The "Fanservice Path" is REALLY a path to behold. (Hoping a harem path with Chloe, Kylie and perhaps even Natalie connected to this... hell maybe even more girls?? Heh

) Submissive gals is the way to go for me, not much a fan of fem domme genres, "Too Each Their Own" as they say.
but regarding the "True Hypnosis Path". I somewhat agree on the other comments the
purplehat's fans had too say. while the lesson in the path is great and enlightening, it feels also a bit under whelming. but nothing too hard too be remedy at. I remember this is the path I was waiting for before but... hmm
Perhaps a choice regarding in the "True Hypnosis Path" where Zach DOES punishes Rachel for her "betrayal" AND/OR uses the helmet on Chloe. or both?
Either way, REALLY NICE JOB on the new path. I'm excited to the point I'm following all of your pages just to see the news on "Fanservice Path".