is the newest one afaik.
There are 2 Pictures in each dungeon, so 4 total. In the 1st dungeon they're behind an invisible wall. In the 2nd dungeon one is in the Prison Cell from the girl you can rescue and the other one a bit earlier in the first little area with a roof, guarded by a Gargoyle.
The rest is on the worldmap so no risk missing them.
Otherwise there's a Pedobear character close to Velvets Tent which has minigames and his own collection of pictures and small gif like animations (you'll need steaks to play for those).
That's pretty much it. I don't think there's a 100% save with everything around atm, but that's just a matter of time I suppose.


Feb 26, 2018
is the newest one afaik.
There are 2 Pictures in each dungeon, so 4 total. In the 1st dungeon they're behind an invisible wall. In the 2nd dungeon one is in the Prison Cell from the girl you can rescue and the other one a bit earlier in the first little area with a roof, guarded by a Gargoyle.
The rest is on the worldmap so no risk missing them.
Otherwise there's a Pedobear character close to Velvets Tent which has minigames and his own collection of pictures and small gif like animations (you'll need steaks to play for those).
That's pretty much it. I don't think there's a 100% save with everything around atm, but that's just a matter of time I suppose.
thx, btw talking about dungeons, is there a way to go back to a previous dungeon? the portal seems to disapear once u finish it :\


Jun 7, 2017
So if i skip the second dungeon what happens?
Cause I'm about to break my keyboard cause of this stupid place.


Jul 28, 2018
I added a short bit near the beginning of the walk through covering some stuff that confused the heck out of me in the early game. As requested I added my name to the document. I did not update the date though because I didn't edit any of the out of date material.
3.60 star(s) 25 Votes