empire aren't ruled by king ...
when presented to royalty you bow 15m away, when asked to come closer you humbly refuse once them come 6m away when granted permision again (while still looking the ground and bowing if not told to rise ><)
sitting for royalty should be king, queen, cron prince(ss) then prince ordered by age then princess ordered by age (princess being sat "above" the heir feel wrong)
you don't translate a saying
the pace is somewhat strange, like if mc had lived through 18 of half drunken stupor (showing something like a slideshow with some important event mixed with casual or funny one, while summarising would feel less forced i think)
bandit group are ... fast to trust others in that world, two day then sent on important mission >< (again a little slideshow while skiping an appropriate length of time for trust to build with important and casual picture would probably be enough)