Several things.
Not going to quote them. It gets messy and hard to keep my place
So Calisto the Nymph/Vampire was created in 2,500 BCE. There are various clues to her origin throughout the story, revolving around the temple, her title, and other hints given in what I will refer to as denials and confirmations from discussions with the Devs.
She is that Calisto. I wrote a rather lengthy "paper" to the devs, and we had a nice chat about it. As a result of all my theory mongering with them, I was offered my "position" to work with them doing QC type work. I also am an occasional sounding board, and sometimes just interesting what if kinds of conversations. I do have spoiler level knowledge on Calisto as a result of our conversation which confirmed theories.
There was a time when we here on the board thought that Artemis was our Vision Girl. As a result of that conversation, and a lot of feverish searching, when the dev dropped a random comment, I ended up betting my sack that our Vision Girl was Inanna. That was forever ago.
Remember that the myths are just that, a myth upon which the developers are painting a picture. We went through the gyrations of Virgin Priestess and MILF and Artemis and all of that. Truly too much to recount all right here. There are divergences with the myths, which vampires would of course account for, and there are divergences which vampires can't account for. What is most interesting, at least for me, is that they are making their own myth fit into a general framework of historical mythology. No copyright infringements, no plagiarism. They are creating their myth with a hint or more than a hint, of "realism."
All of that said, it is not a 100% match for what history records, but it, like VtM is the inspiration for their own mythos.
The Roland/Virgil dynamic really plays out differently I think than perhaps you are perceiving it. No one, even a best friend, can disrespect the Princeps in the hearing of other members of the court, as that would basically be the same thing as calling the Prince of a VtM game out. You don't do that, certainly not at an "event" that he is hosting. Virgil is far too cavalier to be the servant.
As for the Myth vs a Vampire version of it, yes it is true that Arcas was tricked into hunting his momma bear, but Vampires do not really play that way.. I think the literal 100% transliteration of the myth is not going to help you in this. Loosen the grips a bit and remember that we are trying to guess how a Vampire fits within the dev's Mythos, not how the Deity literally fits into a World Religion class... though the World Religion class could give us clues and hints.
It is my nap time so I will finish with this...... and it is fun.
The Devs assured me that
by the end of the AVN the MC would be in the 4th most powerful vampire...........
That is a subtle difference, but very telling.
Does that mean even in defeat, both Goddesses survive, Calisto, and the MC?
One Goddess, One New Player, Calisto, the MC? Some other permutation?
Not sure, but if I am guessing, I think one Goddess goes back for a nap, one stays up and wreaks hell on earth, Calisto, and the MC........
Good comments all!
More stuff on other comments later. I am going into my daytime sleep death