3.40 star(s) 14 Votes


Nov 19, 2023
Hi i'm having a hard time finding the package in the front door there's just nothing someone has a clue? The WT is outdated.


Jun 25, 2022
so this is onhold cuz new game?
First them made Highschool of the Dead: Haven to "take a break from working on Resident X all the time and it helped us from getting burnt out on it" ( ).

Now them making new game "Love tree" to be "a cross between High School of the Dead Haven and Resident X with a few new surprises" ( ).

For this game - them "continue to work on it behind the scenes as we work on another new title but with major changes to its development cycle" ( ).

I'd say them fell in love with Unity and don't really want to complete this RenPy game, but occasionally will do.


Dec 30, 2018
damn, i really liked the mom... what a shame. but to be honest, i always expect any dev to stop working on their games because it seems that's the trend smh :(


Mar 8, 2020
this game is being worked on but will not be released until its finished as in a complete game. no updates.


Sep 4, 2020
Wow I remember seeing this game 13 months ago and thought hmm I'll give it a try after 2 more updates come out for it.
-1 Update down one more to go.
-.....where tf is the 2nd update?
-reads the thread.....OMG another one of those devs doing FOR SOME GOD DAMN REASON what a lot of other devs are doing....

I mean you would fucking think most people would go, 'hey we have started a project lets finish it'.
(some years later)
Man... hey guys lets start up another game! even tho most of our fan base/supporters don't give a single fuck about the new game lets do that anyway and waste time making our main game come to a halt or become abandoned basically....ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? (I saw the burnt out comment read my post more)
something your doing to make money and you go and do that shit? good job dumb asses you just killed your rep with your fan base. Just saw the 66& loss of the supporters....yep stupid. Best way to go about this shit is by doing this-

Hey guys we are sorry for bringing this announcement to you but we are really burnt out on making this game. We would like to take at least a 3-4 month break from development to better our burnt out state to come back even stronger! Once again sorry for the sudden news to you all, but we do hope that you guys can enjoy our little mini porn game while we have our break.

Now after reading what I just said is it really that fucking hard? that little rinky dink high school of the dead mini game could have been the little treat to throw out to everyone so they have something to enjoy at least.

DONT DO WHAT THEY DO AKA postpone shit and be a dr. bones.....fucking nasty. If they did what I said, or kept up with the game aka finish it, then I would have become a supporter to them this month oh well I guess. GL you devs you will need it, to somehow climb out of the we scammed you guys hole.(y)
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3.40 star(s) 14 Votes