VN - Ren'Py - Reunion [v0.70 New] [Karabinek]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Haven't done a review for awhile, but I thought I needed to do one for this AVN.

    Story -- This is where the crux of the whole thing. Story isn't bad, but based on the creator I see too many inconsistencies with the MC behavior. According to the creator he is an anti-hero or a knight errant, (yes I already knew what that means) but again based on those things the MC is very inconsistent on who he treats well and who he doesn't. Yes there are instances where he clearly is that type of person. Also I have no interest in playing that type of character. If you are then this might be a good one for you. Score 2/5

    Renders -- Above average. The only thing I can complain about is how many characters are so well endowed. Though I'm am definitely in the minority on that opinion. Score 4/5

    Animation -- Above average. I read someone recently that was complaining about the quality. Not sure what they were watching because I saw good ones. Score 4/5

    Other -- Again I just don't like what "in my opinion" are inconsistencies in the character. This is a huge download coming in at approximately 13GB. Score 2/5

    Overall Score -- 3/5 I would like to give it a lower score, but that wouldn't be right as there a lot of things done very well in this AVN.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The good: Excellent renders

    The bad: overused revengeplot, power-fantasy, where no woman can resists the MC, and they all throw themselves at him with no buildup, creating no excitement or tension of any kind.

    Nothing feels earned, and the writer continually throws seemingly bigger and bigger threats at the MC, who just resolves them with no trouble, barely an inconvenience, making the next big threat that much less effective.

    Do yourself a favour and just rip the CG, the story is garbage
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders were excellent, and there were plenty of good animation scenes. I was very impressed with the quality of this game. The women are gorgeous, and unique. There is alot of lewd content, which is very well done. I found the story engaging, and look forward to the next chapter. Strongly recommended!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Vapid 2-dimensional bimbos, with unrealistic body proportions (think sex-doll anatomy) throw themselves at the socially-retarded-yet-irresistable MC: The Game.

    Graphics & Technical:
    Above-average quality renders & animations. Nothing to complain about there. Only negative is the use of extremely generic models.

    From a technical standpoint, there are some oddities. The amount of content is extremely disproportionate to the size (14GB) of the game. It doesn't bother me much, but I find it strange that more effort wasn't put into compression.

    Menu feels well executed, as well as the user interface.

    It wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't been done thousands of times before. Typical revenge-plot where the sole motivation for the MC is to get even.
    The lazy writer just makes stuff happen without taking the time or effort to lay the logical foundation for anything. Just turn your brain off bro.
    Women throw themselves at the MC for no reason other than his inexplicable, mystical attractiveness.

    The MC talks and acts like he has Aspergers, showing extremely poor social intuition and very immature behavior, yet all the women act like he's the most irresistible man in the universe, and as the player you're just left cringing. It honestly feels like playing through some socially retarded dudes power fantasy.

    There is little to no build-up to anything and feels very unsatisfying.
    The MC starts off with 2 girlfriends right off the bat, and on his first day in town, he's already managed to seduce a stranger at a hotel (who want so suck his dick instantly), his secretary, his long-lost childhood friend and his surrogate (Patreon approved) younger sister.

    Feels like a very lazy attempt at emulating games like Where the Heart Is, and score some easy Patreon bucks by appealing to anyone horny enough to disregard poor writing. The game is only elevated by the high quality renders, but not enough to score it higher than 2/5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    my 2 cents

    very interesting story - not unique but very good

    the renders and animations are not outstanding but great

    girls personality are well writen , each are dif from others

    cant decide if i let Linda suffer or "help" her
    (her submission route will be great i think)

    the surprise was the buisness the mc already had
    didnt expect that , but fits for the story

    5 stars for now (maybe adjust later)
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Uwe Furtmustal

    That's a quite good game, great renders, but for me a little short. After short prologue (few lines), MC arrived to office, inherited father's properties and because they ruined MC's life, I wanted to never see them again and continue story with two girls MC had atm. And all of sudden, End.
    As I said, good game, but little short.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game's content, though I do have some complaints:
    The choices are often 'good choice' or 'bad/neutral choice' (more often neutral because it doesn't modify your stats). This isn't awful, but just having more options even if they behave the same is nice as it allows expressing ourselves.
    The main character's background is ambiguous, but clearly there enough that it just leaves me confused. He appears to have been in the army, rescued those two girls he was with, and potentially has his own company.
    It really likes the revenge porn. Linda is imprisoned and traumatized (she is a terrible person, but she doesn't deserve that), of which we haven't yet seen what happens after that (MC plans to buy her). It would be nice to have an option to completely skip this, as I don't really get off to people being put in terrible places. Just "I pay her $50000" and she goes takes a plane to another country for the rest of her life option, if you don't want to make any other content.
    At the very end of the current content is a scene where a drunk girl drives her car into the rear end of yours, and while the girl is obnoxious (but also drunk, so I have a more lenient perception towards personality flaws during that), he really slams into her verbally. Then when she has tried offering him a blowjob or more and threatened him (she doesn't want the cops called, I'd say an understandable reaction, even if it is unethical), the main character has her admit all this on camera and says that he will be calling soon. This feels like it is obviously trying to go towards blackmail, which.. I don't really want. As before, I'd be fine if it was just a 'skip out' option where you ignore her or call the cops and don't blackmail her (though I'd of course prefer having actual content with her that isn't blackmail).
    The characters are not exceptional, but they're interesting and attractive enough that it doesn't feel like they aren't people.
    The writing is okay/good. Nothing to complain about or write home about.
    The animations are good. I'll note that the compressed version, the pictures look fine but I noticed at least one video looking pixelated.
    Overall, I'd recommend it, but if you don't like the main character being a jerk without your choice mattering then you may have to ignore that or not play.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I give you a star just because some renders are good, others are not. The lighting of many renders is not adequate for the environment in which the scene is developed, that is a very common failure in those who only care about getting fat tits and cocks on the screen.
    And in the childish way of conducting business it is better to say nothing... It is very logical to physically abuse a secretary or give away vice presidencies as if they were lollipops...
    Otherwise, a very, very, very boring game...
    The characters have no personality of their own.
    The dialogues are an accumulation of nonsense and stupidity.
    And the script, very original, unique: All women fall in love with this guy who can hardly speak properly?
    The protagonist will surely end up with a harem of 20 or 30 women in love with him, beautiful, wonderful and above all, very original...
    Nobody should waste time playing this boring game...
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I would like to write something constructive on this game but nothing comes to me. For good reasons, there are some interesting characters but some conversations with them don't seem natural, and many choices come in the middle of conversation that are unnecessary or other choices this is not more relevant but add "Submitted" or "Love" points, other thing that is not indicated is that all the "Love" choices are linked to a "Harem" point, the plot stretches in length & for Nine Giga the game offers almost nothing.

    It's just average, we're back for a revenge, blah blah blah and not happy blah blah blah... It's like that throughout the game.

    If it were possible to put 2,5 this is the rating I would put, but we are at version 0.3, so I will give the rating of 3/5.

    We will see in the futur if the game improves later.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: v0.3

    This is another one of those cases where I got baited into trying a game out because of its stellar overall rating, and came out of it absolutely baffled. Let's cut to the chase: Reunion is your run of the mill power fantasy porn game masked as a revenge story that is neither deep or remotely interesting to follow.

    All of the LIs have the personality of a wet cardboard box and in one way or another they all fill in some kind of trope. The most overused one here is the damsel in distress, as way too many of them are in need of being saved from something that is either blackmail, an abusive boyfriend or...blackmail again. But hey, our MC is back in town to save the day! Unfortunately, not even our supposed self insert is safe from the game's terrible writing, as he turns out to be an absolute douchenozzle, both in the way he looks and acts/talks. An endearing quality, apparently, as all members of the opposite sex adore him for no discernible reason. Well, all with the exception of the cartoonishly evil step-mom, who is inevitably doomed to be part of his harem anyway.

    The overarching story of Reunion is laughably bad, the interactions between characters are even worse because of how flat and onedimensional they are, and the dialogues often come off as decidedly unrealistic and painfully forced, to the point where they almost gain some unintended comedic value (the scene with the foul mouthed step-mom in the club being perhaps the perfect example of this).
    As far as I'm concerned, the only redeeming quality of Reunion resides in its slightly above average renders.

    Low hanging fruit. For a lot of people (whose standards I seriously question, I might add) it seems to be more than enough to warrant a high rating. For me, it's a hard pass.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good despite my rating !

    I didn't like writing. The characters having "amnesia" regarding their chat, especially Jenn and MC. Whole part about relations of MC and the sisters before the letters part isn't good. All this "their attitude", "like it used to be" and bla bla bla...idk, not much effort here. The details of what exactly girls mother did to MC should've been revealed a bit earlier, because he's whining all the time but all we know that she kicked him out and why. But in his own words it's "everything she've done to me" and only later we will know some interesting parts of this story.
    All the lines about "revenge on that bitch" etc...there's too much of it. Too much repetitive thoughts from characters.
    When MC asking Sandra if she and Isabelle friends - she says no and that Isa only hired her, i.e. work relationship. And
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    Another example - Nicole. MC supposed she's in some kind of trouble, i.e. bad company, gang or smth. Asked Mary to look at it. Next time the subject appears - MC discussing with Mary that some1 blackmailing her and they need to figure how to help her WITHOUT anything in between. One moment MC has only guesses exluding blackmailing, couple minutes after - he already knows it's blackmailing. Etc, etc, etc.

    ON THE OTHER HAND: MC and his GF's written so much better ! It's so cool and warm ! I didn't like Khloe's chat at start, she sounded like MCs mother. How can u live here, what r u wearing etc, but didnt notice anything similar later. MC's nightmare was made very cool, I mean I would've like more flashback with him and girls, short but interesting.

    The whole idea with MC's parents are interesting. Looking into it. Also I liked he's keen to know about Sandra's incident.

    The potential size of Harem in this game is unpredictably huge :)

    I can't say I'm really into incest genre it's just so annoying to read this whole "landlady, roommate and neighbor" stuff so I cant stand it. BUT that small and almost innocent scene between Jenn and Lisa...O.M.G. It was such a heat !

    Btw, ty for letting to choose Lisa's haircut !

    The scenes isnt bad, I wish they could've been longer with more options. There are several animations. Overall I'm fine with this part.

    I didnt mean to offend developer in any way. I'm really grateful for your work ! But this game could've been 10 times better with good writing. The second half of this version is so much more heartwarming and good.

    Usually the games have rather good or bad writing but here is that contrast that blew my mind, that's why I've decided to post my first review here.

    I hope everything will go good for the dev.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.3]

    Art's nice. Love the boobage.

    Writing's good with enjoyable voice and fluency. Scenario's a bit trite but also implemented well. Characterization is very strong for the most part but the sisters trio seem a bit unstable and inconsistent at times.

    Porn's very enjoyable, but I am likely biased because I like harems / groups / poly.

    The technical implementation has some letdowns. I ran into at least two instances of the Ren'py errors with missing/corrupt images and there are logic errors in the dialog trees with multiple occurrences of characters discussing matters before they learn about them.

    TLDR: very nice and #watched~.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Congrats to the dev, you made a damn good work with this game, i really enjoyed playing it, lots of characters, all are really pretty and hot. The renders are amazing with lots of animations, it really worths the disk space, i'll always keep space for your game ;)
    And not only the artwork is great but the story too, i can't keep waiting for the next episode.
    Your game is definitely in my best list. Continue this way please !
    Likes: 5fly5
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Sooo... That's a controversial game to say the least.

    There's people around would love it and people who dislike it.

    I'm in the latter part.

    For the review:

    Graphics: They are amazing and good animation too. All model are nice to gorgeous. A little on the doll bimbo part but i kinda like it. Renders are great all along. Great work

    Story: Outch that hurt! unbelievable story , bad character writing, dialogue kind of unemotial. I can't really understand how you fuck up that much. Lots of review already told why in details so i won't but the age, the blackmail, the female/MC interaction all is wrong. Even the amount of female which is good but they are all threw to you at the same time with no progression. The little sister is the only one quite correctly written.

    If i were the dev, i would not have included the already formed threesome partnership. You need some challenge in the story a little... not having a full harem already at the start of the game.

    For the first sex scene, i get it why but dislike the "best sex ever" thing.

    The more important thing is the construction of the character. It is as if the women are all in love with the MC in the first eye contact and that's ok for 1 but come on not 15.... You need build up, character construction, progression!

    The linda archenemy thing is promising but is misused. I would prefer a story where the daughters are important to her and the MC steal them away for revenge or love. Apart of the money there is nothing, no angle to take revenge upon.

    That's all for me. Instead to make the story progress the author could rewrite all the beginning according to me.

    So 2 stars game with so beautiful graphics, i rate it 3 stars
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Ass Man

    Let's start with the good things about this game: Good renders and Good animations, that's all.

    The bad things about this game: The conversations are weird as fuck, doesn't transmite emotions, it feels like the dev doesn't know how to talk with people. It's rushed asf, in day 2 already 2 girls seems to have fallen for him, the lawyer that he met only 2 days ago and Lisa that was his friend back then but they didn't talk in the last 10 years.
    The reasons of the two other girls to hate him is a joke. The blackmail is a joke too, (spoiler alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) HE LEFT THE HOUSE THAT HIS FATHER OWNED BECAUSE HIS FATHER FRIEND( OR WIFE, I DON'T KNOW) SAID THAT SHE SAW THAT HE PUSHED HIS FRIEND OFF A BRIDGE OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, WHICH WAS OBVIOUSLY A LIE AND SHE HAD NO PROOF AT ALL, it's the worst blackmail that i have ever seen.The characters have giant heads, the models look like dolls and not real people, like, i played two games that the models seemed like dolls too, but the story, the characters are all well written so you start to ignore the fact that they look like a doll and start liking them, but not in this game because as i said earlyer the conversations doesn't transmite emotions and it seems like it's a robot talking, not a human, the MC has no charisma at all too.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2412505

    This game just made my fav list.
    Insanely beautiful women, amazingly good storytelling and dialogues.
    What l like most about this game is that MC isn't afraid to speak his mind and don't hesitate to show people their place.
    This is a must play from me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty interesting story and the mystery wrapped inside a "holy shit" twist is brilliant. Like how MC does not just bullshit the woman, but tells them what is going on his relationship wise and leaves it to the woman to decide if she is interested. He can be a gentle guy, with those who deserve it, and can also dish out punishment. Great character.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Lord Soth

    Let me just start by saying 5 fucking stars for this content so far.

    I`ve played so many VN`s on here and was disappointed with how weak and submissive the Male MC`s were in them. I like my MC to be strong and dominant! Grab `em by teh Pusssssssy!

    Anyhoo, this Dev just gets it. Our MC in this story will bend the gorgeous females to his will. one way or another. Those who oppose him, well our MC is not scared to bend `em over and spank some ass...

    The story is a revenge one and is pretty cool, it`s enjoyable and intriguing. The women are pretty damn hot! and you can build towards a harem it seems. Within 5 minutes of playing, you get with a sexy goddess and our boy gives her a night to remember.

    Only complaint? the MC looks like something out of Brother Where Art Thou...just missing some Dapper Dan for that haircut....

    If you want an MC who is emasculated or enjoys seeing his LI getting their holes destroyed by some other buff Alpha male`s cock, this is not for you.
    If you want to be the one that does the dominating and fucking, it`s right up your street.

    I cannot wait for more updates.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. I enjoyed a lot playing it. For my surprise there was no girl i didn't like. Also, the best thing is that you don't need to choose one girl over the other. The story is a little cliche but what matters IMO is the sex scenes anyway.

    I would like to see more content specially of the assistent (not the lawyer or the secretary) and the first girl the MC met in the hotel.

    The issue i got, however, is that not all the scenes in the no "smoking fetish" route was hided, but it also was just one or anothe render anyway.

    Sorry for my bad english, i'm not a native speaker.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    review after v.0.2

    My review will contain spoilers so if you don't want to see those, please don't read anymore.

    How a game with such beautiful visuals has such a terrible story tale? I imagine the dev's effort to make all those beautiful renders, only to ruin everything with a shallow storyline and indifferent characters.

    beautiful models and renders
    a lot of content for just a 0.2 version
    the sex scenes aren't that bad

    Too many characters! There are like 20 girls and he just threw them all out just from the start and i honestly don't remember what their names are or what they do.
    All the girls are dressed like sluts. Not sexy, but slutty which is very different and a huge turnoff for me because you want your girl to dress slutty on special occasions, not all the freakin time.
    I still don't know who MC is. We see glimpses of what he did the last 10 years, but now he's confident without telling us why, he's protective at times and a violent bully some others, etc. We never see him have any thoughts, see him confused or contemplate whether or not he should do some things or not. We basically have zero idea what's the deal with this dude.
    The girls have zero personalities and need the MC to save them. Even smart girls like laywers are suddenly willing to work as secretaries just because he seems "trustworthy", whatever that means.
    Also, they are all seem desperate for sex which is odd considering how beautiful they are, but somehow they're all single (or about to be) and would only allow MC to flirt or have sex with them.

    Overall, this is another game with tremendous potentials that will not reach. I urge the dev to find some friends or patreons (not yes!men, but providing acual critisism and help) to look his story before developing so they can tell him which parts work and which don't. It's a shame because he clearly works hard for those renders, but right now it's the only thing worth your time in this game.