
Mar 17, 2024
No, my analogy holds up. It is entirely reasonable for people to judge a product as it stands at the time of its commercial release. I would actually agree with the OP about waiting until a game was complete if it was being produced by a hobbyist who was asking for feedback to improve their dev skills. But that is not the case here. Your title is Euphoria Studio and you have links to your patreon on the front page and in the game. That makes this a commercial product and we judge commercial products differently. Calling it a donation doesn't change the fact that there is a product/money exchange going on. Which is fine, I'm not against making money on a good product. But don't expect the hobbyist kid-glove treatment when you're shaking a tincup at your audience.

But let's consider your point about serialization. My analogy was to contrast against an entirely finished product because the OP was saying we should wait until the "serial" is entirely done until we judge it as a whole. But that's wrong. It is fine for people to judge a serial by the episodes that have been released. It is the job of those first few episodes to set the audience's expectations for what the rest of the serial is going to be like. You only get one chance to make a first impression, as they say. And all the responsibility for that impression sits with the creator. They don't get to say "here is my work, which I'm going to release piecemeal, and for which I would like to be paid beginning now and all throughout the release cycle, but please don't judge its quality until the last chapter is out". I'm sorry, but that is not a reasonable expectation to have.

As I said the option is there for devs to wait until they have a finished and polished product for release. Nobody is stopping any dev from doing that. If a dev chooses to release their game in bits then the audience is entirely justified in judging those bits on their own merits. It is the dev's responsibility to ensure that the product they are asking money for is good now. Not maybe sometime in the future, assuming it ever gets finished (unlike the thousand other abandoned projects on this site). Here and now as it stands. There are other games here that release quality episodes from the get-go. And they manage to do it without blatantly copying characters and setting from a much more popular and succesful game. Which is something we can't just gloss over. Because if this was just a hobby project that would be one thing. But you're asking for money while ripping-off one of the biggest games in the scene. And it is only right for reviews to point this out to your potential audience. Reviews don't harm the audience - they protect them from bad games. You made the choice to copy those characters. You made the choice to release the game in bits. You are solely responsibility for the quality of your game. The negative reviews are not unwarranted. They are a reflection of the product you have released and want to be paid for. And that product is bad.
Do you understand anything about business? Game developers bring in investors by showing much of the time not even a UI but a concept! Patreon is that! It's a way to bring in investors into a game your making! So your analogy is garbage! Even Steam has pre-releases before a game is finished to get supporters to help pay the bills to make the game! Businesses bring in investors to help fund the material and the people to make the game! So don't use that analogy! If your not interested in alpha to see if it's something you may want to follow or support THAN DO NOT DOWNLOAD ALPHA!

So anyone that wants to review Alpha need to get a life! I expect alpha to have nothing playable that is why it's called Alpha! Alpha is a concept to see if anyone is interested in the concept of the game and maybe wants to support it! It is how you get investors! How many times have AAA companies like Square Enix shows of a concept of a game with no footage just some drawings to see if people jump on it and if it will be a game they bring out? MANY TIMES! YEARS IN ADVANCE!

So you give a bad review to an alpha you are destroying the creators even before anyone has given feedback! That is EVIL! That is just MEAN and NASTY! Alpha is when you try something and give feedback to the developer so developer knows if he has a possible winner. It is where you can give advice and ask for features to be in a game! That is Alpha NOT Beta! It is the time of questions, feedback, and suggestions! It is not a playable game!


May 25, 2017
How do we trigger the new scenes? (Zoe teasing and Zoe handjob)
The to-do-list offers no information and I've gone through every location at every time of day and had no options with anyone.
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Reactions: VOYEUR


May 20, 2024
I take it Dev added “incest” just to get attention. And he's not going to implement it properly.
Another crappy “half-baked incest” trash.
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Reactions: Leo and Mee-Mee
Apr 13, 2024
I don't normally like remastering a product before its finished, but when they start redoing scenes part way through games its clear they have no script. The devs like this would be better just sticking to a simple story to start off, get some scenes going and then introducting new characters later on. Instead they throw in a load of characters at the start and burn out to fuck within a couple of updates. Dev has some talent but not for an ongoing product if he doesn't learn to work plots.


Active Member
Jun 9, 2018
"I agree, even if it's a scene from the past I'm not interested in seeing it."
Yea god forbid a woman in a virtual sex game actually had sex in her past , before the all mighty harem master has put his hands on her ! I love the game so far i hope the AI art (with is quite good for me) speeds up development. The overpraised art of Dark Cookie might have been something 10 years ago. But AI now shows how generic and basic it actually is. The art in this game is comparable and even better in some cases in my opinion. And i hope they add more ffm , mmf and other group sex scenes. I rally hope angry retards don't start boycotting the game because the dev actually made a sex scene whit a male participants other than the mc. Some people enjoy this kind of content.
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Mar 15, 2018
"I agree, even if it's a scene from the past I'm not interested in seeing it."
Yea god forbid a woman in a virtual sex game actually had sex in her past , before the all mighty harem master has put his hands on her ! I love the game so far i hope the AI art (with is quite good for me) speeds up development. The overpraised art of Dark Cookie might have been something 10 years ago. But AI now shows how generic and basic it actually is. The art in this game is comparable and even better in some cases in my opinion. And i hope they add more ffm , mmf and other group sex scenes. I rally hope angry retards don't start boycotting the game because the dev actually made a sex scene whit a male participants other than the mc. Some people enjoy this kind of content.
This is so silly. The images in this game wouldn't exist without the Dark Cookie art. It was clearly fed into the generator as a basis for these characters.
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