picture this...
You meet a woman, and, ya know, she's kind of awkward:
I mean she's just starting out, and clearly she hasn't gotten things fully together yet. There's flashes of potential there, but right now? Well, she gets comments like:
man, i thought that was a gigantic adam's apple at first
But also she remembers the ones who saw past her awkward start:
That was a joy to play.
You made a perfect game for those that just want the fetish regardless of feelings and then another half of the game is devoted to those that like the fetish but want to be decent.
So, she starts level grinding, and putting points into the graphics stats. She begins to learn, and grow, and eventually, she levels up:
Annnd then she gets comments like:
The main barrier to enjoyment is the ugly, inexpressive 3d models. The sparse list of screenshots on the f95 page look almost comically inept, and can easily give one the idea that the game might use animations, and that the screenshots, though bad, are not accurately representative of the game as played. This is not the case. The whole game consists of text of static pictures.
All that work and she's still not good enough?! Maybe she should just quit. It would be so easy to just give up and abandon all that work...
But Gosh! She just walked in today and...
Whoa... Uh... She leveled up again... She, uh, definitely leveled up...
And the thing with women is if you've been with one, or happen to be one, you know
they remember.
They remember what you said about them.
They remember the ones who stuck by them.
They remember the ones who put them down.
They remember the useful criticism they got, and they remember the insults disguised as criticism.
And she doesn't say anything to you. That side eye she's giving you is enough to let you know,
she remembers.