
Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
Given some of the extreme content the game has, I am really grateful the game does not have lolicon malice content, it must've taken a lot of restraint, puberty just got skipped off-screen - good riddance.
Yeaap, I don't think we need loli naga stuff. She's cool as is, incest or not.
Malice - rowdy teen.jpg
Also, stop giving me such shamefully intrusive ideas, dammit! Now I stuck thinking of HoMM3 teen nagas getting railed.

I am all pro-HOMM porn, but common! Why TF is this stuck in my head now? Let's have ahegao naga instead:
HOMM3 - Naga by Alvthric ahegao version by Shinobissimo.png
Ahe-naga, anyone?
Sep 11, 2022
What do you mean there are no lolis? Wouldn't Darja be a loli? She is small, has almost no breasts, cute and has a slightly childish behavior (and for everyone who cares, she is also of legal age and has consensual sex)
This answer is not for anyone specific and only because someone said there were no loli in this game but we have darja
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Feb 20, 2021
What do you mean there are no lolis? Wouldn't Darja be a loli? She is small, has almost no breasts, cute and has a slightly childish behavior (and for everyone who cares, she is also of legal age and has consensual sex)
This answer is not for anyone specific and only because someone said there were no loli in this game but we have darja
Petite isn't loli, Darja has small breasts but like, there are mature women out there who also have small breasts you know. Her behavior also doesn't really fit, she's a horny degenerate who just happens to be naive and with no sex-ed or experience, I've known people like that. She has loads of interactions with other characters and none of them remark on anything of the sort either. Then there's that this game has like a truck-ton of tags listed but loli isn't one of them and she's been in the game for a long time so the consensus is pretty clear.

But! Tails have its own expression ranges. Check elasid's animations, for example.
This is true, but I mean it in the sense that you have just one tail so things you can do with it are more limited than if you had two limbs. With a pair of legs, you can do lots of poses, now imagine if you had just one - sure there's lots of ways to bend yourself, similar to how a snake can wrap itself around somebody, but it feels more limiting. Imagine how dancing would work having just a tail, there are just fewer gestures you can make, ballet wouldn't have the same elegance to it, you can't do the splits, etc.

You've brought a good point, BTW, on which I will expand a bit. Different anatomy allows for different, yet still cute, endearing or sexy expressions. Lamias (nagas, medusas, proper lamias - all the slithery gals; mermaids too, to a degree), for example, have tails and (usually) tongues. Slight motion of naga's tail, especially if equipped with a rattler or another natural adornment, may express a wide array of emotions - tongues too, to a smaller degree. Or, for example, furries may have their own expressions with their inhuman bits, draeneis have their facial tentacles that could twist, bend and twitch to add to expression of the face, dragons and other non-humanoids have entire different ways to express themselves, and any winged creature may flap, fold or stretch their wings to express themselves.

It's cool!
I feel like that comes more from conventions, what do we expect rattling to mean? When a dog wags its tail, thats often a sign of happiness, but in a cat, it might be irritation. In a human, when you "rattle" or shake your legs, that is usually indicative of anxiety, it just doesn't make the same noise, but the action is similar, we just prescribe a different meaning to it. You could imagine a humanoid species where trembling legs mean something different, like arousal, but it's rarely seen because there are no parallels to it in real life that we can empathize with.

Also, sexy times. You know what lamia brings to the table? Tongue and tail. You know what that means? Extra-sloppy French kissing. Tonguejobs. Tongue sounding. Tail hugs. Tail pegging. A lot of tail pegging. Tail can travel up the bend of your intestines, after all. Extra-deep rimming - long tongue can travel far too!

Can human girl do the same? No she can't, sir!

Lamias are just built differently. Slithery gals are (some of the) best gals!
While I feel you can also just stick a foot up someone's ass, I concede that they have superior tongues, definitely the best thing about them in my opinion. I find the emphasis they put on saying words with an elongated "s" to be a little silly, but the length enables a diverse range of motion that a normal tongue can't do, so the appeal is very understandable.

Thirst for neanderthussy is real, bro!

Feels weird to speak that way about extinct specie of humans. Very weird. Probably wrong too.
Nothing wrong with it at all personally. Depending on your views, they are either in some sort of an afterlife so they have no reason to care what we think or say about them on Earth, or they just don't exist in which case you can't offend or hurt something that doesn't exist anymore. Reason we are respectful to the dead, the whole ritual and ceremony with burials and graves and so on, is done for respect of the living, people who grieved and cared about them, not the deceased. We do these things for our benefit, and I doubt anyone here is close friends with a Neanderthal.
Besides that, like I said we have mixed with them, so even if their species is extinct, some of their genes live on in us. They aren't just this weird distant species that has gone extinct, they are related to us, so we are not really disrespecting them any less than we are disrespecting ourselves. Even if you have 0% of their DNA, chances are you're instead related to another extinct homonid species, many of which we don't know anything about. While most humans are quite reserved and proper, as a species we're pretty freaky, if there's intelligent life out there it's only a matter of time before one of us will try to have sex with it.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
Can u have only one dragon consort or can u have as many as u want in the game
You can fuck every girl (and some boys too), have harem of many and pick anyone from the harem to be your consort, which includes twin catgirls.

So, it's 1 consort if you pick anyone but catgirls and 2 if you choose them.

Also, I have a question of my own. When you marry your queen, is your consort still considered your consort or is her status nullified? Like, if I breed Malice into Heloise but then choose to marry Malice later? And if your previous consort has her status nullified, does your queen becomes your consort? Or is two roles completely separate?

are we supposed to pretend the sex pics in this game are not AI?
Are they though? I clearly see author's touch in 'em. Maybe my brain playing tricks on me though. I once mistook nyunzu's artwork for AI-generated pic. That was embarassing.
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Aug 19, 2024
Also, I have a question of my own. When you marry your queen, is your consort still considered your consort or is her status nullified? Like, if I breed Malice into Heloise but then choose to marry Malice later? And if your previous consort has her status nullified, does your queen becomes your consort? Or is two roles completely separate?
Queen and consort are two separate things. So marrying one of them or Malice for example. Would change only her title. She becomes your queen with all the added benefits. Everyone else just continues on as is. And removing a consort or even all of them. Would not demote her back to consort. Consorts are additions not something needed. However! There are queen and king consorts. Which are also not the same as a regular consort. Consort being tacked on in those examples. Are to denote who isn't the actual ruler. Like if you got a Queen and a king consort. She's the one who calls the shots, him kinda but not so much.

Granted I have no idea about how it all works fully. Don't know if you can be demoted to queen consort or promoted from queen consort to full queen. Like what if the spouse comes in later after you're already ruling. Above my pay grade.

Are they though? I clearly see author's touch in 'em. Maybe my brain playing tricks on me though. I once mistook nyunzu's artwork for AI-generated pic. That was embarassing.
If I'm being honest, I don't even know anymore. I've seen a few games here and there. Where I thought wow, that's some nice looking art. Just to see an AI tag or someone mention it's AI. I've seen just general art here and there, even them character spread sheets. Where they showcase the finished character, plus different sides and/or body parts in one picture. All AI and I was just sitting there thinking like damn. When that shit happen? Granted for the most part, the art most folks use is the generic stuff. But man is it expanding in style.


Jun 10, 2018
Queen and consort are two separate things. So marrying one of them or Malice for example. Would change only her title. She becomes your queen with all the added benefits. Everyone else just continues on as is. And removing a consort or even all of them. Would not demote her back to consort. Consorts are additions not something needed. However! There are queen and king consorts. Which are also not the same as a regular consort. Consort being tacked on in those examples. Are to denote who isn't the actual ruler. Like if you got a Queen and a king consort. She's the one who calls the shots, him kinda but not so much.

Granted I have no idea about how it all works fully. Don't know if you can be demoted to queen consort or promoted from queen consort to full queen. Like what if the spouse comes in later after you're already ruling. Above my pay grade.

If I'm being honest, I don't even know anymore. I've seen a few games here and there. Where I thought wow, that's some nice looking art. Just to see an AI tag or someone mention it's AI. I've seen just general art here and there, even them character spread sheets. Where they showcase the finished character, plus different sides and/or body parts in one picture. All AI and I was just sitting there thinking like damn. When that shit happen? Granted for the most part, the art most folks use is the generic stuff. But man is it expanding in style.
Old art isn't AI.

I havn't seen all the new art to say with certainty that nothing AI has been added but everything prior to the 5.0 updates is not AI.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
Queen and consort are two separate things. So marrying one of them or Malice for example. Would change only her title. She becomes your queen with all the added benefits. Everyone else just continues on as is. And removing a consort or even all of them. Would not demote her back to consort. Consorts are additions not something needed. However! There are queen and king consorts. Which are also not the same as a regular consort. Consort being tacked on in those examples. Are to denote who isn't the actual ruler. Like if you got a Queen and a king consort. She's the one who calls the shots, him kinda but not so much.

Granted I have no idea about how it all works fully. Don't know if you can be demoted to queen consort or promoted from queen consort to full queen. Like what if the spouse comes in later after you're already ruling. Above my pay grade.
To be perfectly honest, it's not like I needed 101 on the subject - I know the difference between terms already. Granted, to no greater degree than you, I think, so I guess I can at least high-five you. Com'ere, my kinda-in-the-know-but-not-really bruva'!

My question, however, was purely about in-game definitions. I mean, does game keep considering anyone your consort after you marry someone? Or is that status nullified? I ask this precisely because I know the difference between IRL terms and want to check on how Ravager tackles is. For no greater reason that to sate my curiosity over the most tiny insignificant thing ever.

Also, I should have been clearer with my wording. Sorry for confusing you.

If I'm being honest, I don't even know anymore. I've seen a few games here and there. Where I thought wow, that's some nice looking art. Just to see an AI tag or someone mention it's AI. I've seen just general art here and there, even them character spread sheets. Where they showcase the finished character, plus different sides and/or body parts in one picture. All AI and I was just sitting there thinking like damn. When that shit happen? Granted for the most part, the art most folks use is the generic stuff. But man is it expanding in style.
It is! But I'd say that as of now, in most cases it's easy to spot the difference. And regardless of other examples, I see no reason to suspect Ravager devs of unstated AI-usage. The art here has recognizable style that traces back years. I don't think it's that easy to recreate by AI alone, given that uneven artstyle or "the middle-est ground" artsyle are probably two biggest issues generative AIs have. Almost always, it's some weird all-over the place generic style that, it seems, tries to mimick at least a few dozen artists at the same time. And each time the result is a bit different, like it lacks the hand behind the pencil, so to speak.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2021

This is true, but I mean it in the sense that you have just one tail so things you can do with it are more limited than if you had two limbs. With a pair of legs, you can do lots of poses, now imagine if you had just one - sure there's lots of ways to bend yourself, similar to how a snake can wrap itself around somebody, but it feels more limiting. Imagine how dancing would work having just a tail, there are just fewer gestures you can make, ballet wouldn't have the same elegance to it, you can't do the splits, etc.
To a point, yes, but tail is one heck of a flexible and long limb. It has its own huge range of motions, though they would probably differ in more subtle ways. Two legs could go two separate ways, like one on the shoulder and the other around waist, which makes some poses stand apart from one another very sharply. Also, no snuggling between legs when tail is involved, though it may wrap around, which is also very cool and snuggly in its own way!

As for the dancing... (pardon for the choice of words in advance, but I want the full might of expression to shine here)


We here grew up watching this. You aren't convincing anyone Post-Soviet that tails suck with fine motions. Your legs don't have moves like that old coiler has. They have too few bones for that.

Also, holy shit that old gentlesnake is legit DREADFUL. Not scary, dreadful. Even as little-little child you clearly understand what will happen off-screen. That guy is powerful and that's not the kind of power you want to be on the bad side of. You aren't escaping that old serpent if he wants you dead. No one does.

And those ruins are now short of inhabitants. That's how you get backstory for some spooky abandoned place. Someone came, did something, now there is no one left. Only stones that cry on windy nights on what they witnessed that day.

Kaa is dread.

Also also - holy shit animators went ham with his moves. I mean, doesn't look impressive by modern standards, but, a) that cartoon was made in parts between 1967 and 1971; b) Soviet cartoons had, I think, budget of between a shoestring and a foodcard for free borsch in local public dining, which gives the animation great budget-to-quality ratio in my Book of Jungles. Sorry for the low-hanging fruit there.

I feel like that comes more from conventions, what do we expect rattling to mean? When a dog wags its tail, thats often a sign of happiness, but in a cat, it might be irritation. In a human, when you "rattle" or shake your legs, that is usually indicative of anxiety, it just doesn't make the same noise, but the action is similar, we just prescribe a different meaning to it. You could imagine a humanoid species where trembling legs mean something different, like arousal, but it's rarely seen because there are no parallels to it in real life that we can empathize with.
The more mystique the merrier, no? Half the charm of xeno girls is learning what their body language means. Same vibe as exploration, I guess.

Hey, that's basically what it is - social-cultural exploration. Building bridges between people, civilizations and species, like the Sci-Fi of its Golden Age intended!

Aren't it just great as a concept? I mean, next few paragraphs will be a massive horn-dog nonsense-burger, so I want to put more serious note beforehand - or, rather, before you lose your faith in me as a decent and not insane human being, lol.

It's actually a pretty interesting topic. Tails, tongues and all that xeno stuff have their own range of emotions, yes. Me personally? I find tails to be extremely cute. Horny stuff is less relevant. Tails are just cute, that's it. They are very cuddly, have decent amount of movements, scales have cool texture (pun intended, they are cool in both senses of the word) and they just go on and on, and on. It's not about fitting lamia onto a regular bed - she can be the bed! Endless coils upon endless coils of slightly cool but still unmistakably warm flesh. Probably won't be too soft, yes - the tail is just endless muscle. Most likely very powerful too.

But isn't it just cool and cute? And just imagine how much of intimate (not in the sexual meaning - not primarily, at least) potential the tail has in-species. It's like with snakes, only more careful, sensual and inventive, since it's two sentient beings being together. Two very long limbs with near-endless potential to coil around themselves and other body parts, assisted by other body parts in the process. Even beyond the matter of sex, it just has so much potential!

Also, you can thank this gal for my lamia-related tangents:
MGQ - Alipheese Fateburn XVI in wedding dress.jpg
Ah, Alice! Hooked me on slithery girls all right! Spelled almost like Malice, but she is the OG. As much as I like our cute naga daughter, Alipheese Fateburn the XVIth was there for years before. Not even Malice is that cute - shocking, I know!

She's too sweet. Even this picture gives me diabetes!

Or I should have put less sugar in my tea, lol.

While I feel you can also just stick a foot up someone's ass, I concede that they have superior tongues, definitely the best thing about them in my opinion. I find the emphasis they put on saying words with an elongated "s" to be a little silly, but the length enables a diverse range of motion that a normal tongue can't do, so the appeal is very understandable.
Foot won't be nearly as... Well-suited? Yeah, won't be nearly as well-suited for the task as a tail is. It has perfect shape, after all - tapered end and all, to ease the entry. Smooth too, and expands slowly. And flexible, allowing to reach at... places. Though its muscle-movement will pose an extra danger to the guts, but that's not something careful practice won't fix.

It's quite awkward with the foot, I imagine - i mean, the far end is both the widest (especially if the person in question did a lot of barefooting) part and the part that goes in first. And it doesn't become much better further one, given that there are also ankle bones and heels - could be quite big too. And that's not even taking into account how different the size and shape may be. Imagine someone who walked barefoot a lot - a real lot. You know what it does to foot shape? Widens the far end while also allowing for more spread-out and longer toes, for starters. Make the whole thing much bigger and tougher, hardens the sole, give person huge heel that protrudes backwards noticeably. Depending on the lifestyle, size and shape of the foot can vary a lot. Some grippers out there are quite large indeed, now imagine one of those going up the chute.

Ouch! Also, if you wonder the specifics, just look at my left profile picture. I can't tell if ZMSFM used any real person's feet for reference material, but I assure you - I've seen feet like that. And as you can tell, the feet on the left picture are massive.

Yeah, I would probably pick tail over that. On less pervy note, I would like to pick none of that, of course. I prefer my butt as it is over needing butt-mending surgery, thank you very much.

On more related and malifiliacly-heretical note:

But tails aside, I MUST agree with you on tongues. Oh boy, those are just awesome!

First, they are cute. Just imagine some girl absentmindedly lick her own ear or swatting a fly on her eyebrow with her tongue. The sounds would be cute, yes, wisss sssse consssstant hisssingsss. But the motion... Oof, that would be something.

Second, SEX. NOW! (c) This point needs no further elaboration.

Nothing wrong with it at all personally. Depending on your views, they are either in some sort of an afterlife so they have no reason to care what we think or say about them on Earth, or they just don't exist in which case you can't offend or hurt something that doesn't exist anymore. Reason we are respectful to the dead, the whole ritual and ceremony with burials and graves and so on, is done for respect of the living, people who grieved and cared about them, not the deceased. We do these things for our benefit, and I doubt anyone here is close friends with a Neanderthal.
Doing anything at the cost of people who can't get back at you, be it because they incapable or absent for any reason, is, first and foremost, CRAVEN. And that is something that, I think, is more or less universal cross-humanity. Not condemning such behavior will condemn society for toil under the uncaring and the cruel, after all. So, we universally hate people who do that. Of course, it gets to different length and jokes about extinct people is infinitely less craven than beating someone for fun. But the core principle stays, I think.

And of course, there are no better example of people who can't fight you back, than the dead.

That was the societal side. But it also runs deeper and in a less obvious venue.

It's not for the dead. Or the grieving. Well, for all of them too, but I'm taking it into a third venue people oft forgot about.

It's also for you. To keep your head level. For spiritual purity, if you will. To not be shit and be able to look at your reflection. For self-respect. To be the place where fallen angel met the rising ape and to not be just said ape, if you will.

Then again, it comes from the mouth of someone who finds racial slurs to be incredibly humorous. Grain of salt may be useful here, or maybe not.

I like yapping. Blah-blah-blah-blah!

Besides that, like I said we have mixed with them, so even if their species is extinct, some of their genes live on in us. They aren't just this weird distant species that has gone extinct, they are related to us, so we are not really disrespecting them any less than we are disrespecting ourselves. Even if you have 0% of their DNA, chances are you're instead related to another extinct homonid species, many of which we don't know anything about. While most humans are quite reserved and proper, as a species we're pretty freaky, if there's intelligent life out there it's only a matter of time before one of us will try to have sex with it.
As it stands right now, IIRC, Neanderthals are in the DNA of all non-Negroid Sapiens. And Negroids don't have any DNA-extras (on the other hand, have, I think, the greatest genetic diversity among Sapiens). So its either having Neanderthal DNA or having only Sapiens. Or you can be Asian and have Denisovian DNA as well. Though given we all originated from Africa and paleontological records there are, comparatively, thinner, there is non-zero chance Negroids have extra-Sapiens DNA from subspecies we are yet to discover.

An interesting, if complicated topic. Also, that was, like, almost all I know on it! I am not geneticist, so grains of salt may be useful here for sure.

Also, yes - we are a freaky specie. Whoever we will meet in space, we will definitely fuck given the opportunity. Oh, we will fuck them in every way possible before inventing new ways to do so!

Say it with me:

Ugly bastards in space VS space elves.
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Jun 10, 2018
Adult Visual Novel, where you're locked into the story and having some choices that affects your story progress, but you can't do free roaming to find different story or characters like in a sandbox game.
Little bit of both. It's worth your time, this game has legitimately good narrative.
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Feb 20, 2021
As for the dancing... (pardon for the choice of words in advance, but I want the full might of expression to shine here)

We here grew up watching this. You aren't convincing anyone Post-Soviet that tails suck with fine motions. Your legs don't have moves like that old coiler has. They have too few bones for that.
He just pops into various poses, there is little actual motion happening, even if it looks really cool, its hard to call this a dance. A pair of legs can move autonomously, each doing a different thing, while the tail might be under more pressure because if you flex one muscle it might put more pressure on other muscles because it changes the balance of your whole body.

Doing anything at the cost of people who can't get back at you, be it because they incapable or absent for any reason, is, first and foremost, CRAVEN. And that is something that, I think, is more or less universal cross-humanity. Not condemning such behavior will condemn society for toil under the uncaring and the cruel, after all. So, we universally hate people who do that. Of course, it gets to different length and jokes about extinct people is infinitely less craven than beating someone for fun. But the core principle stays, I think.

And of course, there are no better example of people who can't fight you back, than the dead.

That was the societal side. But it also runs deeper and in a less obvious venue.
Problem is that dead people aren't people anymore. Our bodies are just shells, irrelevant to person-hood just as someone who loses an arm isn't anymore less human than someone that has one. Not to mention the dead really aren't that sacred in nature either, the wolves or bears aren't going to treat our bodies with any kind of reverence, we're just food. Some species like polar bears do not even bother with killing you first, to them you're a meal on two legs, they just start eating. Even people we bury in the ground end up decomposing in part because they are being devoured, be it by bacteria or worms. All of these are instances of a living being doing something to a "thing" that can't fight back, yet it isn't seen as dishonorable. Answer to me is simple, its fine because a corpse is not a person, so there is nobody getting hurt by this happening. The implication of this line of thinking may be disturbing, but it just shifts the focus from being considerate to the body towards being considerate to people who care about the body, it doesn't necessarily give a license to violate all cadavers.

It's also for you. To keep your head level. For spiritual purity, if you will. To not be shit and be able to look at your reflection. For self-respect. To be the place where fallen angel met the rising ape and to not be just said ape, if you will.
Spiritual purity isn't something that really exists, it's a made up social concept that differs depending on the time and place. Different cultures have different notions of purity, for different kinds of people. Some cultures had ideas of a sky-burial where vultures would pick your body apart, and that was seen as pure and honorable, yet in others its barbaric akin to an insult. We can come up with all sorts of societal norms on how to treat corpses, but the corpses really don't give a shit, there is no good or bad way to treat or dispose a corpse, it all boils down to what others think of you - in a way, the body itself has nothing to do with all this ritual, which is ironic.

Then again, it comes from the mouth of someone who finds racial slurs to be incredibly humorous. Grain of salt may be useful here, or maybe not.
It is the highest peak of culture, truly the most refined form of comedy. It is also irrelevant as it doesn't matter whether the person is insane or stupid or morally bankrupt because its not relevant to the point being made, ad hominem is a fallacy not an instruction guide.

As it stands right now, IIRC, Neanderthals are in the DNA of all non-Negroid Sapiens. And Negroids don't have any DNA-extras (on the other hand, have, I think, the greatest genetic diversity among Sapiens). So its either having Neanderthal DNA or having only Sapiens. Or you can be Asian and have Denisovian DNA as well. Though given we all originated from Africa and paleontological records there are, comparatively, thinner, there is non-zero chance Negroids have extra-Sapiens DNA from subspecies we are yet to discover.
This was true once upon a time, but new research suggests a different story, see in the links below. It's hard to find evidence of extinct species but through DNA analysis we can infer some of them, there are probably countless more we will never discover.

Also, yes - we are a freaky specie. Whoever we will meet in space, we will definitely fuck given the opportunity. Oh, we will fuck them in every way possible before inventing new ways to do so!

Say it with me:

Ugly bastards in space VS space elves.
Interesting thing about not having met aliens is that we don't actually have a baseline for how "normal" humans are compared to other (space faring) intelligent life out there. For all we know, we're the tame ones and its the space elves that are gonna be the freaks who want to do things to us. You can look at species close to us like the bonobos to get an idea of how freaky things can be, they resolve pretty much all disputes through casual sex (while the chimps tend to resort to torture and murder). We are freaky based off our own standards as a species which is funny.

Foot won't be nearly as... Well-suited? Yeah, won't be nearly as well-suited for the task as a tail is. It has perfect shape, after all - tapered end and all, to ease the entry. Smooth too, and expands slowly. And flexible, allowing to reach at... places. Though its muscle-movement will pose an extra danger to the guts, but that's not something careful practice won't fix.

It's quite awkward with the foot, I imagine - i mean, the far end is both the widest (especially if the person in question did a lot of barefooting) part and the part that goes in first. And it doesn't become much better further one, given that there are also ankle bones and heels - could be quite big too. And that's not even taking into account how different the size and shape may be. Imagine someone who walked barefoot a lot - a real lot. You know what it does to foot shape? Widens the far end while also allowing for more spread-out and longer toes, for starters. Make the whole thing much bigger and tougher, hardens the sole, give person huge heel that protrudes backwards noticeably. Depending on the lifestyle, size and shape of the foot can vary a lot. Some grippers out there are quite large indeed, now imagine one of those going up the chute.

Ouch! Also, if you wonder the specifics, just look at my left profile picture. I can't tell if ZMSFM used any real person's feet for reference material, but I assure you - I've seen feet like that. And as you can tell, the feet on the left picture are massive.

Yeah, I would probably pick tail over that. On less pervy note, I would like to pick none of that, of course. I prefer my butt as it is over needing butt-mending surgery, thank you very much.
Some of those tails are much bigger than feet, like the lamia you posted. Plus, we actually have quite a lot of elasticity in the ass, anecdotally I've seen claims that the human rectum can fit as much as two or three raccoons, though take that with a grain of salt it might be very well just an urban legend. You just have to make sure to do it slow so the tissue does not rupture, it needs time to adapt and accomodate the intruder, but that is true regardless whether its feet or phalluses or tails.

Other than that, I agree with your points, including ones where I didn't quote/reply because I have nothing more to add.

On more related and malifiliacly-heretical note:
Damn it, can't get that out of my head now. Trying to figure out the power dynamics is giving me a horny aneurysm, how would it affect their relationship, would dragon be a power bottom? Comprehension of it all hurts my brain.
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