I am soooo sorry it turns out bad as it could happen because I was unsure of the "applying process" and have some issues softwarewise.
I am in progress of fixing all up starting with the software "Translator ++" and with myself as busy and overloaded with work / job at the moment I am v. sorry that I can't spend enough time to sort things out daily.
I am only doing things like this casualy but at least every week if not little every day.
Sometimes there's not enough to log on forums and reply !
You are right guys getting most current version is MANDATORY ! and probably needed if we want good content and good base to work on translation regardless no change in Data maps files just in case it might create some bug.
I will research a bit to get the most up to date verion of the game itself and then work on translation as well.
I might have to do it all over again on new files.
Regarding my upload thank you for help explaining how to apply / install and now after your reports I am not sure how much of the machine translation was actually applied. I have done a ton of manual translation and editing combined with the software but with the Translator++ it should be much much faster and easier to work with.