
drunk off sake
Feb 23, 2023
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Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
Nothing fucking new in 1.35 at all.. Damn notebook says to be hard on Zen to get her to do something new.. that does not work either.. a week of nothing but punishment and starving her.. This update was garbage there is nothing new. If it's not an update than just tag it as a fix.. like 1.33b or something to that affect.


New Member
Oct 6, 2022
Did you go to scarlet?- shell cast a protection spell that will take 2 days so that way Zen magic doesnt kill you


Chaotic Evil Porn Addict
Game Developer
Apr 26, 2021
Turns out the Taliya game is tied to FPS
I set Randel Tales to 30 FPS in rivatuner. Piece of piss.
The taliya minigame is bugged for me. it stays in left corner and only moves a little to the right before going back. it's never getting close to the green area.
I tried limiting FPS and slowing it down with cheat engine
View attachment 2652372 Can't pass here, white ball is stuck on left corner. There's something i can do to fix?
I encountered it too. One of the stages during the early spars does that.
Just click with the mouse and you will miss. (aka, clicked when the white ball is not in the green zone).

You are not supposed to win that one anyways since it moves at an utterly insane speed and you haven't trained much yet.
in the future you will have a winable one.
The mini game duel against Taliya is fucking broken as fuck! I have 42 sword skill and it's still just as fucking fast and impossible!
in the figth with talya the dot doesn't move at all, is there a way to bypass this?
I think it's broken the battle with the demon worshiper it did not even move at all was pegged to the left. The change log said depending on skill level it should be a bit slower which it definitely was not.
This works properly in 1.3.5. There are two that still go really fast but that's how they're intended to be. Otherwise in 1.3.5 the minigame has been completely fixed.

The first time you get Zenelith's final anal scene has a couple of graphical errors. Specifically there is a quick flash of a checkerboard pattern just after "Mh?-" and once you hit "Fuck... me... Harder~~" the animation goes away and is replaced by a solid grey screen with "znanalanime" at the top center that sticks around till you select your inside/outside choice.

Also the walkthough to get there seems to be wrong, I had to also Grope/Finger/BJ/Sex and then feed her to get it to trigger.
how do i unlock the final scene for zenelith, i did like the walkthrough said but still feeling confused
I updated the walkthrough accordingly and I fixed the missing screens. I've also tried fixing the checkerboard pattern but I still have to see if it works properly now.

I don't want to complain too much in order to not dogpile on you for not being able to save Twig, but I find it hard to believe that the MC couldn't tell her something like "Whatever you do, stay as far away from the Dump a possible for a few days, there's demon cultists there and we are coming back in a week to deal with them". I mean, it's not like the cultists were specifically going for her, if they took her it's because she was an easy target, being close to the Dump and not interacting with many other slaves, if she stayed amongt the crowd for a week she should've been fine, No?
speaking of. it is a bit confusing... she has an owner!
instead of sleeping in a slave barracks in his house...
she instead walks all the way down to the poor people district of the city. and back.
whenever she... feels like working? allowing her to have the time to nurse the MC to health in her home? what?
also lacks socialization with peers despite the slaves all living together in a special slum area just for slaves and not even guards inside?
and she is able to walk by those 2 guards just fine every day to and from work unaccosted...
and those 2 guards are the only thing separating the countless slaves from the higher tiers?
This is one of the things that weren't properly conveyed that will get some extra text in 1.4 to explain better. The bottom floor of the city is where slaves are sent by their masters to work mining oil. The reason why it's guarded to begin (I'm not sure why Tao thinks it isn't since guards in the city are only mentioned like twice and once is related to the entry to the city and the other is literally for that specific floor) with is that the property down there isn't supposed to leave if their master doesn't come to get them, and the "houses" (which are basically tents) are just an excuse to keep them there as much as they feel like it. The MC can't do much about it unless he found her master, an either paid hm or beat him to convince him to let her not go there.

That being said I'll repeat myself by saying that the possibility is still there and she may get a route later on, but before that happens we've got like 5 other characters who are still in need of a route, and at least 2 that need their entire route reworked, so that's at the very least 3 years if we don't get enough money to expand the team and pump out updates more often.

If we do manage to expand the team though it might come in half that time honestly.

Nothing fucking new in 1.35 at all.. Damn notebook says to be hard on Zen to get her to do something new.. that does not work either.. a week of nothing but punishment and starving her.. This update was garbage there is nothing new. If it's not an update than just tag it as a fix.. like 1.33b or something to that affect.
You are welcome.

So the game ends when you leave the village after your uncle's death?
Last time I played that when it stopped.
Is the story every going to be continued or are the rest of the updates going to all be fixes?
When does this game gonna be completed approximately?

I want to play it when its fully done.
Will July (character) be getting any content later?
Will there continue a route with Taliya?
Aight so I'll answer everybody's questions on future development all at once.

1. The game's first chapter is complete story-wise meaning that you can get from the beginning to the end of the chapter and though there might be changes as to how that happens in the future as we expand the game's scope, it is functionally done. That being said, before we start working on the second chapter, we're adding more routes while polishing the game on the side, so even though you might reach the end of the game, there will be still content added every update (currently every other update will have a full route, and the other will have more minor content like extra dialogues, revamped scenes, new features, etc.)

2. Most characters without a route will have a route in the future (except Milly most likely). The only exceptions are, obviously dead characters, which have no guarantee of ever getting their own route. In regards to Taliya, you'll probably see her again in the second chapter of the game.

Leo Von Frich

Nov 1, 2017
I loved this game but seeing the end of the poor slave girl broke my heart I thought the end would be able to save her see .. at least if there was a route to try to save her T^T
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Leo Von Frich

Nov 1, 2017
Isso funciona corretamente em 1.3.5. Há dois que ainda vão muito rápido, mas é assim que devem ser. Caso contrário, em 1.3.5, o minijogo foi completamente corrigido.

Atualizei o passo a passo de acordo e consertei as telas ausentes. Também tentei corrigir o padrão quadriculado, mas ainda preciso ver se funciona corretamente agora.

Esta é uma das coisas que não foram transmitidas adequadamente e que receberá algum texto extra em 1.4 para explicar melhor. O andar inferior da cidade é onde os escravos são enviados por seus senhores para trabalhar na mineração de petróleo. A razão pela qual é guardado para começar (não sei por que Tao pensa que não, já que os guardas na cidade são mencionados apenas duas vezes e uma está relacionada à entrada da cidade e a outra é literalmente para aquele andar específico) com é que a propriedade lá embaixo não deve sair se seu mestre não vier buscá-los, e as "casas" (que são basicamente barracas) são apenas uma desculpa para mantê-los lá tanto quanto eles quiserem . O MC não pode fazer muito sobre isso, a menos que ele encontre seu mestre, pague ou bata nele para convencê-lo a não deixá-la ir lá.

Dito isso, vou me repetir dizendo que a possibilidade ainda existe e ela pode conseguir uma rota mais tarde, mas antes que isso aconteça, temos outros 5 personagens que ainda precisam de uma rota e pelo menos 2 que precisam de toda a sua rota retrabalhada, então são pelo menos 3 anos se não conseguirmos dinheiro suficiente para expandir a equipe e lançar atualizações com mais frequência.

Se conseguirmos expandir a equipe, embora possa chegar na metade desse tempo, honestamente.

View attachment 2783795
De nada.

Certo, então responderei às perguntas de todos sobre o desenvolvimento futuro de uma só vez.

1. O primeiro capítulo do jogo é completo em termos de história, o que significa que você pode ir do início ao fim do capítulo e, embora possa haver mudanças em como isso acontecerá no futuro à medida que expandimos o escopo do jogo, é funcionalmente feito . Dito isto, antes de começarmos a trabalhar no segundo capítulo, estamos adicionando mais rotas enquanto aprimoramos o jogo lateralmente, portanto, mesmo que você chegue ao final do jogo, ainda haverá conteúdo adicionado a cada atualização (atualmente a cada outra atualização terá uma rota completa e a outra terá mais conteúdo menor, como diálogos extras, cenas renovadas, novos recursos, etc.)

2. A maioria dos personagens sem uma rota terá uma rota no futuro (exceto Milly provavelmente). As únicas exceções são, obviamente, personagens mortos, que não têm garantia alguma de seguir seu próprio caminho. Em relação a Taliya, você provavelmente a verá novamente no segundo capítulo do jogo.
This works properly in 1.3.5. There are two that still go really fast but that's how they're intended to be. Otherwise in 1.3.5 the minigame has been completely fixed.

I updated the walkthrough accordingly and I fixed the missing screens. I've also tried fixing the checkerboard pattern but I still have to see if it works properly now.

This is one of the things that weren't properly conveyed that will get some extra text in 1.4 to explain better. The bottom floor of the city is where slaves are sent by their masters to work mining oil. The reason why it's guarded to begin (I'm not sure why Tao thinks it isn't since guards in the city are only mentioned like twice and once is related to the entry to the city and the other is literally for that specific floor) with is that the property down there isn't supposed to leave if their master doesn't come to get them, and the "houses" (which are basically tents) are just an excuse to keep them there as much as they feel like it. The MC can't do much about it unless he found her master, an either paid hm or beat him to convince him to let her not go there.

That being said I'll repeat myself by saying that the possibility is still there and she may get a route later on, but before that happens we've got like 5 other characters who are still in need of a route, and at least 2 that need their entire route reworked, so that's at the very least 3 years if we don't get enough money to expand the team and pump out updates more often.

If we do manage to expand the team though it might come in half that time honestly.

View attachment 2783795
You are welcome.

Aight so I'll answer everybody's questions on future development all at once.

1. The game's first chapter is complete story-wise meaning that you can get from the beginning to the end of the chapter and though there might be changes as to how that happens in the future as we expand the game's scope, it is functionally done. That being said, before we start working on the second chapter, we're adding more routes while polishing the game on the side, so even though you might reach the end of the game, there will be still content added every update (currently every other update will have a full route, and the other will have more minor content like extra dialogues, revamped scenes, new features, etc.)

2. Most characters without a route will have a route in the future (except Milly most likely). The only exceptions are, obviously dead characters, which have no guarantee of ever getting their own route. In regards to Taliya, you'll probably see her again in the second chapter of the game.

please create a route save slave girl what did to her broke my heart
4.40 star(s) 54 Votes