If you release a game people will play it. If they play it and find it flawed they will review it as such. The bad practice isn't the reviews - it's releasing a game in shoddy condition.
Nobody is forcing devs to release their games uncooked. A dev could finish the entire game, polish it, and then release it. Like in every other kind of media. Movie studios don't release the first five minutes of rehearsal footage as a movie. Authors don't publish the first draft of chapter 1 and call it a book. But the norm here is to ship your game in incremental bits in order to steer players towards your patreon. That is the bad practice.
The example you gave doesn't quite fit. You're talking about finished products, not serializations like comics or old-fashioned serialized novels that used to be published in newspapers. You buy one piece and you get one piece of the "story."
Anyway, Patreon is a completely different thing. It's donations that support the creator and don't actually buy anything. Are there people making money off it? Absolutely, it happens every day, probably more than those who release a free game!
When you write a review, you're taking on the
huge responsibility of truly understanding what you're reviewing, otherwise it's harmful to those who read it.