Some of you might be wondering why I'm studying Python in the middle of everything else.
Let me explain briefly.
Once the H-scene client is cleaned up a bit more users will be able to do animation playback with a few options.
But of course the entire goal of the project is to wrap an adult scene playback core with actual gameplay.
The quickest way to open up possibilities with Renfield's interactivity is to fast track user-created content.
Since Ren'Py seems hands-down the most popular engine for making small scale H-games in visual novel form,
it makes sense to either:
1) Use it as a 3rd party tool to make scenarios.
2) Use it as a template for a custom mod editor we make ourselves.
3) Some mix of 1 & 2.
Therefore I'm going to be spending a while learning the ins and outs of Renpy to understand how
to get experienced visual novel writers to feel at home with RF's modding framework.
The first step will be to link the script exporting feature Renpy has with RF's dialogue system.
You'll be able to give the various needed commands by designating a character that executes them.
This Technical Narrator will be a character that allows you to fit commands into the script itself.
The exported script would look something like this:
Gloucester "Drive, thoughts, down to my soul: here Clarence comes."
TechNarrator "Enter CLARENCE, Enter BRAKENBURY"
Gloucester "Brother, good day; what means this armed guard that waits upon your grace?"
Clarence "His majesty tendering my person's safety, hath appointed..."
You can call the Technical Narrator whatever you want.
Its quotes won't appear as dialogue, so it's different from Ren'Py's normal disembodied narration.
Instead it acts like an escape character in a String literal.
The quote will be parsed and treated like a command.
Syntax for the commands will be based closely on simple Ren'Py functions.
However some of the defines such as characters and custom UI elements might be better handled
with Renfield's character creator and other tools we make ourselves.
2/25 - Modeling software tutorials
2/28 - Sorry for the updates coming less frequently.
I've been slammed by a lot more work lately.
The project is in a good position at this point but it's been a struggle to find time for it.
As always, let me know if anyone wants more info about the game or about their chosen territory.
3/21 - Alright. The initial glut of additional work has eased a bit. Getting back to daily updates.
3/22 - Tweaking hair models and race presets.
3/23 - Working on spells and spell effects.
3/24 - Patching some data structs, working on some IOStream-based scripts for loading information from all these txt files I've accumulated and parsing it all into something usable.
3/25 - Finishing up the combat formulas
3/26 - Environmental assets. Modular village buildings.
3/27 - Fixing some issues with broken dependencies from yesterday. More environmental work.
3/28 - Refactoring and cleanup
3/29 - Processing spell and activated ability data. 432 individual entries so this'll take a minute.
4/3 - Working on unique NPC data
4/4 - Working on shops and economy
4/5 - Working on armor and clothing
4/10 - Clothing, skin, bodies, hair
4/11 Clothing, jewelry, items. Data entry.