
Game Developer
Mar 16, 2024
A pair of rednecks are on their honeymoon and the bride tells her new husband, "Honey be gentle, I'm still a virgin." Upon hearing this the groom leaves and goes back home to his father's house. He tells his father what happened, to which dad says, "Well, cletus you did done the right thing, if she ain't good nuff for her own family, she ain't good nuff for ours."

How do you circumcise a redneck? Kick his sister in the jaw.

A pair of rednecks were standing before the judge of family court waiting for the decree that their divorce had been finalized. They had one question for the judge: "Will we still be brother and sister after this?"

I was speaking to a redneck the other day and he got irritated when I asked him if he'd ever slept with his sister.
"Gawd dammit NO!!", he shouted, "We are a God fearing family and there'll be no sleeping with sisters. At least not until we is married."

A game about a redneck but no family loving??? :WaitWhat:

Haha good game regardless, great job toros!
My stomach hurt from laughing while reading it. Even though it's Redneck's game, I haven't yet explained the life of the mc in the game.
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Reactions: Combat Wombat


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2024
It's sad, but with this style I think you're going to be stuck with the RTX 3050ti for a long, long time.:cry:
Unfortunately, that's why I'm taking a break from this project. If I had a monthly patreon income of 200 dollars, I would switch to a better system. I will work on other projects until I can get a good system.:(:(:(
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Apr 6, 2020
Unfortunately, that's why I'm taking a break from this project. If I had a monthly patreon income of 200 dollars, I would switch to a better system. I will work on other projects until I can get a good system.:(:(:(
You don't get it, the system is the smallest problem you have in this case.
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