It became too annoying, rather than too complex.
I'd rather grind raids than be stuck clicking in the overview map like i explained before.
I don't want to be stuck collecting all that faith, rep, etc manually, even if it gonna pop only every 30 mins.
I liked how it worked previously, namely, if you configure everything just right in the law screen, nothing will decrease at all.
IF you still want for things like Faith and Reputation to decrease, then do it this way:
1. Return the skip-turn system.
2. Every time player skips a turn in the overview map, there is a % probability of negative events happening.
3. These negative events will inflict damage on the overall amount of faith, reputation, etc the player has remaining.
Remember how fire event worked? Create similar events that will inflict damage on faith, rep, etc.
While you are at it you could also create positive events that will give the player various one-time benefits.
So instead of constantly draining things like faith and rep, they will be taking one-time hits.
This should make things far less annoying, and depending on what kind of events happen it could even add extra fun value to the game. You could create a bunch of those events with various probabilities of happening.
Some 1% probability, maybe some other 10% probability, etc.
No we don't need that global storage limit at all.
Why can't you just sell or trade away the excess you produce for the benefit of your kingdom?
*Link production and trading into one system.
*Change storage so that it only allows to store, say... 20 units of every product available in the game.
*Then simply allow the excess to be sold automatically if the player produces more than the 20 units limit and goes over capacity limit.
*Allow the player to choose what the excess can be sold for, gold or budget. This way i can select what i need the most atm.
*Also allow the player to trade away or sell currently stockpiled products if the player wishes to do so even if they aren't over the capacity limit.
This way we won't need to throw anything away and can produce whatever we like and how much we like and nothing will be wasted.
Also we gain a source of income. Products in the game will need various gold and budget price tags put on them though, it will be fun finding out which product is most profitable to sell. Maybe you can even introduce a 'supply and demand' system, where product prices become cheaper or more expensive depending on how much demand there is for those products.
Thus, if the player oversaturates the market with bananas, the bananas will become dirt cheap and not worth selling so the player will need to find another product to sell. Etc. You could even let the other countries fuck around with the trading system as well so that market prices aren't only dependent on player actions alone.
just not worth the effort, imo. Not because of X, but because they're JUST skills.
We have tons of skills offered by party members, why do we even need more?
The rewards should not be skills in the first place, i think, but something else.
Maybe the reward should be something that makes your kingdom or/and its army stronger overall?
I think that would be better reward than a bunch of skills you don't even need.
Or maybe the reward should be stats like crit boost for the entire party, and you will have these extra stats as long as you maintain the reputation or whatever above certain threshold. Sort of like an 'inspiration' buff due to the happiness of your people.
You could also add a negative 'debuff' for the whole party if that reputation falls below a certain threshold, reflecting your people's unhappiness with your rule, thus making this whole thing even more interesting.
You built, maybe. I was never really onboard with Brad and his rebel gang personally.

Bukkake isn't really what i'd consider sharing but.. now that you mentioned it, i remember that girl.
She was indeed sort of shared between multiple dudes, but it was very light.
Ryen was the only one to sample her holes even though she did wank other dudes while he was fucking her and then they came on her.
I guess we do have just one sharing scene, although this girl isn't even his so it's prolly closer to gangbang.