I like Radiant and I'm happy to support the creator for this project.
I know how easy it is for a healthy person to say - 'get up off your butt and get some work done' - aimed at someone who is not healthy or is experiencing health issues.
I've been on both sides of that fence and when someone is laid up in bed, it Is harder to get things done (and sometimes motivation Can be an issue).
I've had a family member who never recovered from a major health issue, and I would not wish that, and being bed-ridden - almost waiting to die, on anyone.
For those who have not experienced a bout of really bad health, congrats! For most of us - Father Time will fix that as the years roll by.
I hope that Sir Damned can recover from whatever has him on the ropes.
If he can, we will get more of an enjoyable VN, Radiant, at whatever speed he and Alorth are able to continue to create.
If he can't, then he has bigger issues to worry about than creating a VN for his supporters and those who expect to take it for free.
We lose too many good/great VNs due to dev health issues and other unfortunate life changes.
I hope that Radiant does not ultimately fall into this category.