Handy Dean

New Member
Jun 10, 2019
Jfc Pax how offen do we have to go over this? Yes, people are allowed to spend their money however they choose to - but at the same time people are allowed to criticize. Imo those braindead paypigs still sinking their money into this sad affair can and should be criticized, they're the ones enabling the absolute mindnumbing laziness behind this project. Oh sorry I forgot to tell you, I have supported them in the past, do I have your permition to say this?

How do you even know which poster is/is not a supporter? How do you determine which criticism is legit because there is monetary support behind it?
You have obviously no idea and I think it's pretty clear to mostly everyone ITT that you're just diverting from the absoluetely astounding incompetence of these devs. If I was a little more on the paranoid site I'd say you're a dev yourself but honestly you just seem like the most obnoxious white knight contrarian playing debate club on a fucking porn forum.

It really goes to show that you're not even adressing actual criticisms you just try to police who has a right to complain - over and over and over.


Apr 21, 2017
Jfc Pax how offen do we have to go over this? Yes, people are allowed to spend their money however they choose to - but at the same time people are allowed to criticize. Imo those braindead paypigs still sinking their money into this sad affair can and should be criticized, they're the ones enabling the absolute mindnumbing laziness behind this project. Oh sorry I forgot to tell you, I have supported them in the past, do I have your permition to say this?

How do you even know which poster is/is not a supporter? How do you determine which criticism is legit because there is monetary support behind it?
You have obviously no idea and I think it's pretty clear to mostly everyone ITT that you're just diverting from the absoluetely astounding incompetence of these devs. If I was a little more on the paranoid site I'd say you're a dev yourself but honestly you just seem like the most obnoxious white knight contrarian playing debate club on a fucking porn forum.

It really goes to show that you're not even adressing actual criticisms you just try to police who has a right to complain - over and over and over.
An interesting sub-group of supporters are those players who are really into Discord access. Everyone should have the right to choose an individual path.
But the blame for the ever-increasing update scarcity (generally) in the AVN genre should be placed where it belongs : Patreon and other payment processors.
The majority of Devs (I know several who were F95 posters beforehand) went along with the Patreons for a chance at a better life-style for themselves. Some would call this "corruption" but it's easily understandable.
A practical fix is to deny the Patreons recurring fees. These days, many of us have many online accounts with different nicks/passwords. Too easy to forget to cancel a service. This situation greatly favors the sellers.
If a supporter is a Discord/wallpaper lover or whatever, go ahead. Your call. But such calls are not good for our overall community. The average time between AVNs on this site has gone from ~6 weeks (6years ago) to ~6 months. The most likely question in a game thread is "WTF is the update?"

I want very much to hold Devs accountable. Hard-core pirates don't really count : the sheer number of Devs and games are ever-increasing. For paying supporters, getting away from recurring charges seems to be the only positive path to sensibly effect things.
No play, no pay!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Jfc Pax how offen do we have to go over this? Yes, people are allowed to spend their money however they choose to - but at the same time people are allowed to criticize. Imo those braindead paypigs still sinking their money into this sad affair can and should be criticized, they're the ones enabling the absolute mindnumbing laziness behind this project. Oh sorry I forgot to tell you, I have supported them in the past, do I have your permition to say this?

How do you even know which poster is/is not a supporter? How do you determine which criticism is legit because there is monetary support behind it?
You have obviously no idea and I think it's pretty clear to mostly everyone ITT that you're just diverting from the absoluetely astounding incompetence of these devs. If I was a little more on the paranoid site I'd say you're a dev yourself but honestly you just seem like the most obnoxious white knight contrarian playing debate club on a fucking porn forum.

It really goes to show that you're not even adressing actual criticisms you just try to police who has a right to complain - over and over and over.
Please feel free to criticize the devs and any current supporters you disagree with - you need no one's permission to do this here.

As to your concern that I am 'not even adressing actual criticisms' - your own post criticizes supporters like me for continuing to support Radiant devs with $, making my point yet again - people telling others how to spend their money.

This was the entire point of my post ....

I will continue to be one of those people who support Radiant with $ until I Decide it is time to move on.

Whatever you may think - Radiant has come No Where Close to reaching the level of certain dev's who I Did stop supporting (ICSTOR - Milfy City, Gumdrop - Dual Family).

I enjoy Radiant.

While I hope for updates and ultimately a completed, non-truncated, AVN, Sir Damned's health will have a major impact on whether or not this happens.

Regardless of what is published between now and 2024, I will enjoy a replay of Radiant in 2024.

I enjoy replaying favorite AVNs, a mix of complete AVNs and incomplete AVNs, and Radiant is now among them.

Perhaps Radiant will remain a favorite through the years or perhaps it will not survive the test of time.

Whatever happens, I will continue to find AVNs I enjoy on F95/Patreon/SS and support a number of them because I choose to.

Thanks for at least taking the time to put words behind you facepalm reaction - that is more than what most of the facepalmer's do.

We don't agree on the timing for supporters to stop supporting Radiant with $, but that does not mean we can't have a relatively civil discussion.

Cheers! :coffee:


New Member
May 11, 2021
it all comes down to whether you believe the health excuses or not.

if you do, it´s reasonable to continue the support.

if you don´t (like me), you´re basically saying the devs don´t work at it out of laziness or simply pure calculation (why should i do something if they pay anyway). in that scenario, the only possibility for this game to get a even half decent update speed is a dramatic decrease in supporters.
and i feel that´s where the frustration of many guys here comes from. the supporters feel like a reason the game doesn´t move forward.

it all remains speculation anyway, since no one here actually has insight on how the situation really is. and while i generally agree with the idea of "people should decide what to do with their money themselves", a part of me hopes for the majority of supporters to leave temporarily, since i really want this game to get updates. it´s not about punishing the devs, it´s about making progress.

if this thing gets updates at a reasonable pace, i´d pledge a few coins myself and also hope for the supportes to return.
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May 23, 2020
it all comes down to whether you believe the health excuses or not.
Yeah, I think there's a revolving door of supporters that come by every quarter or so. New people find this site every day, they learn about this game, play it, and think "wow this is such a good game I'll give a few them bucks." Then after a few months they say... "hey... where's the update you said would be out by now?" Then they get their first-time excuse and say, "oh okay, this must not happen a lot I'll give them another shot... it's not like a dev would have seven major life events happen each time for seven releases..." fast-forward to today... annnnnd here we are.

It's like the devs spent 100% of their time working on this project initially, then 90% work, with 10% effort coming up with an excuse, then 70/30. Now the table has flipped, and they work 10% on the game and 90% effort goes into a more believable excuse than the game itself.

I'm thinking this conversation has already been had behind the scenes:

Dev1: "Fuck it, we said that chapter 5 alpha is 70% complete right?"

Dev2: "Yea."

Dev1: "And we said we would have the remaining 30% done in no less than a month?"

Dev2: "Yea."

Dev1: "Polished and ready to play as the complete beta, right?"

Dev2: "Yea.."

Dev1: "And we've been in Alpha for how long? 4 months?"

Dev2: "Yea..."

Dev1: "And we said we would deliver Chapter 6 in August?"

Dev2: "Yea we have a ton of work ahead of us..."

Dev1: "Nope! No work! Here's what we do, we work on the remaining 30% and don't deliver it as a complete beta."

Dev2: "Okay...?"

Dev1: "What we do is call remaining 30% of Chapter 5..."

In unison: "Chapter 6 INSTEAD!"

Dev1: "Bro you've read my mind; this is totally believable!"

Dev2: "yea fuck these losers, they've gobbled up everything we've said so far!"

Honestly, screw the update, I'm here to watch this dumpster fire of a developmental process go down; not like the Titanic in a few hours, not like the Lusitania in 18 minutes, but that little sub that suddenly imploded. (Side note: I find it hilarious the company was literally called OceanGate lmfao... perfect)

I either just gave them an idea for chapter 6, or this was their plan all along... Either way, I'm right.

By the way, devs, I know you're reading this between your FF gaming secessions, so hi, and all that... if you would just fulfill your obligations, you set yourself, and give us a game to play and discuss, and I won't have to do these kinds of posts. Do you think my schizophrenic-sociopathic tendencies like doing this? Well... they do, but that's beside the point. Do you see this happening in other game threads? No. Just this one...? Weird. I wonder what factor distinguishes you from them. You. You are your own worst enemy right now.

To the people reading my nonsense, stay hydrated and thirsty for both knowledge and physicality bois. I want you to be better than you were yesterday, so I want you to do this today, break it up if you have to:

x100 body squats
x100 pushups (wall pushups if you're a little fatty (we're going to fix that though))
x100 sit-ups

Stop donating to these clowns and buy a set of kettlebells.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Well finally caught up fully with this last night...

Writing gets worse and worse....so many inconsistencies and errors in the plot/what is being said....heh...utterly amazing what 3 pretty virginal triplet daughters can do for your bank balance eh....because in all honesty, even by AVN standards, the quality is shocking.

Can only guess the majoity of Patreon supporters are north American, they just love throwing money away pointlessly and then complaining they are broke/underpaid etc. The mind boggles how this still has so much support, given the overall quality and that Damned isn't even doing the graphics which is the most time consuming aspect...

*shakes head*...world is mad.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
When you start strong, it's very difficult to keep that level. Harder still to improve.
Far easier to write more and more side birds that most don't care about.
Frankly, the only side bird I care about is Brooke as she was introduced fairly early on and initially got some good writing. Initially. I don't mind her ballpunching wombat but Dammed should stop letting himself get sidetracked.
The game's focus should be the trips, not which hole he can get into next. It seems that characterisation and personal development with the triplets is being sidelined for being a generic magic penis game.


Apr 21, 2017
When you start strong, it's very difficult to keep that level. Harder still to improve.
Far easier to write more and more side birds that most don't care about.
Frankly, the only side bird I care about is Brooke as she was introduced fairly early on and initially got some good writing. Initially. I don't mind her ballpunching wombat but Dammed should stop letting himself get sidetracked.
The game's focus should be the trips, not which hole he can get into next. It seems that characterisation and personal development with the triplets is being sidelined for being a generic magic penis game.
I believe there is a key reason--yeah, money--that many Devs stall the "good stuff" with LIs.
That is, trying to sell customized wallpapers to willing buyers who have fallen in lust with a particular LI. These supporters just can't wait for the game to actually deliver what they need/want. Prices vary depending on customization but I've read about 1k USD or thereabouts.
  • Haha
Reactions: faramata


Active Member
Mar 13, 2022
I believe there is a key reason--yeah, money--that many Devs stall the "good stuff" with LIs.
That is, trying to sell customized wallpapers to willing buyers who have fallen in lust with a particular LI. These supporters just can't wait for the game to actually deliver what they need/want. Prices vary depending on customization but I've read about 1k USD or thereabouts.
You know, seems plausible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
I believe there is a key reason--yeah, money--that many Devs stall the "good stuff" with LIs.
That is, trying to sell customized wallpapers to willing buyers who have fallen in lust with a particular LI. These supporters just can't wait for the game to actually deliver what they need/want. Prices vary depending on customization but I've read about 1k USD or thereabouts.
Please post the screenshot showing this - I'd like to see where this information came from and any details surrounding what someone was trying to buy.

Cheers! :coffee:
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Reactions: KingArthur101


Oct 8, 2022
Hey guys, do you think you're having issues with the cunning devs, rare updates, and whatnot?
Straight from the BaDIK thread:
Hmmm.. After that are more info's in this thread saying it's not dead.
But anyways. Nothing to compare with because BaDIK is a complete other (update) level than radiant. With or without steam. DPC deliver.
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Reactions: faramata


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Hmmm.. After that are more info's in this thread saying it's not dead.
But anyways. Nothing to compare with because BaDIK is a complete other (update) level than radiant. With or without steam. DPC deliver.
Haha, nah, I quoted the guy from the BaDIK thread who said that BaDIK is dead. If BaDIK is dead, then this game is doing pretty alright :)


Apr 21, 2017
Please post the screenshot showing this - I'd like to see where this information came from and any details surrounding what someone was trying to buy.

Cheers! :coffee:
Sorry. I first heard about it years ago via DM, so no screenshot.
But why is it so hard to understand? Generally, Devs are a type of caterer "dishing" up fan-service games/renders. If a supporter is willing to pay extra for a special service (i.e,. extra-special lap-dance), who says no?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Sorry. I first heard about it years ago via DM, so no screenshot.
But why is it so hard to understand? Generally, Devs are a type of caterer "dishing" up fan-service games/renders. If a supporter is willing to pay extra for a special service (i.e,. extra-special lap-dance), who says no?
You quoted about $1,000 USD or thereabouts - for a wallpaper. That sounds unreasonable to me.

I can understand fans who would pay $50 - $100 for some Very Hi Def (8K, for example) wallpaper of one particular hot fantasy image but not $1,000 USD.

Hence my skepticism without a screenshot (not of the DM but of proof that the person sending the DM was showing what was created and in its original form).

People can Say anything in a DM - that hardly provides actual proof.

Einstien Internet Quote1.jpg

Cheers! :coffee:


Apr 21, 2017
You quoted about $1,000 USD or thereabouts - for a wallpaper. That sounds unreasonable to me.

I can understand fans who would pay $50 - $100 for some Very Hi Def (8K, for example) wallpaper of one particular hot fantasy image but not $1,000 USD.

Hence my skepticism without a screenshot (not of the DM but of proof that the person sending the DM was showing what was created and in its original form).

People can Say anything in a DM - that hardly provides actual proof.

View attachment 2766655

Cheers! :coffee:
I met a babe (part-time escort) at a party who said she gave a guy a bj for 700 USD. Supposedly, he was a total nerd/programmer. I told her, "Well, I've heard about freebies..."
So the actual pricing is negotiable.

The more important point is that middle-men--Patreon and others--control the AVN business. Devs are along for the ride and are shown how to maximize profits. This reality is purposely hidden/obscured from players.

Ofc, someone can dispute anything a random-with-a-nick says. So why should this not also be the case for a Dev-with-a-nick?
The AVN "community" is basically made up of players. Pirates are welcome. Devs are on the fringe. Anyone who is either too pro-Dev or anti-pirate is anti-community.


Active Member
Mar 13, 2022
You quoted about $1,000 USD or thereabouts - for a wallpaper. That sounds unreasonable to me.

I can understand fans who would pay $50 - $100 for some Very Hi Def (8K, for example) wallpaper of one particular hot fantasy image but not $1,000 USD.

Hence my skepticism without a screenshot (not of the DM but of proof that the person sending the DM was showing what was created and in its original form).

People can Say anything in a DM - that hardly provides actual proof.

View attachment 2766655

Cheers! :coffee:
Oh wow, you totally wrecked him by invoking Einstein...Too bad you're not as skeptical when it comes to the obvious BS from the Radiant "developer".


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Oh wow, you totally wrecked him by invoking Einstein...Too bad you're not as skeptical when it comes to the obvious BS from the Radiant "developer".
My Einstein quote was not about wrecking the poster - I was simply using it as a meme for not trusting everything you see on the internet/read in a DM etc.

I am on a number of threads where someone can make a claim like this, and others will simply say 'screenshot pls' - because it is too easy for total strangers to play the 'just trust me' game.

If someone can provide the screenshot, then it becomes a point of discussion; if not, it usually dies on the vine.

I've shared my opinions about why I like Radiant and shared what I like as well as provided a few recommendations to the devs on SS, and in DMs.

I've seen some improvements since the initial release - perfect - no - but some improvements.

As to your 'obvious BS from the Radiant "developer" statement, I simply don't care whether or not you believe the dev has a health issue or a legitimate reason for the delay in posting additional content.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I draw my own conclusions based on what I read, paying far more attention to what is on SS versus F95, as well as my own life experiences.

I have already seen too many good/great AVNs get either abandoned or put on an indefinite hold due to health/personal issues to ignore the possibility that Sir Damned is telling the truth when he talks about his poor health.

If I am right - I get to help another human being, someone creating something I enjoy, through a difficult time.

If I am wrong, then I have given a little money each month to someone who does not deserve it.

It's My Choice, My Risk and My $ - so I am fine with this possibility.

Feel free to make your choices with Your $ and leave my wallet out of your consideration!

Cheers! :coffee:
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