Can someone help me out here, I know it's a pretty "old" game, so this might not get any attention, but if anyone has an 100% complete save, or at least a Markus save so I can get his "true"/"Best" (or whatever it's called) ending?
Not only is it mind numbingly retarded to read the same main story over again, just to share a few gothic poetry with different sprites, but I'm also a loyal hoe when it comes LIs, and my mind instantly loses all interests in literally everyone else when I pick a route; yet these stupid VNs developers keep wanting you to play their entire game before you get best boi (Don't these people know the first rule to making a CYOA is that not everyone is and/or want to read every. single. thing. you write? Open letter to VN game makers: stop forcing our eyeballs to touch every inch of your games! It's boring and we don't want it!). I don't have the heart or the soul to click through Randal's first, fourth, and fifth ending, Heath's second and third ending, to unlock Markus' fourth special ending (where I'll once again, I'm sure, read the exact same story all over again).
I already achieved Markus' third ending on my first blind play through, and I'm already violently stabbing my uvula knowing I'll have to play it again in the (low, low) hopes his true ending would be marginally different.