Renfield [Renfield Studios / Granfalloon Games] development thread


Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Idea is Good and Nice !
I will add this : Make Female models abit more attractive and alike in Pure Onyx / Alien Quest Eve / Cost of Survival !
Other then that Good Luck !
You mean using an art style like that?
Players will be able to choose shaders and materials for a toon or cel shaded look if they want.
Clothing/hair/skin/props/poses will all be customizable so getting girls like in this picture is absolutely achievable.


5/20 - Experimenting with OpenBRF & NifSkope
5/21 - Refactoring plugins to avoid needless dependency chains
5/22 - Modeling, texturing, rigging
5/24 - Fixed a really persistent graphical glitch. More refactoring.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
On occasion I'll get feedback asking "Can you make the girls look like this?"
The answer to all of these inquiries/requests simultaneously is yes.
Whatever faces/bodies/styles you want, we can find a way to accommodate.

I've been looking carefully and modding systems for IllusionSoft, Bethesda and Taleworlds titles.
Illusion has in-game character creation and "studio" clients to pose in.
But any extension of these systems involves outright hacking the game.
Illusion is often the butt of jokes vis-a-vis how they could create the ultimate
H-game but never will because it would put them out of business.
[Google "The Illusion Grief Cycle"]
Their message to the players/users is "relax guys; the game will have all the customization you could ever want."
The users then proceed to retroengineer nearly every aspect of software.

Bethesda goes for an almost entirely inheritance-dependent paradigm.
A bandit in Skyrim that you encounter in-game is about 10 levels of inheritance down from a base abstract bandit.
[Bandit Base] becomes [Bandit Subcategory] becomes [Bandit Caster Base] becomes [Bandit Caster Subtype]...
And this system can be convenient for making changes to an entire family of units with a few changes.
But the drawbacks become readily evident when trying to pluck something from one of these trees.
The interface of the Creation Kit showers you with popup menus and lacks many
features for seamless side-by-side or bird's eye viewing of related content.
Meanwhile the strengths and weaknesses of ESM/ESP files could be a book all on their own.

Mount & Blade by Taleworlds has a really clever, highly flexible... and incredibly obtuse modding system.
They seemed to want the best possible experience for "modders" (i.e. people who install and play mods)
while also holding an undying hatred for the other type of "modders" (i.e. people who make mods).
Theirs is a wholly composition-based paradigm that compiles content via a Python process into a series of txt files with arrays.
It also includes modules in separate folders which provides natively the function of many mod organizers.
Many talented people have created amazing, in-depth overhauls of the various Mount & Blade titles.
(Keep in mind that this is all based on Classic, Warband, Fire & Sword etc., not Bannerlord which has its own kit with which I'm not yet familiar)
Yet splicing content from one module to another can be a very delicate operation.

After examining these different systems I've come up with some modding tools for RF that will take into account all these lessons.
Among these tools will be a node-tree system for getting your characters to look the way you want.
Whenever I would make new characters or download character cards for an Illusion game,
I'd make the same handful of tweaks to give them more of an hourglass figure.
But with this node-based system I could take a character card and drop it into the folder which populates the game world
and the game will automatically make those adjustments to every female character.
Textures, materials and shaders will all be accessible.
Body types can go through Add/Subtract/Average/Lerp/Floor/Ceiling/Clamp/Multiply/Divide
operations so the distinct variations will be present but they'll all be "drawn in your style" so to speak.


6/11 - Reorganizing data fields, deepcopying data in various places, eliminating redundancies.
6/15 - Reassigning clothing surfaces. Often a clothing item has parts that should really have a separate shader. Like metal or gems on a mostly cloth item.
6/16 - Worked on user-accessible decal system. Useful for tattoos, tabards, flags and scars.
6/22 - Converting outfits with a focus on shoes/boots.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
One of the key tools I'm working on is an in-game image editor. You'll be able to mod textures/materials without any 3rd party programmed preview it in real time. Looking at this above example, you'll see the hair has these tails that I wanted to turn off. On a typical wig these would be a submesh that you could just switch off with one click.
But for some clothing and hair there are situations where you'll want to trim it in a specific way. By trial and error it the areas on the opacity texture can be verified and those tails made invisible. The new coder (who will join at the end of July in a long-awaited and very welcome addition) will be able to make a convenient system of clicking on the mesh and getting the UV coordinate.
Also, users can now click on the face/body itself to call up blendshape handles in a manner familiar to players of Fallout 4 or Black Desert. This is a great improvement over the character creator I'd previously released that just had lists of morphs across several menus.
Remember; don't be shy about asking questions.

6/28 - Finishing sets of basic animations for the adventure mode. (Running/Attacking/Dying/Idles etc)
7/4 - Focusing on animations and armor sets.
7/7 - Experimenting with shader and post-proc combinations. Saving presets.
7/10 - Working on buildings.
7/12 - Working on character presets.
Project backers, even former backers, are invited to make requests for custom NPCs in their assigned domain.
7/13 - Outfit coordination and implementing backer feedback.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

A few things about game development are so cumbersome in terms of
time investment that to implement it all on one's own is not a great idea.
Environmental creation is just one example.

I've spent years making overworld maps/cities/interiors/dungeons
for the singleplayer mode of RF with many reboots and restarts
and while I learned a great deal, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

So for the modding tools I'm trying to make things as user-friendly as possible.
The assets I'm using exhibit a huge range of possibilities with thousands of individual meshes.
By default these are textured with a very generic medieval theme but they're easily changed.
There's really no limit to what you can make.

Beyond that I'm developing various quick generation tools.
Rather than place each wall and floor you can use brushes to make a structure in seconds.
The system will pick out and place the appropriate meshes and place everything dynamically.
Users familiar with 2D sprite-based terrain drawing will understand what I mean.
Just as many sprite terrain tile sets identify and reconfigure center, edge and corner pieces
the toolset will make generation of structures and rooms relatively painless.

Another method I'm experimenting with is a SimCity style "zoning" system.
By laying out the roads and zones how you like, you can then just watch the buildings sprout up,
trimming and tweaking them between generation steps.

7/19 - Drawing up presentation materials for the new team members
7/21 - Drafting siege engines and mechanics
7/22 - Working on dungeons and the encounter/treasure tables for them
7/25 - Working on a more stylistic overworld map image
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
I shudder to think about the time and money wasted on the previous audio solution.
But now AI is a thing and the last key technical obstacle to RF's development has fallen.
There's a lot of opposition to AI from people who worry about its impact on talent.
However no matter how many times I tried it simply proved impossible to find
affordable paid volunteers who would turn in consistent quality audio files.

Once the new files come in we just need to clean up the UI and tidy the code.
The procedural animations are functional but very wonky and awkward.
Fixing them will be a matter of tightening / loosening the various competing IK target weights.
Nevertheless we'll have a working demo at long last.

9/16 - Well the initial pass was horrible. Sounds like she's singing in some creole of Cherokee and Tibetan. Will keep fiddling with the settings.
9/17 - Alright after exploring various AI options and getting estimates from voice actor hiring sites I've decided I just can't afford a new voice solution at this time.
We're just going to move forward with the other stuff.
9/18 - Filling in data sheets
9/24 - Finished filling in character, npc and enemy data. Now filling in spell data.
9/28 - Writing some IOStream code to automate file sorting and renaming
10/6 - Finished exporting temporary voice files. More spreadsheet data entry.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

While my new teammate finishes up the demo (which we're hoping to have ready by the end of the month)
I'm keeping busy drafting various mid-to-long term design features.
It's no secret that the Civil War in Skyrim left much to be desired.
(Too busy to play Starfield but rumors of it being underwhelming abound)

If we're going to make a poor man's TES game we might as well do it right this time.
Koei games set in China & Japan have provided me with a lot of inspiration for how strategy and roleplaying can synergize.
They produce a lot of button-mashing Warriors games that are very character-driven in their appeal.
Then they have the Tactics and Kessen games which focus on battlefield command.

Finally they have the Romance of the Three Kingdoms / Nobunaga's Ambition grand strategy games.
Each of these 3 layers (personal combat + army command + nation command w/ sandbox rpg elements)
have overlapped in various titles, such as the Warriors: Empires spinoff games.
(special mention to the non-Koei title Kingdom Under Fire which seamlessly combined the first 2 layers)

But what's missing is a game that combines all of these modes together in a fun, deep, dynamic way.
Renfield will let modders declare factions, battlefields, strongholds and settlements that can change hands.
Various lowpoly versions of character models will populate the battlefields for (hopefully) performant fights.
Meanwhile the flow of the wars will be non-linear (unless you script it otherwise).

10/15 - Working on consumable items & gathering icon art
10/18 - Sorting UI icons
10/19 - Checking reference paths
10/20 - Finished picking out spell icons and finalized magic schools
10/23 - Random world events and location event tables
10/25 - Refining regional event tables and loot tables.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Finally having another team member makes things so much easier.
I can focus on long-term design concerns while Gambino tests the context menu, fills in all the needed parameters and refines the camera movement code.


10/28 - Making supplemental charts for expression combinations
11/7 - Reviewing the new codebase by Gambino. My old code looks like Yandere Sim by comparison.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Gambino is wrapping up the character creator / exporter.
Meanwhile I'm working on more mid-to-long term features.
RF will have more than just tools for manual modding.
More like an actual "G.E.C.K." from Fallout lore:
a kit that you turn on and it creates your ideal world.

Players/modders will load up the kit and enter in the presets.
Then a Daggerfall-like procedural system generates the play area.
After playing with the terrain generation I'm confident that users will find it satisfactory.
It can generate a zone the size of Skyrim or Cyrodiil in a minute or so thanks to it running on the GPU.

The settlements and dungeons will likewise be generated and placed.
Persistent NPCs will then be spawned, followed by the placing of generic NPC spawners.
Generic NPCs function like animals in Minecraft; they will despawn if left alone.
But if you find someone who catches your fancy they will persist if you interact with them.
After all the base content is generated you can go back and manually place things.

My next major goal is to finish the culture generator.
This system will allow players to spawn a world with people drawn from various historical periods.
You select a year and an ethno-linguistic identity and the system will name and equip NPCs accordingly.
There's several hundred civilizational snapshots on the list at the moment.

The time periods are divided up into approximate eras.
Note that these labels are loose/arbitrary and actual historians might balk at how they've been rounded off.

-Chariot Era 3000bce-500bce
-Classical Era 500bce-500ce
-Dark Age Era 500-1000
-Medieval Era 1000-1500
-Renaissance Era 1500-1750
-Napoleonic Era 1750-1900
-Industrial Era 1900-1950ce

Using this system you can create a world with a human culture based on the Diadochi Hellenic kingdoms.
Then add an Orc culture based on Early Mesopotamians.
You could also create "distant" cultures, "emerging" cultures and "lost" cultures.
A mod might have a largely European-ish play area but feature a distant Asian culture.
Meaning you'd occasionally run across the odd katana at the market or meet some travelers.

Emerging cultures would represent migrations of new peoples or a new fashion/technology in the extant population.
Lost cultures would be devoid of people but their stuff would be found in ruins.
The templates will be easy to make and edit in common file formats.
You could make Tolkienesque cultures or splice different fantasy/historical/alternate history settings together.

Finding affordable weapon meshes for the different periods isn't difficult.
But clothing needs to be processed to conform to body changes and can be a cost/efficiency bottleneck.
This is the primary reason behind the listed eras;
If I make single uniform for the Napoleonic era, players can edit the textures to differentiate between French and Austrians etc.

Returning to the issue of weapons, the material tier system of the Elder Scrolls games made many of the "foreign" weapons ineffectual.
A scimitar doesn't scale and so is only good for display after a certain level.
RF's system will allow any weapon to be of any tier with the option of tinting the submeshes according to substance.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

The camera controls are all in place and the card import/export serialization is nearly done.
While Gambino finishes up the short-term technical features, I'm focusing on long-term world building tools.

Starting with the premade characters themselves, each type of asset will be shareable via cards.
These are very similar to the Illusion cards except that anything can be exported, not just characters/outfits.
Then you just pop all the cards you want into a module folder and it becomes a "deck" that the world will draw from.
It's a bit reminiscent of how worlds were created in the Myst games.

Furthermore the cards will have keywords with hashes associated with them that let you
create all sorts of dynamic dependencies and interactions so cards can take cues from one another.
Recall any example of the "And You Were There!" trope.
A card could be for an alien character but then upon detecting a Theme card that indicates a modern mundane
setting it will strip the character of its alien features, leaving their human equivalent in place.
The opposite can also be true; you can take a stack of ordinary human characters
and it can load them randomly assigned as fantasy or sci-fi races.

We're aiming to make the easiest possible tools to mod and develop mods.
What's more, with the procedural terrain and quest generating systems you'll be able
to create entire custom worlds with the snap of a finger.
Additionally each card component will always have a fallback behavior to minimize crashing.
If you've created a shield card that relies on another card for a borrowed texture
the game won't simply crash to desktop. (even if the shield ends up an unsightly bright pink)

As always, let me know if anyone has questions.

11/24 - Developing mod templates for various popular fantasy settings.
These should help players quickly create custom themes for their personalized module-worlds.
Obviously copyright prevents me from adding certain material directly to a paid product
so much of this content will be presented as parody/tribute media or released as free mods separately.

There are innumerable settings that would be well-received, but we have to cut off the list somewhere.
I've narrowed it down to these 12:

1 Conan / Hyborea
2 Cosmere
3 Dragon Age
4 Elder Scrolls / Tamriel
5 Final Fantasy (various entries)
6 Game of Thrones / SoIaF
7 Lord of the Rings / Middle-Earth
8 Star Wars
9 Warhammer 40k
10 Warhammer Fantasy
11 Wheel of Time / Randland
12 Witcher

11/26 - Working on an injectable morph solution.
11/28 - Reworking / updating H-scenario templates.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

There's this amazing package of map and world building tools I'm saving up for.
In the meantime I'm studying the documentation and features.
With this we can create tools for players to create their own
realms from any combination of historical or fictional maps.

Multiple instanced areas can also coexist like Minecraft's Nether and End,
Elder Scrolls' planes of Oblivion, or the Warrens of the Malazan novels.
Slap some fantasy maps from anywhere on the net onto a globe.
Then set the colors to correspond to different biomes,
micromanaging individual regions as you require.
In the case of maps that overrun the edge, you can designate an invisible wall
or have a simple procedural system flesh out the geometry of the "there-be-dragons" areas.

You could put Westeros across the sea from Three Kingdoms-era China.
Or have the Pre-Columbian Americas on the same planet as Kalimdor & Northrend.
You can read about the map suite here:

When coupled with the terrain generator, even the sky is no limit.

I know the demo client keeps getting delayed but we've both been working
around the clock through the holiday season to finish things up.
We appreciate everyone's patience.

[Actraiser map from SNESMaps, made by Rick N. Bruns]
[Middle-Earth map from Tolkien Gateway, made by John Howe]

12/4 - Organizing ethnicity preset templates according to real world yDNA haplogroups.
12/6 - Organizing maps for contemporary civilizations by region for the historical templates.
Added The First Law to the fantasy preset templates.
12/8 - Determining boundary snapshots for Napoleonic-era scenarios.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Making more progress every day. Especially with wearables.
Once the hair and clothing have been fully configured
with their corresponding transparency textures and shaders
the serialization for the character cards can be completed.

In addition to the one-slider-one-morph blendshape controls
Gambino is experimenting with a more modern system
involving pulling at the geometry directly a la Fallout 4.

While IllusionSoft games had an option to load either a character,
an outfit, or both, our system will ultimately be much more modular.
Individual body parts can be transplanted or lerped between samples.

12/12 - Making spaceship templates for scifi scenarios
12/14 - Practice with C/C# outside of the Unity environment
12/16 - Creating further templates for spaceships, ships at sea, stations & ports, arcologies/superstructures, all manner of aerial vehicles.
12/18 - Testing scriptable rendering pipelines
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

We experienced a minor version control-related mishap, but we are back on track.
Gambino is remaking the serialization for all the customization options,
also remaking the character creator UI and finally improving the general look of the whole project.

As Christmas approaches, work might slow for a couple of days
but we hope to launch the character editor with all its functionality in the upcoming week.

I've also been investigating a site called World Anvil.
Apparently over a million people use it for homebrew TTRPG settings and other creative projects.
It so happens that with the keys that come with the paid version you can download all the data in JSON format.
So this will allow us to piggyback on their interface, tools and community.

At the simplest level this will allow you to make a module that has all the world information in a series of menus.
But it can also feed map layers into the terrain generator to spawn a world to run around in.
They also advertise support for many major TTRPG systems, although it's not clear exactly what all that entails.
On the site they have a chart of 45+ systems but by ripping the full list from the html I made a document showing all of them.

12/22 - World Anvil tests & tutorials
12/24 - HTML coding practice
12/26 - CSS drills
12/28 - Working on new improved H-text generator using latest UI system
12/30 - Organizing fonts for CJK+C text (Chinese, Japanese, Korean + Cyrillic)
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

The demo ekes closer to presentability while I work on the longer-term content creation tools.
My investigation into World Anvil showed that it has a lot of promise.
However we'll be focused on integrating a bridge with RenPy first.
Modders will be able to convert a functioning RenPy visual novel into a Renfield scenario.

I'm also working on a new version of my H-text generator like the one used in the original Renfield prototype made in RPGMaker.
However this one will be more sophisticated and scale off the sensitivity of the actors using a content creator-determined formula.
It will be displayed either in the dialogue box or as billboarded speech bubble barks around the characters.
Camera raycasting will keep them out of the way as much as possible.

1/4 - Work on crafting and city building systems
1/6 - Focusing on Chinese localization
1/8 - Reading "What People Wore When" for costume research
1/10 - Reading intelligence reports from IISS & CSIS for more realistic modern scenarios
1/12 - Reading "World Cultures: A Global Mosaic, 5th Edition" for research.
Sorting building prefabs for the construction kit.
1/14 - Working on a smart cursor for building interface.
1/16 - Gambino just sent over the test client. I confirmed the serialization is working.
Just a few more tweaks and the Character Creator proof-of-concept will be ready.
1/18 - Working on tools to assist interior/exterior structural integration.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Here's the new Character Creator.
Everyone is welcome to use this thread to share characters.

1/22 - Exporting poses for the Character Creator and updating core combat logic suite.
1/24 - Reimplementing wearable conform code and other features from previous CC version.
1/26 - Reading The Encyclopedia of Ships, practicing Chinese localization, prepping furry/scaly/drow skins for CC.
1/28 - Installing the class selection system and filling out the final alchemy chart.
1/30 - Collating animation data and tags for it.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

The is here.
It's been really tough getting word out about this project so please don't hesitate to share the client or the characters you make.
We still have to:
- Add the male figure
- Get clothes and hair to conform (right now they break quite easily)
- Add submesh colorization
- Add the poses and idle animations (there's hundreds of them and they all blend, creating countless possibilities)
- Add bone scaling (at the moment the sliders only change the mesh itself)
- Add more skin and eye options (we've got several human skins along with some beastfolk)
If anyone has questions please ask away.

2/4 - Collating loads of item, spell and other object data into spreadsheets.
2/6 - Organizing bestiary.
2/8 - More bestiary data entry. Over 800 types.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Blendshape tool preview.gif

Gambino has made a significant breakthrough with the clothing code.
If any of you are familiar with Caliente's tools for Skyrim clothing this is similar in function.
But where Skyrim only needs 2 Blendshapes (from skinny to heavy) we have hundreds.
This is an important step towards letting players make and customize their own clothes.

A quick summary from Gambino:

"We go through each BlendShape in the base body mesh, extract all the vertex frame data
and cull any values that are not over a threshold, indicated by the colors in the second image.
We select a particular cloth piece, and project it to the body surface.
Using a search radius around the projected vertex, anchor points are created to properly translate the BlendShape.
In some cases, the search radius is not big enough to contain any vertex in the body mesh, so it leaves orphan points.
The data in these points is later averaged with adjacent vertices. Finally the data is added to the cloth mesh."

2/12 - Filling in inventory database
2/14 - Filling out spell database
2/16 - More spell data and spellcrafting formulas
2/18 - Working on cooking & fishing
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. " - Douglas Adams

The new animation playback system is taking longer than we'd thought so we're re-installing the old one for now.
This means the new H-scene client should be ready by the end of the month.
It has various issues as you can imagine.
We're testing various ways to polish and tighten the look, feel and function of it.

While the system I originally made could automatically adjust for differences in bone length,
Gambino has been working on a computationally efficient way of adjusting for blendshapes.
He also insisted we move up the timetable at which futanari characters are included.

By the way, I've been using 2 Twitter/X accounts for updates but I'm retiring one as redundant.
From now on social media updates and stream go-live notifications will be posted solely on
Don't be shy; you can ask questions about Renfield here, on X, or on the stream at

2/22 - Reading The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Mythology
2/24 - Still reading about mythology while Gambino is nearly ready to release the updated H-scene demo
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018

Gambino's making great progress on the H-scene playback system.
In the meantime, here's a brief layout of our audio solution.

Sound effects were easy; there's a near-bottomless supply of license-free sfx files.
Just gigs and gigs of various Foley effects for all occasions.

Getting the voice files was one of the most frustrating, sometimes downright demoralizing, tasks of the entire project.
My first major attempt at getting voices for the adult scenes was an expensive failure.
The volunteers' audio was just far too muddy with all sorts of white noise/static/background disturbances/peaks/inconsistent volume.
I half expected to hear them say "this is a Librivox recording" in the middle of the moaning samples.
They also tried to emulate what adult film actresses do down to the letter which included a lot of awful hissing.
Had to sit there for _hours_ with headphones and the sound timeline open just editing out these sharp intakes of breath across teeth.

This was years ago but nowadays there are far more options for hiring professional voice actors.
Japanese VAs work in a buyer's market and would've been relatively easy to procure, but RF's default theme is a sort of Pseudo-European Fantasy.
Therefore I needed voices which would make a better match.
I've already talked with several actresses and reviewed their work, leaving me much more confident that the future will bring RF some high-quality, high-variety voice options.
But at the moment I simply don't have the money.

I've collected a soundtrack composed of 127 individual tracks including all sorts of music and ambience.
We started out with a huge repository of royalty-free music and had tournament-style elimination voting on a livestream.
So these were the viewers' favorites out of I forget how many thousands of tracks.


On an unrelated note, I tried to stream Enderal the other day but couldn't get far due to technical issues.
The SureAI team was certainly very talented and ambitious.
In particular they had such a good sense of scene composition in their levels.

My one criticism is that they felt the need to have their own "Helgen".
I feel lengthy unskippable introductions can be agonizing even if they are well done.
It's a trend that plagues AAA development and it's unfortunate when indie/mod devs get bitten by the same mosquito.

Renfield's default adventure mode starts you off right inside the gate of the capital city, facing inwards.
To your left is an NPC that can give you an orientation but you don't have to talk to him at all. (Ed didn't want to talk you anyway)
You can head straight into the town and just start flirting with the girls and looking for a day job.
Or you can just pivot right on your heel, head outside into the field to roam around.
I want to make a true roleplayer's roleplaying game that divorces itself from the creeping Ubisoftification of the genre.

3/4 - Reorganizing backups
3/6 - More inventory data entry
3/8 - Had to replace a faulty drive and load everything from a backup. No data was lost.
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Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
Overworld Master Fixed - Copy.jpg

Many people who have backed the project have yet to claim their rewards.
I don't plan to get into the habit of doing commercials here but I feel
that perhaps I should explain what the Patron rewards are more clearly.
First thing: you are entitled to rewards if you've _ever_ donated.
If you were a $1 backer and canceled years ago, you still get your rewards.

Every backer gets a plot of land out of 256 available on the overworld map.
You can then make all sorts of changes to that land depending on your donation.
If anyone watched the Twitch stream when we were playing various party-based RPGs,
it's the same concept; the donor makes choices which personalize their domain.

In this way not only do I hope to give backers a unique reward for their support,
but in the process we make a vast continent seem like it's truly made of many unique cultures/biomes.
I've put together a quick mock-up image to illustrate the possibilities.
Each tile represents an instanced outdoor zone the approximate size of the walkable area in Skyrim.

Now obviously to make 256 side-by-side complete overhauls would be a tremendous undertaking.
But what we can do is just add thematic element over time per the donor's requests.
Imagine starting off in zone 3-5 and the Patron is a big fan of Dragon's Dogma.
So they put in an Everfall of their own.

Then you wander down to the southeast into a Code Vein-flavored area.
The cities are all in ruins and there are vampires warring against each other.
Southeast again and now the cities are named after towns in Oregon and there are zombies everywhere.
A little further and you have a place that seems normal at first,
but contains a facility where researchers are experimenting with all sorts of captured monsters.

I used images of popular games in the mock-up just so you can clearly see the general idea.
However donors are free to write all sorts of original settings and setting elements.
In conclusion, make sure if you are a backer that you respond to me on Patreon.
As always let me know if anyone has questions, Patron or not.

3/12 - Diversifying overworld regions
3/14 - Reorganizing data storage
3/16 - Working on content downloading/streaming code. Thinking about a system somewhere between Sven Co-op and Tabletop Simulator.
3/18 - Working on multiplayer modes / lobby system
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