i am 23 years old woman living in ex comunist country i worked as private police chief (security guard chief i guess you can call it with little more rights than ordinary guards) and i can tell you this (Most men who enter f95zone to seek rape fantasy stuff usually are what i call (ordinary or programmer type) not very rapey persons with wild imagination prolly would even go to thailand just to try ladyboys meanwhile real rapey dicks are angry rednecks and ppl who usually hate pc-s (coz pc is for wankers and yes i heard that

or other stuff (a sporty cool looking sex hungry kinda selfish dude is the 2nd type of average rapist profile i saw the sporty dudes sometimes "train younger girls sport" and when their parents are away train them sexy stuff and blackmail them for more sexy stuff or will fail them on exam or anything else. Maan i am scared how knowledgeable i am for these stuff
The saying "ignorance is bliss" would describe precisely how I feel about this whole topic.
After talking with many women who were sexually assaulted I was utterly shocked at just how common it seems.
I'm a 38 year old female, currently living in Western Europe and always knew that rape was a thing, even in such a"civilized" country as my own, but I failed to see the scale on which it was and is still happening.
It's swept under the rug and is seen as something that must be kept hidden under all circumstances.
I had to clench my fists when I gave my testimony at the police station after my attempted assault and some old ass wannabe cop turned psychiatrist explained to me that: "Your assaulter was just a raging madman, an animal if you'd like, who lost all control over his actions and reason."
No, kind sir, this wasn't just a "madman".
I was in my mid twenties and worked occasionally with others staff members, all male just to be clear, as a bouncer at a well known club in my area.
I usually did nothing more than bar-tending but I was asked if I could help out with security, because many female guests refused to be searched by the male staff if it was needed and I was simply the tallest and meanest looking (their words, not mine... lol) one of us girls on the service team.
Some night I was on door duty again and had already denied this scrawny, dressed like a gangster rapper in training looking guy entrance on multiple times, but he just kept coming back, every time more aggressive and threatening towards me (and me alone), as he clearly saw me as the "easier" target rather than the hulking older bloke beside me.
This was nothing new to me, especially with Muslim men, so I kept my cool until he got way too close and was not backing away again.
I was ready to act, but the other bouncer (bless his heart) beat me to it, grabbed him and dragged his screaming and cursing ass to the street level.
I shrugged, like I said, this was nothing new to me and finished the last three hours of my shift.
Little did I knew, that this asshole waited in hiding the whole time outside the club for me to leave.
Now is that the action of a mindless madman who doesn't know what he is doing, to wait patiently three hours to ambush someone?
I don't think so.
And as I stated in my other post, I do not regret what I did to him, I'm just grateful that I had my telescopic baton with me and that I was confident enough to use it properly.
When it comes to "rapey kind of people" I find it very hard to define a certain type.
Yes, sure there are always those kind of guys, you called them angry rednecks and hateful people, but they are a lost cause to the world, no matter what.
You could kick their sorry asses all day long, call them out on their stupidity and they would still believe that you are a weak and inferior human being, a property they are entitled to own mainly because of their birthright as men and nothing else.
I believe that most of those who actually become rapists simply see an opportunity and seize it, may it be because they don't care, or fear about any form of repercussion for their deed, or they are convincing themselves that the other person, in almost all cases women, let's be real here, secretly or willingly want it (Why else would she be wearing something as arousing like this, or show that much skin to all the men, if she is not looking for a good fuck?).
I could go on and on, but I think I made myself clear.
i am scared how knowledgeable i am for these stuff
I know that feeling, believe me, but on the other hand I keep telling me, that knowledge is power and I rather know things than keeping my eyes closed forever and hope that all problems resolve themselves on their own by doing so.
Well, it was nice talking to you and have a nice day.