@*inhales*Boi I'll give an update to the soul lanterns some thought. But just to make sure, you know that you can craft more than one, right?
The balancing on the overview map is not final. I'll definitely out some more effort into it once I continue the work on it.
The trading is currently an offer by someone out of the castle, but maybe I can make it official business later and then move it onto the overview map.
The warmap still has some bugs. Hopefully I'll be able to fix them all eventually. ^^"
I'll give the quest suggestion some thought.
A quest to capture all monstergirls sounds nice, but I should make them all capturable first. XD Monster troops were planned, but I'm not sure if or how they'll implemented.
The alchemy system is a plug-in made by someone else. I don't think I'll be able to change the information shown in it.
Or I just make all gold disappear after you left, as someone else with bigger pockets took it.

I like the idea but don't know yet if it's worth the effort.
Thanks for your feedback!
This is a great game so much to do, still not done it all, couple questions though, how do you get the scene with lind, she's my general now and I've paid her the money she wants what's next. Also, highly doubt it but, is there a way that you can edit your saves so that you have someone both imprisoned and not, like Ariana, can you be on her good path and have her imprisoned at the same time?
After the payment, it takes some time (real time) before her dialog changes to unlock her scene.
Editing save files is possible, but the scenes were not made to be available at the same time, so in some cases you might cause issues with the events as result.