I saw the same error reported on page 2, but there was no solution. I recently had a big issue on my computer and lost basically half of my C drive, random things got deleted, including my RAGS installation. I redownloaded it, but now when I try to open a RAGS game, I get the
Padding is invalid and cannot be removed
error. I've tried redownloading Java, and (I think) .NET 3.5.1 (I can't find a single definitive THIS IS THE RIGHT DOWNLOAD type of thing for .NET 3.5.1. I found a thing online saying you can just install it using the Control Panel, which is what I did, but I dunno. I have W7, if someone has a better idea.) I also had installed RAGS 3.0, and 2.4.16, neither is working. Not sure what to do. Thanks!