I have fixed all of those bugs but the mercenary running one. I could get that one to trigger for me. Thank you for all the reports by the way. I really appreciate it.
Updated the game:
I just spent over an hour testing the game and I fixed a whole bunch of bugs and managed to get through the first & second day with no trouble. I think that I ironed out all the anticheat issues so everything should work fine now.
The reason the game was so buggy is because I overhauled the anticheat system, due to some people bypassing it and didn't properly test it. This happens when I implement new systems. The cum system and the character info page were the same way. When I first added them, they were super buggy and caused the player to get trapped in the character info menu. I will be sure to test these things thoroughly in the future so hopefully this never happens again.
I apologize to all that were disappointed by this, especially those who remained calm and mature. I will do better going forward.