
New Member
Apr 11, 2018
Anyone know how to complete the tilde cube calculator battle? where the hint says they both must make 100% or something? I've been mindlessly playing the battle and have killed 41 enemies and not let any through and the game is still going, I can't figure out what its asking me to do.
Make them both at half health.


Aug 19, 2016
Has anyone worked out how to get the item from the free battle Saurus Moor? I've got the monkey orb from killing 30 enemies in 5 turns easily enough but no treasure or anything


Mar 9, 2018
Has anyone worked out how to get the item from the free battle Saurus Moor? I've got the monkey orb from killing 30 enemies in 5 turns easily enough but no treasure or anything
Not sure, but try killing 35+, i.e. kill 29 and then be extra careful to not parry some random shit mob (since the 30th kill will clear the stage) and go for a special kill (not that easy, so you might have to try a few times until everything lines up). This will unlock Saurus Moor 2 which is a fight against a single big angry dino fuck.
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Mar 9, 2018
Does 6 and above need a Remake?
The one game that really needs a remake/extension is Kichikuou Rance. If done properly, it could tell the whole story (and many more) from start to finish, all the characters, all the locations, all the events, in a single game.

But just what are the chances that, even if this is happening, which it isn't, that Alicesoft would manage to put their best strategy and team building bits, their best rpg fight mechanics, their best dungeon scrolling bits and everything that has proved to be fun and lewd, all into a single package? About 0.00%.

But in my mind, it is the best game ever.
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Aug 8, 2022
Does 6 and above need a Remake?

That aside, Remake 03 is hella fun to play, too bad it's not translated
Future generations need Rance too.
Considering that 3 got remake when it is almost same as 4 so it should get remake. 5 is just shit that should have remake. After those it is only few games so they just might do it after few years.
Rance 6 is still best rance game and Rance 4 second best


Mar 24, 2018
Has anyone worked out how to get the item from the free battle Saurus Moor? I've got the monkey orb from killing 30 enemies in 5 turns easily enough but no treasure or anything
The treasure chest spawns after a couple of rounds. You are too fast killing the enemies. Delay killing over 29 until you have the treasure chest enemy spawn.


Jan 15, 2020
ok nvm i think i got lucky and manage to beat her in my third try, i basically placed my units in a way i could zone attack effectively and it somehow worked.
Still she's one of the most tiresome boss i ever beat


Mar 9, 2018
Kanami's 4th H Scene: Wew lads. And I thought Mercy watching Rance fuck the Pope silly was already hot (there is going to be a holy Mercy/Crook followup, right? right? Crooks the best. Doesn't give a shit. Best pope, maybe ever. But I digress...). Anyways, this scene officially settles a few things:
  • Cucknami, hahahaha. She's a good girl, but come on.
  • Freya > Cucknami. But fear not, the latter is not a lost cause (this is a lie and you know it), I'm sure Freya could teach her to be a big girl in no time.
  • Freya is obviously the optimal Rance ninja wingman, she's down to anything, incredibly hot, badass, and most importantly, she solves Rance's Achilles' heel: foreplay. And he even says it himself, that fucking retard, going in dry hurts himself too. So the sex is mostly shit, and the girls got PTSD'd for good. It's a lose-lose situation, and Freya turns it all around into a solid win-win: she not only is able to capture the girls, any, she also makes them moist, and might as well join the fun later on. In short: Freya wins. Best ninja since Suzume (RIP), who also was a badass wingman of a ninja. As to cucknami... holy shit. I'm afraid, she's a lost cause. Absolutely mindbroken.

...also, also
  • keep 4 monkey orbs in the store, always ready for when an even better girl shows up in the harem
  • play next mission. oh no, it's a fucking multi part shit.
  • get 3 monkey orbs
  • you now have 6 monkey orbs.
  • reload save and do some H scene with those monkey orbs first.
  • but wait, I also have 4 crabby patty orbs.
  • do some free shit mission, using crabby patty first.
  • do the fucking H scene
the game is just a terrible hack, quickly put together by 3 underpayed and overworked and undertrained (if at all) gooks.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
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Sep 3, 2017
Does 6 and above need a Remake?
Rance VI (aka 06) is fine.
Its a dungeon crawler with not bad graphics from 1990 like rance I to IV.

So yeah, 06 its fully playable and fun to play if you like the dungeon crawler stuff. And my opinion its where the plot of the saga start.

You can figure all the plot just by playing 3, 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 and 10. (special mention of 4 just for the mague sect and warlods)

If you want more than just the core plot of the saga. Then play all of them because all of them add new char, continue their story and progress the characterization of every char.

The games that really need a remake is 4 and Kichikuou.


Mar 9, 2018
The games that really need a remake is 4 and Kichikuou.
Kichikuou really has potential to be more than a mere remake. It always was more than just yet another/the next rance title. I just don't see how Alicesoft isn't going to fuck it up, or at least not come up to certain expectations (namely all the best parts of all the rance games combined). Imagine a Kikichuou that starts at Rance 01. And further imagine your run could develop in all kinds of crazy ways, for example don't pick up the whole shizu/maria/... gang, but side with Nagi early on. See what happens. Suzume gets to live and prosper ever after. All the way from Rance 01 to Rance X. The ultimate Rance game. 100% 3D shit free, with 100% extra cute, never reused art and proper pubes to boot.

The problem is complexity which blows everything up to unfeasible amounts. But maybe, if we wait another decade, you could train a proper NN/diffussion model for each character and then just insert certain keywords into well crafted prompts that generates art and why not even chat/plot and what not as needed, on the fly. Tailored to your tastes too with style transfer. Welcome to a new age of gaming. In 25 years. Can't fucking wait.


Active Member
Nov 28, 2017
OH SHIT. The English version... finally, after 9000 years...

I can finally get Senhime preggo :coffee:


Mar 9, 2018
Miracle's Level 3 H Scene:
  • Rance clone party time! Fuck yeah, this is gonna be excellent! I know exactly what comes next, guahahahaha!
  • ...
  • The duke it out. Rance kills the clone and proceeds to drink some random shit out of Miracle's poison cabinet.
  • Turns into a fucking Buttler. LVL1.
  • Some more stupid Buttler shit.
  • ...
  • Finally he's back. Cue same fucking CG reused for the third time already.
Any other game (other than Rance) and that's an instadrop.
And we all know, what really should have happened here:
  • Rance vs Rance clone
  • figure out that they're both Rance, which is awesome, why we fighting again?
  • proceed to DP Miracle to shits and back, ghahahahaha.
No. A buttler is what we get. The fuck. I payed for a lewd eroge H scene with three fucking monkey balls and not for some oh so funny random Family Guy episode.
I'm pissed. :mad:
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