VN - Ren'Py - Reunion [v0.70 New] [Karabinek]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Its got a good story and great renders. Game size is a bit big if you download the un-compressed version, but so far I've had no real issues with the compressed version except at the start of the game (where the smoking choice occurs, I ignored it and kept rolling and didn't run into any more issues)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good work , the merits have been said by everyone over and over again . Let me mention the disadvantages . The game is too big , 18GB , My PC isn't expensive , and that size puts too much strain on PC . Early plot design chaos , the last few updates have been much better .
    It's the only game I've everday turned on my computer and looked forward to an update, and I can recall every single screen clearly .
    I can only ask the author not to abandon halfway .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Its fair to say that i fell in love with this title.. The animations are pretty good even tho there is room for improvement and MORE to be added,
    The characters are well designed and extremly likeable minus the step mother (not as a character personality but just her look feels off)
    The story is well written, yes a few typos but passable.. Characters like Khloe are just some of the best and captivating..
    My BIGGEST tip to the developer is to practice facial expressions in a mirror that you want the character to express.. FAR TO MANY times in numerous consecutive scenes the facial expression remains unchanged and spoils the mood of the scene.. a little extra time spent here (see how Chasing Sunsets does it for better example) and it would be a damn near perfect avn..
    I hope for the future of this title as there is quite a lot of elements established in the existing story that could easily expand the tale into multiple seasons.. Forming a business empire that employs the 'collectable' characters in various roles of the business' to play to each of their strengths.. Having that ensemble team working together to take down the corruption in the city, dealing with everyones personal or interconnected enemies in a battle of revenge and power.. The future long running prospects are great and i'd love to see it play out (including all the near imminent pregnancies that seem to be upon us)
    My hat goes off to the dev team and i hope we see more from this avn in the future
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Great storytelling, great girls, but definitely needs some polish.

    I didn't go the intended direction with one of the girls and every once in a while the characters would reference something that never happened.

    Also, usually the English was readable enough that I could tell what was meant, but nearly every line had some level of incorrect grammar, bad spelling or just said things in ways that no native English speaker that passed second grade would ever say them.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The girls are excellent, there's great variety and the scenes are nicely animated. A good game with lots of potential but the dev needs to be careful and try to focus on improving character relationships first rather than introduce more plot points. The game can be great, and even as of 0.45 there's plenty of content and enough sex scenes for a good amount of playthrough.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I almost couldn't believe that an 18GB adult VN has such poor sex scenes. They're more narrated than animated, and the MC's cock is rather disgusting. But hey, at least the game lets you pick between seeing smoking scenes and not seeing them. Dev sure got his priorities wrong.
    The girls are rather pretty, if you can look past the usual emotional drama. Story is about your father dying, you wanting revenge, etc.
    Anyway if you want an overall high quality game, look somewhere else. If you just want to have some good fap material, definitely look somewhere else.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version 0.45 with the walk-through mod.

    This game is pretty good. The story is probably the best part - it's seriously working on GoT levels of multiple story lines going on here. But there's a good mix of different types of relationships that keeps it interesting. I tend to like the threads where there's some revenge incentive driving it, and there are a few of those. The straight-up romance ones are good too.

    Aside from the overall story, the writing can be hit or miss, but it seems to me that it gets better further into the game, maybe as the dev gains more experience. This is mainly related to the dialogue, which can be stiff/awkward at times. This is the main thing keeping me from giving this 5 stars.

    The visuals are pretty good as well, although I've never been crazy about the breasts generated with this renderer (this is DAZ right?) - they often look strangely shaped to me - particularly the really large ones, like Jennifer's.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll make it short and simple.
    You will like this game if you like: Harem, busty females, good feels relationship between the MC and his girls, no think faps

    You will not like this game if you like: Intricate stories, a complex MC with a lot of flaws.

    Im glad I ignored some of the other reviews and decided to give it a shot. Its no masterpiece in terms of story, but this has the stuff im looking for hence the 5. I normally would just give a 4 until the game is actually completed, but I feel like I needed to help offset some of the other ridiculous reviews where some people seemed to not enjoy the topics that this game is centered around, but decided to play it anyway and come out all surprise pikachu. Keep up the good work dev, can't wait to see more scenes with the ladies.
    P.S if anyone knows games similar to this help a brother out
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Had a decent premise, but the whole harem aspect of the game is not believable or enjoyable. MC is like a god that every woman who meets him wants a piece of him without him doing anything noteworthy. It feels silly and breaks the immersion. There are a couple of interesting characters that are mainly the sisters and the stepmom, but everyone else is just there to increase MC's harem.

    With that many characters available and so little development between them makes the game feel terrible. I guess with more dev time it could turn into a better game if at least each character is given proper development, but we will have to wait and see.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    There are aspects of this game I really like and the women are certainly all fun to look at.... the renders are solid, settings are fresh and the animation and content is great... which is why we are all here.

    To be honest, there is only one problem with this VN/Game but it is a big problem; the MC is just god awful.

    Close your eyes for a minute and think about any hero. Animated, comic book, movie or TV show. Any hero. What do they all have in common? Flaws. They all have flaws. It's what makes them real. This MC, however, besides being butt ugly and having zero fashion sense, has none. I know... the MC is not supposed to be a hero and yes, we all come to expect well hung, great endurance, with the ability to please multiple women in these games so I am willing to cut most MCs some slack... but it's too much mary sue for me.

    He always knows the right thing to say. He never makes any mistakes. He is a super bad ass. He knows how to run his father's business even though he has never spent a day of his life in the office. He has women throwing themselves at him and they don't care that they have to share. I mean, he's perfect!

    The problem is, there are so many good VNs out there these days and this dev is clearly talented enough to produce at a high quality. Here's hoping the dev wraps this one up soon and starts another one with a new MC.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The models are nice but almost identical. The writing however, is absolutely awful. All the women are immediately madly in love with the protagonist for virtually no reason. The story is nothing but cliches, and the conversations seem to come out of a bad romance novel written by someone who's never actually been in a relationship of any kind.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for Reunion v0.45:-
    Like being in a relationship with a hot sex doll.

    I loved the renders and models initially, but the more time I spent playing this, the clearer its glaring issues and inadequacies became to me.

    Every character has the same "bimbo sex doll" body type. Writing is dry, wooden and soulless, there's no real emotion in the text or the stiff faces of every character, they always have the same dead expression. Characters are one dimensional tropes who fall in love with the MC for inexplicable reasons, and they're always damsels in distress. The game's story & character decisions make no logical sense; backstories are bare-bones and character motivations are non-existent, they all live only to be saved by the MC and eventually join his "open relationship" harem. There are plenty of spelling mistakes and bad grammar instances. Writing skill and comprehension seems like that of a 14 year old teen who is learning English as a second language. Sex scenes in this game are also- badly posed, vanilla and infrequent.

    "Reunion" is an uninspired, amateurly written, tropey, revenge/power fantasy with no real personality or life in it's narrative and characters. The 17 GB file size hosts a ~10 hr playtime which has 2 handfuls of adult scenes, and boring, trite dialogue full of meaningless conversations and the protagonist's mundane ruminations.

    PS- This VN's strengths begin and end at the visuals (discounting the models). If you want to turn this into a compelling game: spend more time with the story, make characters more varied in appearance, give them some endearing qualities and motivations, and please make them express more emotions. Realistic body types, characters with some depth, facial expressions, more adult scenes, and a new writer will make this VN a top contender on this site.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good game.
    For starters, current amount of content (as of 0.45) has enough to keep you entertained for around 12 hours or so. That should tell you that the dev is already taking this very seriously and already has some depth. I'm not familiar with the dev's schedule yet, so I can't say how long it usually takes for each release, but regardless, I loved this game.
    It IS, if it slipt by you, a HAREM game. So if you don't like that, it definitly won't be your cup of tea, since you already start the game with 2 girls in an open relationship.
    I feel that the story gets better at each day and what started as what it seemed to be a simple revenge story is evolving into something much more complex, with mysteries and interesting characters. So, if you haven't played this yet, be sure to do it and support the dev if you can.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    version 0.45 does sound like an early version but the volume of this game is quite heavy - a few hours of playing. It takes a bit of time even if you just skip everything. So it should be enough for you to see what's inside.
    Personally loved the story of a rich man with all hotties around him. But could have been a little better if it was an incest game, making Lisa and the other two actual sisters of MC.
    There're a few errors in the game at the current stage, you can still ignore the errors and continue but a bit disturbing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game , just finished playing this game till 0.45. I'm impressed with the mystery aspect of the story and variety of female characters and renders .

    STORY - 5/5 - It seems to be a little revenge story and the mystery around his dad's death and mother's disappearance .
    ART -5/5 - The art in this game is nice and the female characters are beautiful and there is not much animations at the moment but the art makes up for it .
    H SCENES - 5/5 - The H scenes are nice and there is a lot of content for the H scenes . And the relationship among MC and the girls are very well written . The dialogues are nice too .
    In conclusion this VN has a nice mystery story and a lot of female characters to romance , looking forward with future updates .
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.45
    What a wonderful game. Figured I would start with that. There are some little quirks here and there, but the story, the graphics, then animations are all really good.

    Story / Characters
    For me, I am not one that is all about the FAP per word kind of Adult VN reader. I love the story. With that in mind this story is great. Has plenty of twists and turns and has a lot of parallel side stories that are all intertwined and done very well. The main characters all have very good backstories, once you get into them. Gives much more depth and connection to the characters.

    Game Elements
    The game elements are not super deep, but they are enough to give you control over your desired path. It works well within the game. Some of the options can be a bit harsh without a middle type answer to be more like I might be, but that is fine.

    Graphics / Models / Animation
    Really well done and the models, while some standard ones, have good variance and fit the story well. Not in love with the MC's style as it doesn't quite fit the narrative of his background int he military. However it is not bad. The girls are all typically hot. The rooms, areas, cars, etc. are all well done and immersive enough for the story. Animation is really solid. Not the best I have seen, but it is really well done.

    It has more than enough for me. This is not a FAP-a-minute game and I am more than fine with that. I love the story and would rather have good story mixed with good sex than sex every other scene with crappy story. I can blindly click a link to find the latter.

    Overall I would give the a bout a 4.5 star rating.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Where to start with this one

    Story and Originality - 5/10

    Certainly not original, although more of a mix of a few other well known games. Certainly needs a lot of improvement, there are inconsistencies all over the place in the story line, some of them very large and confusing.

    Renders - 7/10 Nice renders although there are certainly better. Quite a few bugs that need to be fixed as well.

    Animations - 1/10 With the amount of content and the renders used, you would think the Animations would be good, but they really suck. The sex scenes are very poorly done, and the generic 2 second sex is used. Story, graphics and animations are the biggest things to these story/games, so many dev's just don't get that, or don't care. This is definitely the case here.

    Grammar - 3/10 Not that the writing is great in the first place, rather amateur. Hire a better writer, one that will at least go through it later and check for typo's.

    Content - 9/10 There is a lot of content in the updates which is certainly good considering most others don't have very much in them.

    All in all not the worst of story/games, a little too amateur in a lot of respects. Especially Animations, which again i state is a really big deal next to story and graphics. If any of those parts are not very well done, then you might as well not bother developing anything. One day maybe in the future devs will realize 2 second sex and piss poor animations are not going to get them rave reviews.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This a petty solid package with not much to complain about.
    Sex scenes and animations are nothing to write home about so this probably the least good part of the game. Still good.
    English is Very good, which is rare.
    Girls are gorgeous although it has a "amazon tribe" feel to it. as most man the MC interacted with were beaten...
    If you deny having a relationship with girls, the MC has thoughts like the next day as if you didn't denied them. Kind lazy dev.
    Harem tag is present but since I don't play harem games I wont comment on that. (I was bored)
    There's Dom not tagged but It's avoidable so no harm there. Not my thing so I won't comment on that either. It's light dom so far, if you ask me.
    So yeah, it's a good game. It's unrealistic but since it's harem... and IMO it does ruin the experience for me. No I won't follow it.
    So I was thinking 3 stars but since I might be biased since it's not my thing, I'll give it 4*.

    Thank you and good luck.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Whoa, what a concoction of the wonderful and the... well, sloppy, is the best way I can put it. There's some really good stuff here, but boy does this VN need editing. There are signs all over the place that things have been put together without much critical review and thought about how it's all supposed to fit together.

    Perfect example of the lack of care: very early on the MC bumps into an old friend at a train station. There's a beautifully done render of him holding her possessively, while she gazes ardently into his eyes. And he says, "it was nice seeing you again." And she replies, "it was nice to see you too." The dialogue doesn't go with the image, at all. So any attempt at tone is lost. There are many, many instances like this. A good, critical eye would have picked these out in advance, and the Dev's rendering skill suggests it wouldn't have been hard to fix. But no, it's all left there, raw footage.

    The plot of this VN is a fairytale: The hero comes home to deal with his evil stepmotherly-type person, and her daughters. All sorts of stuff gets tossed into this, USB sticks, strippers, lawyers, a questionably incompetent police officer. The pseudo-stepmother gets to be indignant and bitchy and then gets kidnapped, so there, and there are scenes of her moping in her cell just in case readers forget she exists. Easy to do, actually, because vast tracts of plot and conversation take place without her.

    Everyone is very, very serious. Lots of deep feelings. Everyone talks about love, about not forgetting, about caring. And then, just in case we forget, there's a threatening phone call. It's like... a harlequin romance stretched out to an entire season of True Detective.

    Other sloppy stuff... well, people do things and, through inner monologue, tell us what they're doing. So, like, there's a render of the MC turning to a door, and the text reads, "you turn to a door." This isn't Zork; there should be zero of this. But in fact there's a lot. Pages of it.

    And the fact that by using "you" the dev is forcing me to identify with the MC is irritating, because the MC is a jackass. He's very self-important, with all sorts of mysterious demons (PTSD? alcoholism?) treated as symbols of how deep he is. He loves, I mean loves to tell people about how the faux-stepmother wronged him. You know someone who can't stop talking about some slight they experienced in the past? You like hanging around with that person? I didn't think so.

    Plus, he's also a real estate entrepreneur. Ya know, when I think of the kind of heroic, sensitive, romantic alter ego I want to inhabit in a fantasy world, the words "real estate" always come first to mind. Yeah, it's like the hero of the story is Adam Neumann.

    Don't get me wrong. If this were a sex-comedy, then I'd be perfectly happy to be into real estate. But this is oh-so serious. Why can't I be something interesting, like, I dunno, a top chef?

    Finally, there is just the one male character (the MC) and then, apart from a few redshirts, everyone else is female. We spend a lot of time with these women, and boy, do they fail the bechdel test. They have two topics of conversation, either how much they love the MC, or how much they love each other. They talk about this a lot. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so humourless. It would be, I think, a lot more erotic if it was spiced up with other stuff, like their careers, or gardening, or how much they like to French polish.

    This is all basic creative writing, I think, differentiating characters, making good dialogue, showing, not saying, that sort of thing.

    It's frustrating, because, wow, the renders are beautiful. I've never seen so much care put into making DAZ assets look so spectacularly gorgeous. And, although the composition could use a little more variety, there are many images of wonderful intimacy, like when the MC is talking with one of the daughters in the park, and as she listens, she wraps herself all over him. It's an incredibly sensual image.

    I don't want to sound too harsh. Most devs, I know, are just one person. But it is a huge frustration when you have such great rendering skill applied to such poor story-telling. At any rate, I think this dev needs to do two things: 1) plot out the entirety of the story, and 2) get someone to objectively review his stuff before publishing. That's good advice for all of us, actually. We could all use a little more forethought, and a little objective review.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I have to be honest. This game has an actually interesting story BUT as an actual porn game it's not all that great. I'm still giving it a 4/5 though, that's how much I liked the story in it.

    Also being a 14gig download probably artificially set my expectations high for the porn in the game only to be disappointed with let's be real terrible animations. And not really that great quality considering it's 14gigs. I've played probably 95% of the big name/mainstream games on this site and quite a few of them had far better animations while not being this big of a download.

    But again, I liked the story a lot hence 4/5 despite all my complaints.