- May 16, 2018
- 67
- 62
It's getting thereV. 3.8 was realised not so long time ago, does it will adding in this mod soon?
r3.8 Progress Report #11 - MAY 15 @ 16:50 UTC (Task List)
I know it's been a while, but we are closing in here on the final steps. I have the revisions for the new Beth scene and I'm working on putting them in after I finish this post. I still need the revisions for the new Summer scenes, and when I have those, I'll do another progress report.
So, how much time is left? Is it done yet? WHEN IS UPDATE?!
The short answer to those questions is still (unsatisfyingly): soon. While I would love to be much less vague and give a specific date, that either means forcing us to crunch to hit that, or wildly guessing about a date (which doesn't mean anything if we can't actually make that date).
Next to the scene implementation itself, round 1 scene revisions are one of the most time intensive steps. They involve not just looking for issues in the scene, but often going outside that scene to make sure things still make sense in the context of the game.
But we are in the last stages here. Once I've put in all of the major revisions, the scenes get a second round editor review (this time mainly looking for typos or omissions), then I put in any lingering changes found in round 2. Then we both have one last going over of the new scenes in the game for any unresolved problems. This will be our last chance to really change/fix anything, and after that is completed, we move onto the Release Candidate.
The RC is the final build of the game that you guys will eventually get to play, and if there are no major issues here, I flip it live and the update is out. If there is a major problem (game code errors, missing images, i.e. anything that causes the game to crash (not including save issues, no good way to fix those...)), that will get fixed, I do an RC #2, and repeat as needed. Small issues, like any typos will just have to be there until the next time.
Again, I know this one has taken longer than usual, but we are going as quickly as is reasonable. Mainly not trying to crunch on our end at all if possible. I am really excited to get this into your hands, and I hope you'll all enjoy it!
Anyhow, thanks for being awesome!
Lastly, I'm working on a collaborative scene that is still in it's early stages and I'm not ready to say much about yet.
Sadly, as much as I would like x-ray throughout the game, there really isn't a way to do it. I can't draw the needed artwork and they just won't work with video animations (2-3 frame animations are possible, but not the smooth video ones). I did however "fix" the art in the scene to include missing details.Also I believe the Beth Scene would be a good candidate for an X-Ray Scene if /when that can be managed.
Not sure how you would add it to my request list... that's not really how it works? I've already said that x-ray throughout the game is something that most likely isn't going to happen.I'll add it to the request list when I get a chance (else you can if you get a chance).
Still in progress, not ready for this update, and still not ready to talk about it.Found this from your response to one of my questions from back in Jan. Has this Colab Scene been finished/ is being worked on/ Abandoned as of now?
All good. Keep at it mate.Sadly, as much as I would like x-ray throughout the game, there really isn't a way to do it. I can't draw the needed artwork and they just won't work with video animations (2-3 frame animations are possible, but not the smooth video ones). I did however "fix" the art in the scene to include missing details.
Not sure how you would add it to my request list... that's not really how it works? I've already said that x-ray throughout the game is something that most likely isn't going to happen.
Still in progress, not ready for this update, and still not ready to talk about it.
I think tbe secret is to just call him papa mirrorNo need to worry, I am just glad that you are doing all this, I think it is just great that once you're done I will be able to once again be a leech, and get to enjoy all your hard work.
Thank you very much!
P.S. thank you so much for taking the time to inform us, I mean you didn't even have to do that but you did.. Thank you
Crunch shouldn't exist for paid work, let alone volunteer. Thanks for the status updates.While I would love to be much less vague and give a specific date, that either means forcing us to crunch to hit that...
r3.8 Progress Report #10 - MAY 8 @ 21:45 UTC (Task List)
I know it feels like things are taking longer than normal, and that is mostly because they are. If you are wondering what the heck the hold up is, that is on me for being a bit too vague about what it is we are doing at the moment. This post is going to talk a little bit about the current process, but if you just want to know when the update is coming out, the answer is still... soon(tm).
So what is the current hold up?
Simply put, we aren't done with editing. It is easy to think (mostly because it's what I imply in my posts) that this process should be a few hours at most, just fixing a some typos, or missing punctuation. But finding "mistakes" is actually the smallest part of what happens in the editing process.
First, very briefly, this is how I put updates together (very, very simplified). I get the game files, I pull out all the assets (image, text, animations), I do some black magic on them (slicing), I program those elements into the Renpy game, using Unity as a guide for where to put what, and then I play the new scenes a few times, and maybe add some little extras here and there. This has been the process since I first started, but for a long time it's been mostly just me, working on whatever time I could/wanted to allot to the project.
While having just me doing stuff can make things fast (I'm the only person I have to wait on (and if I want things to be faster, I can just sleep less)), it also makes them less... good. While I wouldn't go so far as to say my original work on this project was terrible, it has noticeably improved (at least I think so) since I had other people step in to help.
And I'm no longer working completely alone.
Things changed last year when aaronminus and kimlana joined in to help fix some of the dialogue mistakes littered all throughout the game. Unfortunately, kimlana didn't stay on very long, but aaronminus has stuck around and been working with me on the project ever since. But what are they actually doing?
While finding typos, missing punctuation, and grammatical errors is a part of it, it's actually the smallest part. A lot of time is spent improving some of the, uh... less good dialogue (either from me or Ferdafs). Taking things like (not actual lines from the update, so no spoilers here, just an example of line changes) "You thrust into your mom." into something more like "Holding your mother's hips you thrust in and out of her soaking wet pussy." As well as having things make more sense, or updating dialogue in other spots of reflect new events placed into past days.
But this dose have a time trade off to it. My forward progress is now dependent on someone else, and their own time constraints. I can't put in revisions to a scene if I don't have those changes.
So, what the heck is taking so long?!
The very short answer is, we have lives that don't revolve around this game. It get's worked on as time permits. In the past I have pushed for shorter deadlines, but this really isn't fair to aaronminus who has to crunch to get that work done. Or, I have to forgo improvements and put out a lower quality game.
Yes, we are taking a bit longer here, but the trade off is that we aren't burning out to have the game ready a few days sooner.
There is a silver lining.
Usually I'm in such a hurry to get it done right now, as fast as I can, go-go-go-go! That I don't add some extras I might otherwise do. Case in point, while I've been waiting on revisions, I've added a number of extras. Two additional animations, some choices, and the major feature for Wild Summer I talked about in the previous progress report.
Without the more relaxed pace of editing this go around, I most likely would have not done any of these, and the update would be out right now, full of typos and at a lower quality. Sure, we could fix them in the next update, but then you're playing a lower quality scene as your first experience with it, and players might never go back and see any of the improvements.
At the end of the day, the question is, is it worth taking more time? And (again, at least for me) the answer is yes, or I wouldn't be doing it. I think a better quality is worth waiting for, and not pushing ourselves to the quitting point is also important.
Also, importantly, unlike many other devs, I'm not just going to be silent and vanish into the night, giving you no hope that anything is being done. We are working on it, I'm working on it right now! It just isn't ready yet.
Anyhow... I know that was another long rambling post... but I'm very excited to get this out to you all, and we are going not as fast as we can, but at a pace that won't burn us out. Thanks for staying awesome!
Ooh~ That's brilliant!Renpy also (apparently) uses labels for saving (which I did not know), remembering the name of the label and the line you were on in that label. But I've been putting scenes into past days, and I use the label system in a very procedural way. This is how the scene selector works, by looking at the day and scene number to jump to the right spot. If I put in a new scene (or break up a scene) this label represents the position of that scene, and other labels are "adjusted" to keep them in the right spot.
Which means I've been renaming labels to keep things in order, apparently a huge fucking no-no. If your save has ever loaded in the wrong scene (or not loaded at all), this is the reason why.
So it's like double bookkeeping, two ledgers with today's numbers and yesterday's. You check today's numbers with yesterday's to determine the difference and output the sumcheck total. Except in the case of Renpy's programming, one index would contain only Jump Labels while a second index runs solely for Save Jump Labels. Question is how can you get Renpy's engine to run two indexes with everything inside the directory at the same time while also being compatible with different file versions for all players?I actually do think I have a solution: double labels. A jump label, and a save label. I can include empty label blocks, things that have no code in them. These will be the jump labels, labels I can change, that are always in order, and (that from everything I have read) shouldn't impact saves at all. And a second label, the save label, which will never change moving forward.
And I actually do think I have a solution: double labels. A jump label, and a save label. I can include empty label blocks, things that have no code in them. These will be the jump labels, labels I can change, that are always in order, and (that from everything I have read) shouldn't impact saves at all. And a second label, the save label, which will never change moving forward.
Here is the code to make the change a bit more clear. Currently, scene look like this:So it's like double bookkeeping, two ledgers with today's numbers and yesterday's. You check today's numbers with yesterday's to determine the difference and output the sumcheck total. Except in the case of Renpy's programming, one index would contain only Jump Labels while a second index runs solely for Save Jump Labels. Question is how can you get Renpy's engine to run two indexes with everything inside the directory at the same time while also being compatible with different file versions for all players?
I see why that would be an exceptional pain in the ass.
label d23_6:
$ current_scene = '23_6'
scene black
# Image display code remove in this example.
"You peek around the door from the hall."
label x23_6:
$ current_scene = '23_6'
label d23_6:
scene black
# again, I took out the image display code to make the example less cluttered.
"You peek around the door from the hall."
I am using dynamic jumping to get to things, the actual code that jumps is: $ renpy.jump("x" + target_scene)This sounds like the wrong fix. Renpy supports dynamic jumping, ie you can tell it to jump to whatever label whose name is contained in a string variable. So you can have individual scenes just having their fixed labels, and then have an array or so holding information like "What is the label of the second scene on day 23?".
Yeah, it can take a lot of my time, but, so does any hobby. I balance it as best I can with other things I want to do. Usually, outside of when we get new content from Ferdafs, I'm not doing all that much on the game. I work on the project when I want to (mostly when there is something fun I want to add), and don't touch it when I'm not feeling it (why blinks are lingering in hell).Hey Night Mirror, i really enjoy what you are doing. But this must be really time Consuming, if you dont mind me asking, what else are you doing in your free time? Friends, relationships?