[Ren'Py] SU Re-Imagined, an UNOFFICIAL Proof of Concept Ren'Py Demo - Community Development Thread

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, bouncing back and forth between projects, but I'd like to continue my discussion about Heist success rates and Capture success rates.

So I'm seeing in my research that SOMETHING ELSE seems to affect success rates for heists and captures besides the Tier of the villain(ess).

I'm guessing that it's stats, otherwise why else go to the bother of listing stats other than to look pretty. So I made this graphic for conversational purposes, with a couple of tweaks.


Giganta is specifically mentioned by Roulette r.e. hiring for GS security, hence the +20% to GS Income. Ivy's bonus is normally double GS income, but I figure that since she likes to have fun at the MB, perhaps that should be for the MB instead. I'll probably change that to 10% GS/20% MB instead, as doubling is overpowered in any case. This also makes Giganta a little more useful in the later game, although once the MB is open, chances are most of the girls that can will be working at the MB anyways, so the GS may end up being a ghost town...

So in SU Unity, I'm guessing that these stats are added into the chance of a successful heist, from each Villain, but I'm not exactly clear how. I'm thinking that the relevant stats from each villain are combined, and perhaps more than one stat may come into play.

I'm also thinking that various heists have 'flavors', i.e. a certain stat or stats will apply to certain heists. As an example, I've seen different success rates for say Kryptonite heists than Datatape heists, besides the 'base chance' if that makes sense. So a particular pair of villains may have a higher chance of success for one heist over the other, all other things being equal, and using different villains, but of the same tiers will have different success rates for a particular heist.

This also applies to captures. Interestingly, Mercy has a 0% chance of capturing Tier 2 or 3 Superheroines, EXCEPT FOR Supergirl, whom she has a 10% chance to capture... Not sure about other targets, still doing comparisons.

Anyways, what are y'alls observations and thoughts about this?
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Dec 24, 2019
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I see that only Tala has a bonus for capturing, I think another villain should get that bonus in my opinion, although in the unity version, I managed to capture all of them by using Sinestro, so maybe a capture bonus would not be that useful.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I see that only Tala has a bonus for capturing, I think another villain should get that bonus in my opinion, although in the unity version, I managed to capture all of them by using Sinestro, so maybe a capture bonus would not be that useful.
From my previous post.

Henchman heist bonuses (cumulative):
Mercy: None (baseline)
Tala: + 10%
Tier 1 Henchman: + 30%
Tier 2 Henchman: + 50%
Tier 3 Henchman: + 60%
Lex's Lucky Talisman (whatever it's called): + 10%

This is a quick 'baseline heist approximation' that I worked out before. Capture attempts are weighted a bit differently in SU Unity, but Tier factors into capture attempts heavily. In my research, I noticed that in a lot of cases (not all), Tala may have a higher capture chance than Mercy, hence the +10% thing. Tier 1 would have a significantly higher chance (still working that out) but Tala is Tier 0-ish, as is Mercy.

That being said, I'm still pondering how to factor stats into this. Shade does awesomely in a number of capture attempts, but not all.

I'm also looking at Livewire's lack of bonuses. Sure, her animations sort of make up for that (i.e. assigning her to Lex's quarters seems like a role she was 'born' for) but otherwise outside of trysts, heists and capture attempts she's pretty useless compared to other villain(esse)s.

An idea that I've been mulling about is creating 'pools' that each villain(ess) has bonuses when dealing with Heroines in those pools.

Aliens: Miss Martian, Starfire, Supergirl (Powers)
Normals: Artemis, Batgirl, Huntress (Stealth)
Amazons: Cassie, Donna Troy, Wonder Woman (Strength)
Hawkgirl, Vixen, Stargirl (Speed)
Enhanced normals: Black Canary, Terra, Zatanna (Intelligence)

The 'Speed' category I'm not overly happy with, as I'd normally associate that word with the Flash (speed force) and other 'fast' characters, but Hawkgirl, Vixen and Stargirl all rely on mobility (Hawkgirl flies, Vixen can invoke the Cheetah for speed, Stargirl has her staff and gymnastics training).

Amazons can also be fast, but we generally associate Amazons with strength, an attribute they use often.

Also, trying to break these gals down into groups of three, as there are 15 heroines currently and five stats.

My idea here is that the 'group stat' would be the one used when determining bonuses to capture. Or possibly two stats.

Example: Miss Martian can phase through walls, so Stealth might be a secondary attribute for her, along with powers.

Black Canary is another anomoly, when comparing with Terra and Zatanna.

I guess my point here is that there's no 'clean' way to break down these stats.

I also keep coming back to Mercy. In my mind, I was thinking of giving Mercy an 'administration' bonus when assigned as Lex's henchman (bonus to Lexcorp income). Right now though, the only 'ingame' angle I can think of for Lexcorp income is Leash livestream income, which would be something that Mercy might be 'overseeing'. Leash income is one of my other ideas, i.e. Lex has arranged for cameras to capture Nekkid leashed heroines in the alley, and is raking in income from the livestreams of said walks...

Lex investing money into Lexcorp ventures could also be a way to earn revenues, but this is not something that's currently ingame in SU Unity.

In any case, back to Mercy. I'm thinking that since Lex is probably the pre-eminent expert r.e. dealing with Kryptonians, he'd probably lend Mercy some of his expertise/gadgets to Mercy to capture Supergirl... maybe also Starfire based on how easily Lex captures Blackfire.

As for Miss Martian... that feels a little like a "Kludge' to me if I gave Mercy a blanket "Alien" bonus.

So back to primary and secondary 'favored' stats for capturing Heroines. My idea here is either to simply total the two involved 'weak point' stats and add that to the capture percentage, or maybe double the 'first stat' bonus and then add the second stat.

Henchman tier adds say + 50 per tier...
Target Tier subtracts say 50 per tier above 1...
Base chance 50% maybe...

Example: Supergirl is an Alien (Powers) that also relies on Strength and Speed. Intelligence and Stealth not really. So Shade gets a 20% bonus (Stealth 6x2, Intelligence 4x2, or + 20 total). Compare tiers (Tier 1 + 50, - 100 (tier 3 target), + base chance 50% = 20%...

Mercy, using Lexcorp tech, gets a +50% vs Kryptonians. So +8 (Int 2, Stealth 2, doubled). So Tier 0 (no bonus) vs -100, add 50% base chance... 8% chance? 18% chance with favored coin in play? Hmmm...

Tala wouldn't do as well vs. Supergirl, since she doesn't get the 'vs Krytonian' bonus. In SU Unity, she may still get a 10% chance IF the favored coin is in play. BUT, perhaps Tala gets a +50 bonus vs. magic power users (Zatanna, Vixen, Stargirl maybe)...

So, as an exercise in pondering 'strengths vs weaknesses' as far as stats go...

Weakest Stats

Artemis (Powers, Strength)
Batgirl (Powers, Strength)
Black Canary (Speed, Strength)
Cassie (Intelligence, Stealth)
Donna Troy (Intelligence, Stealth)
Hawkgirl (Intelligence, Stealth)
Huntress (Powers, Strength)
Miss Martian (Strength, Speed)
Starfire (Intelligence, Stealth)
Stargirl (Intelligence, Stealth)
Supergirl (Intelligence, Stealth)
Terra (Speed, Stealth)
Vixen (Intelligence, Stealth)
Wonder Woman (Intelligence, Stealth)
Zatanna (Strength, Speed)

The idea here is that these are your 'best bets' stat wise when dealing with these characters. Example: Stargirl isn't really stealthy, and doesn't have mind powers, hence Stealth and Intelligence could be considered 'weak points'.

It's a thought at least.

Anyways, yeah still pondering, more thoughts on this would definitely be appreciated.
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Dec 24, 2019
Okay, as a management guy I love all the numbers you are bringing up, but thinking as a player, I think most people go with the simple logic like "villain strong = capture girl", "female villain = Straight to my bed", so I wouldn't make this system that complex, on the other hand, when I replay SU I like to think the way you mentioned on sending certain villains to capture specific girls, in terms of roleplaying the system you are describing is awesome, Lex coming up with strategies to best capture the girls is kinda like the comics. So to sum up everything, great system you are proposing for roleplaying but for those players that come to fap, they will completely disregard many systems just to get to the scenes quicker.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Okay, as a management guy I love all the numbers you are bringing up, but thinking as a player, I think most people go with the simple logic like "villain strong = capture girl", "female villain = Straight to my bed", so I wouldn't make this system that complex, on the other hand, when I replay SU I like to think the way you mentioned on sending certain villains to capture specific girls, in terms of roleplaying the system you are describing is awesome, Lex coming up with strategies to best capture the girls is kinda like the comics. So to sum up everything, great system you are proposing for roleplaying but for those players that come to fap, they will completely disregard many systems just to get to the scenes quicker.
The reason I'm discussing this is because there is obviously something 'in play' in SU Unity, and I'm guessing that it's stat related since SR7 took the time to display stats for the Villains. Otherwise, the capture percentages would remain the same regardless of which villain of the same tier that you use. Same for heists.

That being said, yeah you can still go with the 'Overkill' approach when capturing heroines (i.e. Tier 3), but the idea here is to give the 'min-maxers' something to ponder. As you say, this is a small snapshot of the overall gameplay, but the min-maxer in me likes to give cannon fodder to others that pay attention to such things.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, progress report!

So, I finished transcribing almost all of the scenes that Cult of Ape coded for Supergirl, except for the dance scene as that one didn't have any dialogue yet. I also 'enabled' picking outfits in the Profile screen for Kara.

SUReImagined_ProfileOutfitPicker.jpg SUReimagined_QuartersScreenKaraSlut.jpg

Technically this means that the outfit picker should work for all of the other Heroines, but note that you need to get the associated profile pics in place first, otherwise there will be a 'missing pics' error...

So, short form, more of the cell scenes for the gals will need to be coded, and the associated profile pic art will need to be created for each outfit. Note that clicking on their 'default costume' thumbnail in the meantime won't hurt anything, it's when you raise her _outfits stat that triggers the 'look for other costume thumbnails and profile pics when one of the outfit thumbnails is clicked' thing.

I'm pondering the layout of the 'advanced costume picker', i.e. my take on the costume picker that you see in SU Unity. This will work a bit differently, as you'll be able to do things like choose which hairstyle for Kara you want, and whether you want eyeshadow or not (once those options become available).

Each girl handles such things a bit differently, and some do not have hairstyle options at all, hence why I'm needing to ponder exactly how to do this. Right now I'm considering a 'unique screen' for each girl, which would require modders to understand how screens are put together. I'm trying to keep this as easy for others to contribute as I can, so yeah pondering...

I may release another build later today. Again, thanks to Cult of Ape for all of his help so far. Real Life stuff is demanding his attention atm (nothing bad, just busy stuff), and any help that is given to such community projects is always appreciated!

I still need to do some more work on the Villains hideout screen, essentially I'm kind of bouncing around right now getting various things working. I just 'enabled' the first 'optional rule' pick, i.e. 'Device Partial Downgrades from Level 7 to Level 6 for $250,000'. Right now various menus at the start of Day 4 will allow you to pick which options you want to enable, but there's only one option to enable right now.

xMendoza suggested that there should be an option to hire any Supervillain, rather than be limited to just one from each tier each night. This is how the SU Rebuilt build is currently set up (pick whomever you want). In this instance, I'm trying to stay true to SU Unity in my approach, but this would be an interesting place for said optional rule. Something to add to the 'to do' list for later.

I also added a 'device cooldown' period, where you can only upgrade a Superheroine's device by one level increment every three days. I need to add an 'optional rule' switch for this, but where Lex's dialogue mentions that he can't push the girls too hard too fast, otherwise they may break the control that the devices exert, this just made sense to me.

In any case, part of the point of all this is to allow for said 'optional rules' to become a reality, hence one reason why I'm putting in all this effort, at the expense of my other projects.

Back to it!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021
OK, progress report!

So, I finished transcribing almost all of the scenes that Cult of Ape coded for Supergirl, except for the dance scene as that one didn't have any dialogue yet. I also 'enabled' picking outfits in the Profile screen for Kara.

View attachment 2388097 View attachment 2388095

Technically this means that the outfit picker should work for all of the other Heroines, but note that you need to get the associated profile pics in place first, otherwise there will be a 'missing pics' error...

So, short form, more of the cell scenes for the gals will need to be coded, and the associated profile pic art will need to be created for each outfit. Note that clicking on their 'default costume' thumbnail in the meantime won't hurt anything, it's when you raise her _outfits stat that triggers the 'look for other costume thumbnails and profile pics when one of the outfit thumbnails is clicked' thing.

I'm pondering the layout of the 'advanced costume picker', i.e. my take on the costume picker that you see in SU Unity. This will work a bit differently, as you'll be able to do things like choose which hairstyle for Kara you want, and whether you want eyeshadow or not (once those options become available).

Each girl handles such things a bit differently, and some do not have hairstyle options at all, hence why I'm needing to ponder exactly how to do this. Right now I'm considering a 'unique screen' for each girl, which would require modders to understand how screens are put together. I'm trying to keep this as easy for others to contribute as I can, so yeah pondering...

I may release another build later today. Again, thanks to Cult of Ape for all of his help so far. Real Life stuff is demanding his attention atm (nothing bad, just busy stuff), and any help that is given to such community projects is always appreciated!

I still need to do some more work on the Villains hideout screen, essentially I'm kind of bouncing around right now getting various things working. I just 'enabled' the first 'optional rule' pick, i.e. 'Device Partial Downgrades from Level 7 to Level 6 for $250,000'. Right now various menus at the start of Day 4 will allow you to pick which options you want to enable, but there's only one option to enable right now.

xMendoza suggested that there should be an option to hire any Supervillain, rather than be limited to just one from each tier each night. This is how the SU Rebuilt build is currently set up (pick whomever you want). In this instance, I'm trying to stay true to SU Unity in my approach, but this would be an interesting place for said optional rule. Something to add to the 'to do' list for later.

I also added a 'device cooldown' period, where you can only upgrade a Superheroine's device by one level increment every three days. I need to add an 'optional rule' switch for this, but where Lex's dialogue mentions that he can't push the girls too hard too fast, otherwise they may break the control that the devices exert, this just made sense to me.

In any case, part of the point of all this is to allow for said 'optional rules' to become a reality, hence one reason why I'm putting in all this effort, at the expense of my other projects.

Back to it!
I'm about ⅓ of the way through a pile of documentation no-one will read for my work. Once that's done (end of this week?), I'll do all the remaining girls' profile pics.
Hell, I'll even stay off Stable Diffusion to get it all done!


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I'm about ⅓ of the way through a pile of documentation no-one will read for my work. Once that's done (end of this week?), I'll do all the remaining girls' profile pics.
Hell, I'll even stay off Stable Diffusion to get it all done!
Well, at least we have our 'go to' guy for failed clone experiment pics!

Seriously though, yeah I'm trying to set this up so that's it's easy peasy for others to come in behind and fill in all of the gaps if they are so inclined.

I did watch the with Smokeshank and SunsetRiders7 last week. They seem to have a bunch of stuff planned for 2023, and it sounds like they will also continue their work on SU. It also sounds like SunsetRiders7 has a strong attachment to Fungus, so my guess is that this Ren'Py Re-Imagined thing will most likely continue to be just a community project, but anything is possible I suppose!
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Jan 11, 2020
OK, progress report!

So, I finished transcribing almost all of the scenes that Cult of Ape coded for Supergirl, except for the dance scene as that one didn't have any dialogue yet. I also 'enabled' picking outfits in the Profile screen for Kara.

View attachment 2388097 View attachment 2388095

Technically this means that the outfit picker should work for all of the other Heroines, but note that you need to get the associated profile pics in place first, otherwise there will be a 'missing pics' error...

So, short form, more of the cell scenes for the gals will need to be coded, and the associated profile pic art will need to be created for each outfit. Note that clicking on their 'default costume' thumbnail in the meantime won't hurt anything, it's when you raise her _outfits stat that triggers the 'look for other costume thumbnails and profile pics when one of the outfit thumbnails is clicked' thing.

I'm pondering the layout of the 'advanced costume picker', i.e. my take on the costume picker that you see in SU Unity. This will work a bit differently, as you'll be able to do things like choose which hairstyle for Kara you want, and whether you want eyeshadow or not (once those options become available).

Each girl handles such things a bit differently, and some do not have hairstyle options at all, hence why I'm needing to ponder exactly how to do this. Right now I'm considering a 'unique screen' for each girl, which would require modders to understand how screens are put together. I'm trying to keep this as easy for others to contribute as I can, so yeah pondering...

I may release another build later today. Again, thanks to Cult of Ape for all of his help so far. Real Life stuff is demanding his attention atm (nothing bad, just busy stuff), and any help that is given to such community projects is always appreciated!

I still need to do some more work on the Villains hideout screen, essentially I'm kind of bouncing around right now getting various things working. I just 'enabled' the first 'optional rule' pick, i.e. 'Device Partial Downgrades from Level 7 to Level 6 for $250,000'. Right now various menus at the start of Day 4 will allow you to pick which options you want to enable, but there's only one option to enable right now.

xMendoza suggested that there should be an option to hire any Supervillain, rather than be limited to just one from each tier each night. This is how the SU Rebuilt build is currently set up (pick whomever you want). In this instance, I'm trying to stay true to SU Unity in my approach, but this would be an interesting place for said optional rule. Something to add to the 'to do' list for later.

I also added a 'device cooldown' period, where you can only upgrade a Superheroine's device by one level increment every three days. I need to add an 'optional rule' switch for this, but where Lex's dialogue mentions that he can't push the girls too hard too fast, otherwise they may break the control that the devices exert, this just made sense to me.

In any case, part of the point of all this is to allow for said 'optional rules' to become a reality, hence one reason why I'm putting in all this effort, at the expense of my other projects.

Back to it!
I would say use the same framework for all girls and just leave the girls who only have one hairstyle with open slots. that way modders can easily add more hairstyles/ costumes if they wish.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
I would say use the same framework for all girls and just leave the girls who only have one hairstyle with open slots. that way modders can easily add more hairstyles/ costumes if they wish.
The framework would be 95% the same anyways either way, it's the 'specific switches' that I'm pondering atm. Adding extra functionality and all that.

girl_outfits is the number of outfits that a girl can choose from (0-whatever, 0 is the 'default' costume)

girl_current_outfit controls which outfit is used for the 'sprite building' code and which profile pics, etc. are used

girl_stripped activates 'naked' options

girl_outfit(x)naked indicates whether or not she's stripped in that outfit.
This comes into play with certain heroines (note that Batgirl is usually not COMPLETELY naked, she still has a mask, belt, gloves, etc. on, so you'd need to 'strip out of' that outfit before you can 'choose' the nekkid version if that makes sense. SU Unity kind of does this now.

There's also outfit description variables and such, which I have 'on call' for if there will be descriptive outfit text or mouseover text when a particular outfit is picked. Planning ahead and all that.

Anyways, the variables I'm referrring to come into play with the 'Layered Image' code. In Supergirl's case, as I've noted, there's a 'hairband T/F' variable and an 'eyeshadow T/F' variable. I have a dream to make the 'hairband' more of a 'hairstyle' variable with the 'Sailor Moon' pigtails as a third option, but that'd require modification of a few sprites for Dancing, etc. so that one is 'down the road apiece...'

There may be a way to 'slot' those extra variables, and if they remain unused then the game would only have 'one option' and hence not show the 'check box', these are the things that I like to figure out... I have to look closely at each gal to see how many 'switch slots' I will need to cover all situations.
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
OK, here is my current build (version 0.22) for SU Re-Imagined:

AGAIN, this is currently a proof of concept demo, not a full game. Consider yourself re-warned!

This is a 'take it for a test drive and kick the tires' sort of thing.

No Mac or Android version currently. If people really want a Mac version, I can package one, as for Android, I'd rather that the Android port types concentrate on actual games for now. When this is a little farther along, I'll reach out to the Android port folk then.

There will probably be a few bugs. Please report them so that I can look into them, and try to screenshot your error screen log so that I can see what Ren'Py has to say about such things.


I've explained a lot of this stuff before, but since changelogs are generally a good thing...

1) Added some Supergirl and Batgirl cell scene content. Mostly Supergirl.
----- Note: The switch that allows only one conversation with Batgirl and Supergirl each day is currently disabled for testing purposes. It will be re-enabled in future updates.

2) Added a switch that blocks girls from Level 7 device upgrades if they do not have cell scenes yet. So essentially right now only Supergirl and Batgirl can have their devices upgraded past Level 6.

3) Added a 3-day 'cooldown' period for device upgrades. This is a nod to some of the ingame Lex dialogue about not pushing the girls too hard. I'll make this an optional rule in future builds.

4)Added an optional rule to allow downgrade of devices from Level 7 to 6 for a cost of $250,000. Optional rules are chosen at the start of the game (if you choose the 'optional rules' menu option).

5) You can now choose between Supergirl's costumes (0, 1, and 2 currently) once you have unlocked those costumes, using the Profile screen costume picker window.

6) Cell avatars and profile pics will change as more costume options become available.

7) Example code for how to set up layered images, assembling the various 'SU Unity' Supergirl sprite pieces into a unified sprite image. This is 'standard' Ren'Py functionality, but having a code example template to follow is extremely helpful to other coders.

8) Legion Hideout Interface Screen barebones, almost completely non-functional at this point but you can get an idea of what I'm planning there.

9) Not sure if I did this in the previous version, but you can now completely clear the GS/MB schedules with one handy button each for the GS and MB.

10) (Not really related to the build) added UNOFFICIAL to the thread title, 'cuz this is an unsanctioned effort done by people that are just passionate about SU.

11) I'm sure there's something else, will edit this changelog later when I remember what else I did...


Again, (restating for emphasis) this is currently just a proof of concept. Feedback is always appreciated!

Again, special thanks to Cult of Ape , xMendoza, and others that have contributed code and such to this effort.

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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
A quick followup note.

The main reason I'm sharing the 0.22 build now is so that people that are working on cell scenes can look at Supergirl.rpy (/girls/Supergirl folder) to get an idea of how Layered Images can be used with the SU Unity sprites.

Additional help to add more cell scenes content and such is always appreciated!
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Jun 15, 2017
This is incredibly promising! And I encourage you to keep fiddling with the stats; while I agree with the sentiment of many that in most adult games, the attempt to add gameplay is usually annoying and distracting, the roleplaying a supervillain premise here is extremely promising, and I was always a little unhappy with SU for not really developing that enough.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
Since you’re doing additional device levels it would be potentially interesting convincing the girls to work in the GS and MB after they’re unlocked in the cells.

The way I think it would work is Lex can sell them on indulging in the way the device works to their advantage. Since the rules prevent self gratification, Lex could turn off that feature if they dance, increase it’s strength if they strip and turn it way up if the do it in front of people. That covers the GS. Otherwise they’ll just be sitting bored in their cells when Lex is busy elsewhere, etc.

After long enough doing that, Girls could want more or Lex can gradually turn the device intensity down until the girls can be talked into the MB as a way to up the device experience.

Gameplay wise I think it just reuses the existing imagery but with new dialogue. This lets you use the girls to gain money post cell content without resetting or degrading the device. Additionally I think they could earn more money in this state since they’re not just brainwashed zombies and actually are super heroes trying to accomplish a goal (even if that goal is their own orgasms and not being bored)

Anyway, just my thoughts. It would be cool if there was a public git where people could contribute translating scenes into ren’py from the unity version.
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