I understand, I don't like teasing either, but I didn't mean teasing, I meant a question of the couple getting more comfortable with each other little by little, building intimacy, until they're comfortable enough for penetration, it's all a construction, of course, there has to be a balance, neither too long for the consummation of the act, making it boring and tedious, nor too fast, making it abrupt and uninteresting.
I think I get your point. As far as I'm concerned, they may have 20 dates before any intimacy takes place. They could kiss, fondle in public etc. I'm a fan of slow burn.
It may be a cultural difference: masturbating the partner, cunnilingus, 69, penis rubbing are not "building" intimacy, but are an integral part of it.
In fact I believe it's here where we differ. To me there's no such thing as intimacy building. I would rather call it working towards intimacy. When it takes place for the first time, it must go all the way if nothing unexpected comes along (hygine problems, period, spouse gets home unexpectedly etc.). It could be awkard or, on the contrary, wild sex and is susceptible to change with further sex meetings.
So, "before sex", "sex" and "after sex" should be treated totally different from a creative point of view. It's the teasing that can be gradual (shorter dress, lewder talk, explicit proposals, longer and wider kisses, carresing through pants, trying to make each other jealous, dancing lewd after more drinks compared to the first meeting etc.).
The sex part shouldn't be made interesting by using the gradual tropes. It isn't necessary. Sucking MC's cock under a table in a full restaurant while the MC talks on the phone with his life partner is neither great teasing nor great lewd in my book. It's kindergarden.
You could have first time sex with a still reluctant partner that is confortable only with classic positions that don't ruin her ovaries, a dominant/submissive one, one that likes to talk or another that doesn't want to hear a fly. One that gets nervous or timid when she hears the spurting sounds, one that laughs after she farts. One that scratches your back while you two sweat like pigs, another other that turns her head and closes her eyes as soon as a sweat drop toches her face. One that shouts at you to make her orgasm, antoher one that, out of unwarranted politeness, suddenly gets off you and starts to violently masturbate you or suck your cock in order to finsh the ordeal.
Having a discussion beforehand regarding each one's sexual preferences would add greatly to the realism, even if there are no choices to be made.
A second meeting could see you trying to reconcile or even corrupt the partners, according to MC's wishes. The partner that can't stand talking during sex could accept a little bit of talk, or would ask for one sexual meeting that goes 100% her way and the next one 100% your way. The one that couldn't stand to have sex while wearing high heels (stilettos) and stockings may compromise on a second date, if the couch you're fucking on ain't made of leather

Or one partner that didn't enjoy sex with you that much at first but is later addicted.
As you may notice, not all of my suggestions are product of my imagination.
No matter what, I'm sure this game will bring both of us joy, as it is clearly something different already.