I knew that, though this did make it obvious to me that this meant the Wars would only happen post-Timeskip/in Timeskip. They might have been properly implemented before Timeskip, but simply at a later Time in Development. But now its clear To me, especially with Dev clarifying as wellThe developer said it.
There is one War ALPHA SYSTEM(it will not affect the game) reading the book in Ryen room.. But you can only use the vanguards in Amagal.
Thank you! So that means in a way, that the Option to "Prepare War" with the military advisor is basically like the Pregancies of characters - currently basically a Flag that will Trigger in/ affect a later stage of the Game, during or post-timeskip? Only, instead of triggering Cutscenes or appearance of new Characters (or whatever the Pregnancies cause to happen) , they will trigger Battles/Camapaigns happening during that time?Wars will take place during the time skip events. You can only prepare for possible wars in the "current" time.