DISCLAIMER: I hit an unknown to me "reaction limit for the day" so if you said something nice, intelligent, funny or stupid, I CANNOT REACT. Don't worry, if it is too stupid I might do you a personal post

I know, I am such a cutie.
Okay, one last food for thought, before I do a replay in regards to the 'fugly' vamp in the latest episode, well, more like who the killer(s) is/are.
We know that Astrid and the Archon are pissed at the MC and Sharon. I personally think they are the reason behind the MC being set-up. I am also of a belief, that our Sire is of an ancient/elder race that is also more powerful than the vamps we have seen thus far. What if the MC has been 'chosen' to ultimately dethrone the current Archon? Not that I have a clue how the Archons are chosen to begin with. Okay, my brain is rambling now so I better go before I confuse myself even more.
I think you're on the right path. The vamp resurrected is obviously the ancient that turned the MC. I'm hoping we get to have some light shed on that subject in the coming months. I think the MC's role is to eventually take out all the Archon's, as they've become corrupt and no longer represent the role they were intended, and take their place as a king of all vamps.
I like how the story is unfolding, just sucks (no pun) that we have to wait for months and months to find out...specially if future updates are only 15 minutes of game play at a time like this update.
I strongly doubt a strong Vampire cares about vamp politics. Our sire, powerful and bore, is beyond paying attention to who is the current douchebag in charge. I have said multiple times, but to me MC's turning was out of pure boredom, no big reason behind it, just "well, well, what do we have here" moment.
what we know is that Malkavians are an unknown clan
How? I have not seen nothing that I could read that way. I am not saying you are wrong, just that I don't see why you say that.
Ayhsel let's pretend the dreamgirl is an antedeluvian burred beneath the city, what do they usually eat? other vampires...
let's pretend the redheaded sire is a malkavian bored of everything, let's pretend she wants to awaken the sleeping beauty and start gehenna. But! if she does it personally, would she live long enough to enjoy the mayhem? hell no! So she embraced MC knowing through her gift of insight that he would awaken her from the torpor, this way MC gets eaten and the sire gets to see the end. any fallacy in this logic?
Fallacy by itself there is none.
It is the assumptions that I don't buy, not the logic. First, again, I am not sure why you believe malkavian are not known. Makes no sense to me from a writing perspective to reduce the number of malkavian and their quirks. Second, I keep and will keep believing until proven otherwise that MC's turning was just some random act on MC's boredom. No real plot behind it. The reason is simply, the more powerful, more detached from a regular person you are, the less anything matters. Put yourself in that position, you are an immortal having lived for thousands of years, you can pretty much control, overpower almost everybody, you have seen the world, fall in love, lost. At some point, there is little that matters. This is the mindset I think was behind MC's turning.
Uhm I checked the script and, unless I'm too idiotic which is not to be excluded, it's the same image va11i135... Edit: Checked again it's the same file
The more I think about it the more I believe it might really be the daughter, though the experts on the game (
Ayhsel Raptus Puellae) might have an idea what actually happens when a thrall or almost thrall doesn't get vamp blood for a long time. Since the vamp blood would prolong their life but not indefinitely?
Edit: what about maybe there's a way for someone that drank vamp blood to prolong their life without more vamp blood -> dead boy?
And damn the Andrew story, and the river of enemy corpses is quite powerful!
After life with Mary which I liked, what an amazing leap! Awesome game
Hahaha I am far from an expert in VTM. As far as I know, not getting vampire blood does not makes you look like a monster, even if receiving nosferatu blood. You become the worst "junkie on withdrawal" symptoms, barely a functional member of society. So if she is Andrew's daughter, something else happened.