gys pls help where hedge clippers
Walk about 10sec south from the quest starting location, back towards the main street. At the bush west from the near brown bricked crosswalk, south side of the bush wall, laying on the dirt. It's about 20feet away from the sidewalk and it's glowing.
Other stuff;
Don't do multiple quests at once, finish quests before sleeping. Or you might realize HOURS later that you glitched a quest and wont ever be able to finish it.
If you can't enter your cars anymore. Save and close the game. Taking your previous save or starting a new one will fix the issue.
Be mindful when purchasingor stealing a car from the dealership. You might glitch your save once you reload back in. Not sure if fixable like above.
Ctrl+Shift+Q for Cheats.
Have 500$ ready BEFORE starting the quest to buy a swimsuit for the girl. Because grinding money while on the quest might glitch it.