We're digressing - this is off-topic in this thread - but I'm talking about 3dcg single frame rendering, as opposed to moving your character into the desired position in a 3D game and taking a screenshot. In both cases, the output is a single rendered image. The difference is that in the case of 3dgc, the image is rendered in Daz or similar, whereas in the other case the rendering is done by the game engine. If you have a 3D game that lets you create the desired world and characters and lets you move them exactly as you want, you could take screenshots and use those images in a RenPy game.
well... as you say.
but its not really possible to compare them.
back to topic,
i still hope the devs will finally pack it all together and make a game, instead of multiples "episodes".
imho that would be better for them a same as for players.
its a good game, but it cant be good enougth as long its broken in pieces.
imho, they should use same technic as others did.
1 - building a giant open world (even if its empty, peoples wont care much)
2 - adding building and places
3 - adding chars and others stuff
4 - addnig quests/missions
5 - expand if necessary by adding more building,chars, missions or additional lands.
that's imho the best way to build an open world game. like i say,i personnaly (and otehrs peopels too i m pretty sure) dont care to walk around an giant empty world with a small city part in it. its way better than walking around a small aera always different at each update.
by following this exempl, this game would already be pretty nice with various places to visit and chars to meet etc... wichwould be way better than what is actually served.
just my opinion.