May is when you'll see the following announcement (you are welcome for me sharing it early):
We're not gonna lie, we've been having a few problems in our personal lives which have taken a toll on our health. It’s now been more than FOUR full years that we've been developing adult games without taking a vacation. (Not even once!)
We don’t want to put out shitty updates with no actual passion behind them. In fact, the reason we started making games was for the love of it, they might not have been perfect, but we've always gave those games the best of our ability at the time.
At the beginning of next month the following will happen:
We will start working on Radiant Kingdom. This is our true passion project and it will feature the MC being the proud father of quintuplets! They are reunited with their father eighteen (or a number you choose) years after being left in a dumpster by their mother and growing up there until by some miracle your junk mail was dumped into their home. They knew it had to be the mail of their father since they also love Tiki furniture catalogues.
You'll experience the thrills of being reunited through up to 27 different paths from playing an asexual devout Muslim to being a white supremacist serial killer.
All we ask is that you hang in there with us while we transition to this new project. We should have more information on it in the coming months. Also, we will have DOUBLE WALLPAPERS this month for the subscribers who keep funding our new project. We love you and thank each and every one of you for your continued support!