when the archon's thugs arrived to take MC and Sharon to the hearing, they ran away seeing Marcus because he is known to have diablerized someone, if he did snack down on a 2-3rd generation, the other elders would try to grant him his final death out of feer/gread. So snacking down, Marcus would be permitted to live undisturbed, if he was the same as the elder with the highest generation keeping them in a mexican standoff. so if we assume that Sharon is 10th gen, and the pompous asshat of a Roland is 6th, Marcus can be easily between 7-8
what I'm expecting from the remaining part of this episode are:
1) Calisto teaching MC the full extent of his powers (she promised something akin to this when they last spoke) and hopefully even blood magic, because why not? The training would deplate a decent chunk of Calisto's vitae and thus the need for blood dolls, and depending on the choices made previously she would feed on the humans in the house (carmen as food) or (if carmen's romance path is active) would make MC fetch her some "food" from somewhere, so MC would have to use his skills while Calisto would rate him.Carmen helps as bait and Calisto orders MC tp turm her. This point decides the fate of Carmen.
2) while MC is training with Calisto, the princeps arrives to pass judgment on Astrid, obviously her allies interceded in her favor but MC doesn't know about it and he either helps her escape (if Astrid's romance is active) and has to aswer for that to the princeps or Astrid escapes on her own, in the process attacking Laurie (both cases) and Sharon has to turn Laurie (with the princep's permission or without it). Roland is furious at the MC for letting Astrid escape and at the Laurie's situation if he was against her embrace. Calisto shows up and tells MC to kill Roland.