Though I am a bit curious to know how Carmen will join the gang, weather she gets turned or is allowed to remain fully human.
There is the potential Carmen won't at all. I mean, I doubt it, but seems like a potential thing. I'm not sure, but are there points tracking her yet? If not, might imply she won't be a long term person. Not like a sure thing but could be so.
The thing with turning her is quite complex in my opinion. If MC does it, his special lineage is less special, as you will have another one like him, just a higher generation. I think if she is going to be turned, Sharon might do it. But Sharon making vampires just because does not seem to fit her character. She would need a real reason to do it (this is for me the most likely candidate). Finally, she might get turned by somebody not MC not Sharon. But another sireless fledgling is quite redundant so soon in the novel. I say sireless cause I don't expect another vamp to join our ranks soon. And please don't let a nos turn her.
She can always be left as another thrall, but again, redundant position with Laurie.
Wait and see.
Hmm, could do a 'turned you to save your life' sort of situation, perhaps, if she does stick around.
Think she will join and stay as Human but more in the Secure Background. After some time when the War heats up she will be attacked and almost die, our good samaritas MC or Sharon will turn her into an Vamp/Thrall (but think more into a Vamp) ... Hope that MC will archive to get a small Tongue like the Archon has for better Bedtime storys ya know
The problem with Carmen is that she's a human that knows about the masquerade. so the problem is that she must be delt with before the group reports back to the archon. and here's the problems
1) if she stays human, the archon may want her dead
2) if MC turns her, she might manifest some of his powers but based on her disposition and behaviour those might be different from the MC for example she might never feel the need to become invisible
3) if Sharon turns her, Carmen will gain her powers and we know that the archon wants those eyes.... so that is not an option
4) marcus is a no, because Carmen is too pretty inside and outside
5) we could always ask Eloise to turn Carmen but don't think she would be happy to sire a weakling
6) we could ask the vampiress that MC and Laurie worked for as DJs, but then MC wouldn't get many chances to spend the time with Carmen.
7)if MC turns Carmen, her education and training would fall on him, since I don't think Sharon would be kin on spending boons on a love rival.
8) if MC is a malkavian (his sire seems to have a mental disorder, and MC himself is hyperaroused) it's not certain how the curs would change Carmen. and if MC is not a malk, it's not certain which clan weekness would befall on Carmen.
9) there are two ways to "aquire" carmen, either MC has claws or Andrew saves the day, in the first case MC should be the one to decide since Carmen is his "game" and the others will probably accept his decision, in the second case his claim is less solid