Renfield [Renfield Studios / Granfalloon Games] development thread


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018


Renfield will be a highly moddable 3D fantasy RPG.
While there will be a vanilla game with its own story and world, please think of this as a ruleset or game kit.
Just as you have different editions of paper & pencil roleplaying books supplemented by different settings.

It's taken years of learning to code, model, animate, and many other things.
But at long last I'm approaching the release of something the adult game community has wanted since the very first nude mods.
Backers of the project can claim territory on the overworld map.

Feel free to share your character cards in this thread.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Here's a VERY rough look at the rebuilt H-system:

Please note that it is still a WIP and as such has several issues.
The facial expressions are sometimes laugh-out-loud inappropriate.
Also the nakadashi system broke at the last minute.
But I think it's a good first step.


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Still waiting on the maker of this fluid simulation middleware to get back to me.
In the meantime, here's a slightly updated public tech demo.

I'm going to start posting each demo with a new random girl.
This one came out relatively small breasted.
Probably a good thing that the NPC generator can make them like that.
Seen enough comments from people griping about games that only feature "balloon tits".



Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
The world of Renfield will feature a vast variety of humanoid species.
All of them will be able to interbreed with the offspring reflecting a combination of the parents' features.
Children of a human father and elven mother will be half elves in a very literal sense.

If one of those half-elves breeds with an orc, the children will be half orc, 1/4 human, 1/4 elf.
Then those children could mate with a half-human, half-canine humanoid.
And so on and so on....


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Thank you so much for sharing
Cheers mate.
I appreciate the comment.
Sometimes the long hours of solitude working alone can be pretty demotivating.
It helps to know at least some people give a damn.

Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions or requests.


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Done with the hair models/morphs/textures and found out the issue with the fluid dynamic system.


The next demo should be ready today or tomorrow.


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Fixed the nakadashi system.


The camera auto systems, manual control systems, facial expressions, sound timing / quality, additive head / neck animations...
still many systems that need attention.



Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Making gradual progress with the runtime character creation along with skin and hair shaders.
Next I'm going to focus on the facial expression system.
At the moment the face just changes instantly.
The finished system will use linear interpolation for subtle changes over time.

Also I've added hotkeys to adjust animation speed and skip straight to the climax.
The random-girl-of-the-day came out with a really nice face but with a flat chest and hard nipples.
Maybe that's to some people's liking. Takes all kinds.



Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Hopefully this will be the last day of hair-related work for a while.
Wigs are made of multiple submeshes and can feature highlights.
It will take hours of tweaking render queues, opacity levels and
other settings to get the runtime wigs looking like these renders.


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Today was an ulcer-inducing shitfest but I ended up victorious over the various issues I was tangling with.
Mostly dealing with render queues and such.
Now the hair models should look quite a bit better.



Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
New test demo with gradual facial changes.
I think it's turning out really well but the actual expression targets are completely random and therefore not necessarily appropriate.



Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Alright everyone I know this thread has been gathering dust but I've been hard at work.
I'm trying to get a test demo client out by the end of the month.
It'll feature 6 heroines who travel into the Underdark and get captured.
No real story though; just right into the action.

Keeping in mind that this early look will be extremely rough,
feel free to share the client and give feedback.

You can back the project here:
Or you can ask me questions on the livestream:
I stream on odd calendar days (1st, 3rd, 5th etc) at 1pm PST

There's still a mountain of work left for the game to be playable.
In the short term I need to finish the H-animations.
165 positions are being posed and prepped,
but I'll finish and release them in batches of 16-17.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Here's the new walk-the-map test client.
While walking the map, press L to see your coordinates.
Let me know if anyone has feedback or would like to reserve some land.

Also pictured is an early version of the multipurpose minigame.
If anyone has played Haro by Ponidog, you'll remember how the mahjong solitaire accompanied the H-scenes.
This will be similar but competitive, especially in multiplayer mode.

EDIT: I'll be making mini-updates here so I don't spam the topic too much
12/17 - Sorted out and configured textures and materials for the hair and clothing. 40 items of each.
12/18 - More clothing configuration, texture and material assignment. Exported addressables for asynchronous loading.
12/19 - Worked on the overworld map. Placing various locations and generating landscapes.
12/20 - Progress on player home client. Interior decorating assets for player homes processed.
12/21 - Organized weapon models. Worked on multiplayer code.
12/22 - Implemented PNG card-based save and load system for mods. Added in-game readable/writable books.
12/23 - Worked on a short intro cutscene and an accompanying soundtrack.
12/24 - Coding practice all day.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Here's a preview of the card-saving system.
Many will recognize this technique from IllusionSoft games.
While they use it for characters, clothing and scenery, we'll be using them for any kind of modded content.
People, places, quests, gameplay changes, rebalancing, weapons, armor, spells, animations, anything.

Download it and try it out.

12/26 - Cinematic camera code, NPC procedural generation code
12/27 - Making promotional renders
12/28 - Coding tutorials with a focus on rpg/strategy/sim game architecture
12/29 - Finished tutorials. Confident I could construct a Mount & Blade-like game.
12/30 - Sorting, configuring weapon models.
12/31 - Rebuilding integrations between core plugins (they updated the character controller suite and broke everything)
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Working on a class selection system today.
Also enabling different race presets.
Lastly, implementing a birth sign system that combines your birth month (like Western astrology) and your birth year (like Eastern astrology).


1/2 - Created asynchronously loading skin material assets for drow elves, beast races. Generated weighted genetic trait charts for making custom races.
1/3 - Worked on multiplayer mode.
1/4 - Worked on volumetric occlusion shaders and NPCs in multiplayer mode.
1/5 - Worked on terrain generation. Backers get a plot of land to name and customize.
1/6 - Terrain generation improving. Continental preview map should be ready by the end of the day.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
What's the combat going to look like?
First person realtime.
I've gotten it working fairly well but need to fine-tune the AI.
Last time I was tinkering with the combat there was an issue switching back and forth between the enemy's patrol routine and his melee footwork routine.
But as soon as that's resolved I can put out some combat test clients and start gathering feedback.


I've also been sorting a lot of weapons recently. There will be a fair amount of choice.
Even flails with real chain physics.

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Active Member
May 18, 2021
First person realtime.
That's.. a little vague.

Is it gritty where you're limited to only dodging and your melee, or do you have a large arsenal like DOOM:Eternal?
Do you parry enemies like in Mordhau or do you do combos like in DMC?
How much grind is there, and how much does skill matter?
What are the enemies like?

And probably the most important question:
How relevant is the sex? What's the purpose of it? How often does it come up?


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
That's.. a little vague.
I thought perhaps you were asking whether realtime vs. turn-based or something along those lines.

Is it gritty where you're limited to only dodging and your melee, or do you have a large arsenal like DOOM:Eternal?
Do you parry enemies like in Mordhau or do you do combos like in DMC?
How much grind is there, and how much does skill matter?
What are the enemies like?
There are melee weapons, bows, magic.
Weapon-on-weapon collisions and blocking physics.
No DMC-style combos. Last game I played that tried implementing combos in first person melee was Kingdom Come: Deliverance and they were just unhelpful.
No Assassin's Creed-style tandem kill animations.
There's leveling and skill/stat boosts that come with them, but as long as you have physics-based combat you could conceivably do hitless runs.
I've got a large bestiary of different creatures planned but at first there will be a focus on testing enemy humanoids.
Much of the fun and balance comes not from whether the opponents' AI doesn't have a good dance rhythm balancing attack, defense and feigned hesitation.
My last tests with the AI have had issues where the patrol-and-seek routines wouldn't disengage resulting in enemies that attacked in a frenzy like Genestealers from 40k.

And probably the most important question:
How relevant is the sex? What's the purpose of it? How often does it come up?
You can have as much or as little as you want.
Relationships can be developed with virtually any persistent character, you could go to a brothel, or enemies might capture you and do as they please.
But it won't be quite as cartoony as many LoversLab mods where every single mudcrab wants to mount your character.
If a bandit has sex on his mind and tries to capture you, but crits you in a way that kills you outright, it's bad luck for him.

To help brainstorm different situations that could result in an H-scene, I drafted a document based on the scene gallery from Ideology in Friction.
That game featured a wide variety of situations from the simple get-captured-and-fucked to a spy sleeping with someone for pillow talk information.

1/9 - Fixing some bugs with the terrain generation
1/10 - Finally fixed issues with terrain code. Trees and rocks spawning / despawning properly.
1/11 - Primordial Overworld test client should be ready later today.
[Previously mentioned issues resurfaced; test client delayed at least another day]
1/12 - Going to do whatever it takes to fix these terrain crashes.
1/13 - Hopefully the crashing has been resolved. Now shaping the overworld. Again.
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