How is that not realistic? You guys just don't have main character energy, I guess...
In this day and age, with all the feminist bullshit about sexual 'liberation' and female 'empowerment', a fit body, some rizzing skills and a decent drip will get a guy mad pussy. If he knows how to throw that dick around too, motherfucker's phone's gonna explode from all the daily calls, messages and DMs he'd get.
The modern wamyn doesn't need no man.
I much prefer a loving and caring experience (and don't mind if it involves maledom/femdom/BDSM), but a hatefuck is not for me, whether I hate or love the person.
A hate-fuck's
almost the same thing as maledom/femdom/BDSM, as long as it's consensual, like the 3some scene with Kris and Alexa was in this update, both partners are into it and have a safe word for when things get too
spicy or are not
spicy enough, there's nothing wrong with it. Nobody's forcing you to like it, just making an observation.
It's not for everyone, but I'd prefer this to whining for 5 long years like a lil butthurt bitch cuz of a divorce that was bound to happen and I could've prevented if I loved my partner as much as I pretended to after it did, like a certain person did in the story. We all have different ways to cope with shit like this.
I vaguely remember that back in the days of the "Fifty Shades of Gray" boom several dissatisfied BDSM fans talked about the fascination being not so much submission but "taking care"
she was definitely a moody bitch before and she keeps being one, with cheating or not. She is the kind of neurotic woman which keeps pushing your buttons to try your limits, each and every day, creating problems when there are none and despite finding her extremely hot I'm not having any of it.
despite finding her extremely hot I'm not having any of it
Destroyer of mental peace like Allison
Finally, someone who gets it. I wholeheartedly agree, my man.

I personally consider ALL women deserve to be loved, respected, supported unconditionally and cherished (especially) IRL and in fiction, but all those sweet things fly out the window the next sec women themselves say through their own words and/or actions they don't deserve this treatment.
Accountability for one's own words and actions and Allison seem to mix as
good as fire and water or oil and water do. She loved the MC
soo much she still holds a grudge against him
after a few years since the divorce, but she didn't really put that much effort into saving their marriage, and ironically, she expected from him to do the same things he expected from her, including the sexual aspect of the marriage.
Those two idiots deserve each other and should get back together just so we could see them trying to kill each other for the most trivial nonsense you can think of, smfh.