Ryen invited many people here to continue adding every girl that we see in the story... I think that inviting everyone(including all the slaves as maids) after complete the current story events(almost killed by that traitor that works for your brother) will make that this part of the castle has more guests/harem members than guards..
Imagine that after the TIMESKIP including Ryen kids..
Maybe the developer will remove some NOBLES to add space with the excuse that another noble family tried to kill Ryen.. Lady Akira is the only noble that I like and maybe Elina.
Talking about the kids.. The Archbishop of Begus will be shocked after see that the Queen Jeanne(Begus Queen, that looks like one blonde adolescente) is pregnant and even more after see one baby with black wings like Aldyn King.. I doubt that Ryen sons/daughters will be normal humans.
I feel a little bad for the believers..
Ryen is not interested in help adlyn church and even corrupted one angel and now the new heir of Begus will have his blood..

I tried to be generous with the chuch but.. I read here NO FEMALE GUARDS. NO FREE LIBRARY ACCESS to increase that. NO.. I CAN´T SUPPORT THEM.
Damn.. I forgot it.. Seems that I was right saying that I was forgetting something..