Actually, getting enthralled has allowed Laurie to be way more honest with her feeling taht she was a standard "childhood friend". That is what is shown with all her catfights with Sharon. Remains to see how she will react when she learns Carmen, who she developed kind of a friendship, is now fucking her love interest.,
If you fucked Miri, instead of seeing the beach you see the Red Dream Beauty at that scene.
Actually you can deny her according to what I see in the code, but only if chosen specifically previous choices before. You need carmensaved == false and carmensecondchance== false. If both are false, you are given a choice of whether to comfort her (leads to the sex scene) or not (send her directly to bed). The first variable I think it is set when you are meeting her (in the car when you make a decision), the second one I have no idea, but I would guess it is when ask if she is a person or food. Need to check the second chapter code, though to be sure.
I think the whole point is that if you treat her nice and as a girl instead of bad and simply as food or a vampire hunter, MC and her are kind of attracted to each other, so the scene happens. She does develop feelings and MC is a horny monster, that can still like/love humans
I'd guess we will have more scenes in the latter episodes.
I would not consider touching her to be dumb, it is more around her kind of character. She is a seductress through and through, so touching her it is more around the lines "MC can't help it."
Irresistible temptation, to be precise.
Ohh come on, I am dumb and horny, but not as dumb and way more horny that that guy. If anything, I would act exactly as MC did with her, with the two differences that I would ask her to feed from me when she was licking my fingers.. And would definitely feed on her, not sure if her tongue, her fingers or her nipples. Probably all three.