Why do you want to get it ? Either it's for you or it ain't ... like any kink. Especially when people not interested kinda make blanket assumption on their own. Speaking for myself, believe it or not, in Adult games I've never once really identified with my character, even in games with bazillion of choices. One of the reasons is that choices in AVN are usually always limited anyway in scope and consequences.. we've all played games with path that would feel completely different yet with scenes ending at the same point. A perfect example is here in Rebellion when asked to kill Spartacus or not . But i digress ...
Like i said i don't identify with my AVN characters, i'm not them... Even the custom name i pick for them isn't mine, just stuff that sounds right for me. I'm just having fun watching their adult adventures even when based on my choices. So no "I'm not watching another guy laying his pipe into my women", which I'd never be into IRL ...nor would i be the kind of POS going around "stealing" other people's wives for fun. I'm just watching an interactive porno , that's it. it's probably another reason with i also enjoy games with females protagonists, while not everyone does.