Wow! what an ending! Did not see that coming... just wished MC could have finally told her he loves her after she confessed to him, though I guess actions speak louder than words.
On a side note, I was glad we got to the same ending regardless whether we fooled around with Giselle. While totally fucked up and a major ethical violation, no way I wanted to pass that opportunity up, and would hope to see it escalate/be incorporated in their future counseling sessions. I'd like to believe Cindy could keep things discreet, but glad to see both her and Giselle are not looking for a commitment.
Now it remains to be seen if there will be a sharing path going forward or if the MC will be given the option to break up with Sadie, even though I already am waiting for the 'other' shoe to drop with Oliver stopping by a for a surprise visit. It was weird no matter how hot and adorable of a girlfriend Sadie is, I had to fast forward all her lewd scenes since for me they were cringey as fuck while oddly enough I was more than ok with Cindy & Giselle. Still fingers crossed for a shot with Grace, which I could see her discovering them and their 'secret' and confronting him about it.