are you sure that was her name. she didn't talk with a lisp when she introduced herself by any chance?

anyways it's a cute name however it is spelled

i was just curious.
Here's the real story about the girl. (not a single bit of exaggeration here) Jettica was one of 6 kids in this family that I came across growing up.
They were my friends' aunt/uncle/cousins.
The parents and older son were all addicted to crack. The dad was a drunk.
The kids (every single one of them) had their names tattooed on their ass cheek because their parents wanted it.
It was alleged by my friends mom that The parents also loaned the girls and the younger boys out to people for...reasons.
I didn't get along with these people, and I actually kicked one of the kids ass for some shit at one point.
Anyway, I know her name is real, and spelled that way because I saw it first-hand when we were all swimming at the state park one day. I barely ever spoke 2 words to the girl the whole time I knew them. Her other sister on the other hand, I had dumped a cookie tin full of piss/water mixture on her at one point. (different story, not the point here).
The point is, she is a real person and the name is actually correct. the character is NOT based on her at all though.