okay... this hunting fragment riddle quest from frall make my mind blown away, time to rest for a bit

and now this maria quest want a ghost to talk but it would not be ghost shey? since already put her bone out cant contact her anymore, and then this gamble quest, bug? already buy 20 gamble coins and still cant gamble with hiroku lol, the last one frost alraune and imp? wtf is their location especially frost alraune already visit all begus side still not find it and the last where's the hell mithril anyway could it be in dorgania(not check all dungeon)and then maid flora cant unlock her and the last maid louise i wonder did i miss something, last visit diplomatic with begus, where the heck u are theremis said south of fort could it be witton? twin ale tower? there's no way calterburry already check is none

ps: and hey what was that broken blade of legends, could it be an OP weapon if there's a quest to upgrade it into a complete one instead broken might be ryen exclusive if become completed?